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Old 19-08-18, 03:32
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Winnipeg, MB, Canada
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A major milestone has been reached.

After a couple of individuals pointed out it is necessary to load the output Jones Socket on the ZE-11 and ZE-12 Supplies with an appropriate resistance in order to get the true output, I did the obvious. I reread the test instructions for these supplies. There they were. A 3000 Ohm resistor was needed to jump the two HT terminals and an 8 Ohm resistor across the LT terminals. The readings are taken across each resistor. And both readings dropped right into the stated specification range.

Finally, with a fully operational Remote Supply I can now complete the cleaning and inspection stage of the Remote Receiver and see what it is up to.

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