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Old 09-04-03, 21:32
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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Default Watching TV today has been amazing...

History before your eyes, a people recognizing and celebrating their liberation after 25 years of fascist rule, freedom from fear. My god, how completely stirring...

The job's not done yet, and there will be much to do in the peace, but I don't think anyone can dispute the power of this thing. Nor the rightness.

Truly, a memorable day.
:remember :support
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Old 09-04-03, 22:22
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Smile Re: TV today

I was wondering how long it would take before the Marines offered to help topple the statue in Bagdad, the Iraqi's were sure determined to bring it down, although their rope was a bit to short the first time around.

Would be nice if CNN could simply say 'Armoured Recovery Vehicle' instead of everything else they called it, their Military Experts must have been on an extended coffee break during that time.

Quite the firefight at the University only two km from there while all this was going on in the square, apparently no Marine casualties, the last I heard.

Me thinks it's all just about said and done, for the most part.

Question, just where is or has been the Iraqi standing army through all of this, did they ever exist or is it just all been smoke and mirrors, on the part of the regime? I know that the thugs have blended into the general population, but I don't think they'll be safe for long, before someone will recognize someone and, well, you know how that goes.....................

Last edited by Mark W. Tonner; 10-04-03 at 00:44.
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Old 09-04-03, 23:08
Alexander Borgia
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Default don't be too quick

As I write, I'm listening to the Reuters reporter arguing with her home office about the story she is filing, and she very clearly stated that she won't file a story that the New York thinks it wants. She's swearing her head off, and in her words, "there was only a few hundred ****ing people there in a city of millions." I am assuming she's referring to the jubliation.

Considering that the Taliban is making a comeback, and has even taken over some gov't offices in Zabul (not Kabul) let's not be too hasty. Russian sources have indicated that the regular military was told to hide and not give up their positions until the US got into Baghdad, and that so far only a recce force is in there, then they are planning to mount a counter offensive.

Were I commanding the Iraqi forces, this is the plan I would be adopting, time will tell whether this is the plan and whether it will succeed or not. But, I do have to note that the US is claiming 7500 pows, and even if causalties were as high as 5000, that still leaves a few hundred thousand Iraqi soldiers unaccounted for.
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Old 09-04-03, 23:26
R Mark Davies R Mark Davies is offline
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Default Russian Sources

Ah yes, these would be the same Russian sources you quoted earlier...?

And I suppose the Nazi 'Werewolves' are going to come charging out of their German cellars any day now...

The trouble is, Alexander, that you are not commanding the Iraqi forces. In fact, I'd be surprised if you'd ever served in any country's armed forces. Nope, in fact the Iraqi forces are commanded by a self-deluding dictatorship that believes its own propaganda (which has repeatedly sent its own forces to destruction in the open, in daylight, against infinitely superior forces).

Hang on a minute, perhaps you are qualified to command the Iraqi armed forces...

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Old 09-04-03, 23:53
Alexander Borgia
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Default This is really personal for you

Perhaps you need a bit more fibre in your diet. As I indicated in my post, time will tell.

But I am making a formal complaint to Geoff that you have personally attacked me for posting an opinion without making a direct attack at you or anyone else. Please feel free to offer a contradicting opinion, but please keep your flames to yourself.

As far as Hussein goes, indications are that he may possibly be seeking refuge in the Russian Embassy and may be seeking exile in Russia. If that is the case, then I continue to maintain the opinion that he should be brought before the ICC for crimes against humanity. This is the Canadian way of doing business.
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Old 10-04-03, 00:07
R Mark Davies R Mark Davies is offline
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Default Servicemen's Humour


You have repeatedly pontificated about 'respecting people's opinion', yet you have constantly mocked and 'shouted down' (in electronic terms), anyone who has dared oppose your 'correct' view. But then, isn't that always the way...

As for making it personal... perhaps you don't understand servicemen's humour, after all?

Mark :
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Old 10-04-03, 00:10
Alexander Borgia
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Default Yup

typical response of an idiot. Go to hell.
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Old 10-04-03, 19:47
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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Default That's just about enough of that, thank you...

There will be no more such "debate" from you, Alexander. "Idiot" and "go to hell" say volumes about you rather than about your intended target.

Has it occurred to you that your political views and methods of expression may be a bit out of place, and perhaps even unwelcome, in a forum which has its roots in a traditional military mindset? You might want to keep that in mind.

In any case, the next time you address someone in this manner, your posting privileges in this forum will be suspended.
:remember :support
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Old 10-04-03, 19:58
Pete Ashby Pete Ashby is offline
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As I have said before out of place, unwelcome, repetitious and boring

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Old 10-04-03, 20:01
Dana Nield Dana Nield is offline
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Default PLONK!

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Old 10-04-03, 20:59
Pete Ashby Pete Ashby is offline
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Point taken, I'm afraid my cool English reserve gets a bit heated, I'll shut up now

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Old 10-04-03, 21:01
Dana Nield Dana Nield is offline
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Talking Sorry Mate!

That wasn't specifically aimed at you!


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Old 10-04-03, 21:46
Pete Ashby Pete Ashby is offline
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No offence taken, I think you gave good advice. After all you can't have an argument on your's just noise. We have a saying in rural Oxfordshire..'he be just shout'n art the wind you'


PS Dictionary def of noise:
1,loud confused shouting or outcry
2,harsh or unwanted sound
3,irrelevant or meaningless information

Just thought I'd share that with you all
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Old 11-04-03, 00:05
Alexander Borgia
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Default Re: That's just about enough of that, thank you...

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
[B]There will be no more such "debate" from you, Alexander. "Idiot" and "go to hell" say volumes about you rather than about your intended target.

-----So basically what you are saying is that it is okay to insult me for possessing my opinions on military matters? Maybe you should cleat that up because my post was in response to insults hurled at me.

Has it occurred to you that your political views and methods of expression may be a bit out of place, and perhaps even unwelcome, in a forum which has its roots in a traditional military mindset? You might want to keep that in mind.

-----Traditional military mindest? This is more in line with "those not with us are against us." Were you all serving members of the military, this would make more sense. Even many US generals and officers maintain my opinion.

I might also like to point out that both Hanno and Michael D. posted that they were opposed to the war. Considering the abuse I have suffered for posting my views, I fully understand them not saying anything more on the subject, and any others for that matter.

In any case, the next time you address someone in this manner, your posting privileges in this forum will be suspended.

----turf me now if you will allow others to post insults at me. As I said before, if an opposing view cannot be proffered without attracting innsults, then you should post the official policy of what everyone's opinion should be so that everyone will keep in line.
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Old 11-04-03, 02:31
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Alexander, this debate is idiotic and a grand waste of my time. I'm tired and I don't have time for this shit.

You told two separate forum members to "go to hell", because they disagreed with you. Albeit they weren't terribly 'respectful', but then again, neither were you in terms of the fundamental values held by the majority of members of this forum, or in your subsequent replies to their initial comments. I've read it all... in every case, YOU were the one escalating things; others were reacting. And it was YOU who just HAD to take it one step further until your final argument - useful as always - became "Go to hell!".

Sorry, that doesn't wash. That dawg don't hunt.

You might be surprised at the number of emails and PMs I've received in the last 24 hours from members of this forum asking me 'how can I filter out posts by that idiot Borgia?'. People here don't want to listen to your particular brand of political rhetoric.

And neither do I.

I paid for this forum out of my own pocket, I own it, and I spend a lot of time running it, all on behalf of its members, many of whom have been ardent supporters since the beginning and indeed, long before. I set this current version up with a 'non-WW2' discussion area to provide our membership with an outlet for off-topic ideas and banter; it is NOT a free platform for the undebatable expression of radical political ideas. Get used to it. If you're looking for an outlet for your political frustrations, try ONWAR.COM... I'm sure they'll be happy to have you.

As far as your PM received just now...? I'm sorry I don't measure up to your standards. You don't measure up to mine either.

:remember :support
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Old 11-04-03, 06:46
Dana Nield Dana Nield is offline
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Default And on BBC2

We now join BBC2 where they are in the second hour of Cricket scores....


International Quadrangular Tournament Pakistan v Zimbabwe

10 Apr, 2003

Zimbabwe: 168 (49.1 overs)
Pakistan: 172-2 (35.2 overs)
Pakistan beat Zimbabwe by 8 wickets

International Quadrangular Tournament Pakistan v Kenya

8 Apr, 2003

Pakistan: 286-8 (50.0 overs)
Kenya: 143 (31.4 overs)
Pakistan beat Kenya by 143 runs
Pakistan 6 points, Kenya 0 points

International Quadrangular Tournament Sri Lanka v Zimbabwe

7 Apr, 2003

Sri Lanka: 193 (49.1 overs)
Zimbabwe: 194-6 (48.4 overs)
Zimbabwe beat Sri Lanka by 4 wickets
Zimbabwe 5 points, Sri Lanka 1 points
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Old 11-04-03, 21:55
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default And to quote Monthy Python!!

Spam,spam spam spam,
Spam,spam,spam spam.
'My bird is dead""E's not dead,e's aving a rest"
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Old 11-04-03, 23:41
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He's not dead - e's only sleeping -

he's only upright 'cos he's nailed to the perch!
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Old 11-04-03, 23:44
Tim Sullivan Tim Sullivan is offline
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Default Re: Re: That's just about enough of that, thank you...

I might also like to point out that both Hanno and Michael D. posted that they were opposed to the war. Considering the abuse I have suffered for posting my views, I fully understand them not saying anything more on the subject, and any others for that matter.



Although there might be members of this board that have opinions AGAINST the war, as you said you seem to be the only one that openly voices your anti-war ideas. You cite it's because of bow you have been "attacked" in your anit-war postings, but I'd argue that the others don't post not because they're worried about being attacked, but they know that the majority of the board here are Pro-war and out of respect for Geoff the forum owner and the other members they keep their opinions to themselves.

Not only that but you seem to go out of your way to make sure every thread about the war has an anti-war piece of rhetoric attached to it, I'll use the thread that I made comment in before, the light-hearted and joking thread about funny quotes. You brought the light-heartedness down with a posting about Brits cleaning the dead bodies of their fallen camerades.....I don't see the relevent nature there. You found humour in their having to wear NBC suits to protect themselves from American munitions...sorry, that's not funny.

I'm not necessarily pro-war myself. I DO think the UN should have backed up the resolutions it made, but I also question why "all of a sudden" Iraq was such a concern for the U.S., so don't think this is another comment from a pro-war supporter. I agree with you that you were chided by another forum member, perhaps too harshly. But you can't attack him back, that's the whole "two wrongs..." arguement. You would have been far better to have taken the moral high ground and commented to Geoff about it rather than making your comments.

Nothing personal against you Alexander, but it just seems like you are taking the radical left against the war proven by some of the radical leftist "news" sources you cite in your postings. You KNOW most on this board are pro-war, you aren't going to change their minds any more than they'll swing you in favour of the war, so why bother trying? Why not save your postings to comment on subjects of less controversy... maybe WWII paint colours? hehehe.....

Let's keep the personal attacks out of the board mates, it's nice to have a friendly atmosphere here at MLU, let's hope to keep it that way....

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Old 12-04-03, 08:56
Pete Ashby Pete Ashby is offline
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Thumbs up

I'll go with that Tim, I like paint colours anyway !!!!!

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Old 12-04-03, 11:10
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Talking Hehehe

Originally posted by Pete Ashby
I'll go with that Tim, I like paint colours anyway !!!!!
I'm with you guys... those military pastels are something, aren't they? So... chic... and that neverending conundrum - contrast or collusion...
:remember :support
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Old 12-04-03, 16:21
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Default colours

Not just the colours, the way they are used together to make complete schemes, jungle, arctic, desert - no matter where you live there's a colour scheme to suit.
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Old 12-04-03, 22:12
Ted Gil Ted Gil is offline
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Thumbs up My thoughts on the Iraqi War

Prior to the invasion of Iraq, Pres. Bush had categorically stated that if Sadam Hussein did not disarm of his weapons of mass destruction, we the United States will disarm him, make no doubt of it. So far no weapons have been found (must have sneaked it out of the country). Now it's not a war of disarmament but twisted to reflect a war of liberation (or some other agenda). Oil? Could Saddam Hussein, heaven forbid, had been tellin the truth, that he had no such weapons. If no weapons are found Bush and the U.S. led coalition are responsible for the assassination of government officials (targets), deaths of thousands of Iraqi military personnel (who will be mourned and missed by their families), civilian casualties and destruction of property, plus casualties among coalition forces. Prime Minister Chretien was correct in acknowledging that U.N. Resolution 1441 was drawn up for disarming Sadam Hussein not changing the regime and he still stands behind his statement. Normally I don't agree with many aspects of his government but I'm 100% behind him on this issue. Its sad that in this day and age so much misery could have been averted with the continuation of weapons inspection. If this reads like a letter to the editor so be it.
Ted Gil
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Old 12-04-03, 22:18
Snowtractor Snowtractor is offline
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Default Pastels you say? thinks you joke and yet aren't the SAS pink panther landrovers painted a pastel....
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Old 12-04-03, 22:47
Pete Ashby Pete Ashby is offline
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Pastels be damned Sir!!, lets have lashings of Knobles Tarmac Green, now theres a colour to stir the blood...... and the tin come to think of's late and I'm half way down a good bottle of red so what the hell... G3 is the colour of my C15A so who wants a fight? now this is what I call debate bugger politics

Paint freak of Oxford

PS not keen on the colour red though
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Old 12-04-03, 22:55
Snowtractor Snowtractor is offline
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Default Not to mention Oatmeal...

...should be thick enough to mend holes in submarines or to use as temporary me dear old mum used to make :-)
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Old 12-04-03, 23:59
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Smile Re: Not to mention Oatmeal...


You forgot to mention that it should be thick enough for patching the holes in the wall that were made after Mom whipped the bowl at your noodle and missed, cause you had told her that you didn't want any 'BLINKING' oatmeal...................

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Old 13-04-03, 01:24
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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Default Me Mum was a Scot...

Oatmeal... I LOVE it! A few raisins mixed in... brown sugar and milk... almost as good as ... SPAM!
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Old 13-04-03, 02:04
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SPAM ! ........................................... : : me thinks I'd rather stick with the good old 'STICK-TO-YOUR-RIBS-MOM'S-OATMEAL'


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Old 13-04-03, 02:31
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Default Chicken!!

Spam & beans... YUM... almost as good as a good, home-made bully stew... every cat from miles around sits on my porch when THAT'S cooking...
:remember :support
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