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Old 12-08-07, 18:43
Gregory Pollard Gregory Pollard is offline
Gregory Pollard
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Cornwall, Ontario, Canada.
Posts: 11
Default S.D.&G. Highlanders Roll of Honor Photo Search

Hello Friends of MLU,

I am the nephew of L/Cpl. George Grenville Pollard, C 54200, of the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders (Glens). My uncle was murdered on June 17, 1944, at the Abbaye d'Ardenne at the hands of German soldiers under the command of Major- General Kurt Meyer of the 25th Panzer Grenadier Regiment. His body is the only one not found out of the twenty Canadian soldiers killed at the Abbaye.

I have been working on a huge project for the Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry Highlanders for the past three years. At the Glens Reunion every year in June, the Glens Roll of Honor is read. I am trying to find photos of all the men killed or missing in action, from the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Battalion Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders, also from the War in Korea, for a DVD slide show. So far, I have 119 photos, and 172 grave markers out of 331 slides. Most of the photos are from old newspaper clippings, it would be nice to have original photos.

I will also take any photo or information about any Glen that served in WWII. This information will be given to the S.D.&.G. Highlanders Regiment Museum, in Cornwall, Ontario.

1st Battalion S.D.&G. Highlanders Roll of Honor

Commissioned Officers

ANNABLE Lieutenant Thomas Edward
ASSELIN Lieutenant Hayden Charles
CAIN Captain George
FALKNER Major Graeme
FAWTHROP Lieutenant Ross Charles
FISHER Major Frank Lester
FISHER Lieutenant Harold Crawford
FOWLER Captain Byron Eric
GRANT Captain Robert John Frederick
GRANT Lieutenant Bernard Cameron
HARTLEY Lieutenant James William
HUNTER Lieutenant George Fleming
JODOIN Lieutenant Euclide Nelson
MacDONALD Major Archibald Duncan
McWILLIAM Lieutenant Hugh Campbell
MEDHURST Lieutenant Neil Douglas
MURFITT Lieutenant Harold
STEWART Captain Alexander
STIRLAND Lieutenant Albert Frederick
THOM Major Charles Ferries Robertson
UTMAN Lieutenant George Drummond
WATT MC Captain John Arthur
WILLIAMS Lieutenant Fred
WILLIAMS Lieutenant John Frederick

Non-Commissioned Officers

ACE Private Wallace James C 54174
AITKENHEAD Private Lloyd Duncan C 79250
ALGUIRE Private Wesley Oscar C 54127
ALLEN Private Alfred Harry C 118530
ANDERSON Private Richard Frederick B 139235
ANDRIJOUSKI Private William A 22958
ARBUCKLE Private Robert Eugene D 116803
ARMSTRONG Private Malcolm Elvin Thomas D 82109
ASKHAM Private William C 9564

BAKER MM Sergeant Ernest Wilfred C 2954
BAKER Private Harold Evert C 101810
BAKER Private Ronald Clinton K 513
BAKER Sergeant William Francis Henry C 65362
BARD Private Thomas Henry B 146735
BARKER Private Roger William C 6257
BARR Lance Corporal Harold Allen C 79108
BARR Private Kenneth C 33763
BARR Private Reginald Maxwell C 33764
BARTLETT Private Stanley James G 49575
BEATON Private Douglas Angus F 32234
BEGGS Private Alexander McKenzie C 53980
BELL Lance Corporal Ernest Archibald Gentles C 53147
BERGERON Private Howard Albert C 53966
BERRY Private Andrew Allen B 102566
BERRY Private Harold Owen D 142535
BEST Private Claude John B 38384
BETHUNE Private John Bryce D 143410
BIERNASKI Private Frank Joseph C 34053
BLACK Craftsman Francis Kenneth D 129387
BOATE Private William Arthur C 120840
BOICE Sergeant Lyle Laverne C 1730
BOURGON Private Ernest Joseph Edgar C 123700
BOWEN Lance Corporal Clarence Edward C 53125
BOX Private Herbert Edward C 53859
BOYD Private William Dunbar K 71109
BRADFORD Sergeant Delbert C 5570
BRADY Private Frank Joseph C 80166
BROOKS Private Walter James B 127618
BROUGH Private Leonard Gordon D 175599
BRUNELLE Sergeant Arthur Lucier L 102988
BURNS Corporal Robert Earl C 20518

CAMERON Private Leslie Clifton F 13297
CAMPBELL Warrant Officer Class II Duncan Archibald C 541147
CAMPBELL Lance Sergeant Walter Francis C 57571
CARROLL Private Bernard Clarence F 2835
CATCHER Private Thomas Isaac Brina B 381180
CHUNN Sergeant Charles C 53049
CICALO Private Peter C 58726
COLLETTE Private Henry Alexander C 54307
CONNACHER Private Thomas B 115869
CONNER Private Kenneth Eugene C 115869
COONEY Private Russell Howard C 65009
CORNWALL Rifleman Stanley Leslie C 53615
COVEY Private Donald Martin C 53933
CRAWFORD Private George Leslie C 101807

DAGGETT Corporal Phillip Thomas G 17718
DAVIS Private Ernest John C 65458
DAWSON Private Gerald Reginald C 53594
DEDECK Private Gerald C 53157
DEWAR Private Francis Irving M 105731
DICKINSON Private Kenneth D 139953
DICKSON Warrant Officer Class II George Merle C 53230
DIXON Corporal Ernest Alexander C 40257
DOLL Private Benjamin Joseph M 104591
DONAHUE Private Charles Otto G 60733
DOUCETT Private Ronald William B 149168
DRUMMOND Private Frederick Robert C 53210
DUROCHER Private Emmanuel C 125058

ELIAS Private Issie D 175669
ELLIOTT Private Robert C 2758
ELLISON Private John James R. B 144659
ENRIGHT Private Michael Lorne C 79247
ERLICK Private Muni D 131331

FAIRWEATHER Private Norman Ross K 65050
FENDLEY Craftsman James Edward M 20737
FENSOME Private Peter John D 46118
FERGUSON Private James Edward C 53940

GARDNER Private Robert Henry B 116129
GEDDES Private Edward William G 2558
GERVAIS Private Harry Louis C 103294
GIBSON Sergeant Clarence Arthur C 53903
GIBSON Private Clifford Raymond C 6347

GIFFIN Private Thomas Glen C 53811
GIGURRE Private Roland Albert C 125500
GILROY Private Wilbert Norman C 4727
GLAZER Private Albert B 155107
GOOD Private Gordon Wilfred B 116634
GRAVELLE Private Steven John C 1977
GREEN Private Francis Nelson C 65156
GUNNESS Lance Corporal Cecil Ford C 53862

HALL Lance Corporal James Cecil C 53827
HANNAN Private Norman Harold C 118693
HAWKINS Sergeant Alfred Walter C 79318
HAYWARD Private Peter John C 53102
HEATH Corporal Gordon Richard C 53174
HEMMING Corporal William Leslie C 92100
HENDERSON Private Donald McCrimmon C 80225
HILL Sergeant Sherman Roger C 53954
HINDS Private Joseph Gerard C 122922
HOBBINS Private John Patrick C 53227
HOBBINS Private Michael C 77098
HOGARTH Lance Sergeant James Stuart C 40589
HOLLINGSHEAD Private Jack Ewart A 108663
HOLLINSHEAD Private John William B 16574
HONE Sergeant George William C 53813
HOUSE Private Charles Edward William Joseph B 36649
HUTCHINSON Private John James C 57510

JACKS Private Howard Joseph B 133640
JACKSON Private Clayton C 53553
JACQUES Corporal Louis James C 53638
JACQUES Private William Henry C 53920
JOHNSTON Private Donald Emert C 53621

JOHNSTON Private Robert Marnie F 57935
JOHNSTON Private William Harvey B 143230
JOSLIN Private Earl Harcourt C 612040

KAUN Private Lewis Charles L 107590
KEILTY Sergeant Francis Joseph C 117004
KENNEDY Private John D 62891
KERR Lance Corporal William Oscar C 53281
KINNEAR Private George Arthur B 147992
KLENTZ Private Joseph Leo C 79224
KOPETOSKE Private Emerson Ernest C 6342

LAMKIE Private George Lyle C 103188
LANGILLE Private Ira Charles F 86580
LAPIERRE Private Gordon C 57514
LAUBER Lance Corporal Charles Hebert C 54320
LAVIOLETTE Private Lloyd Archibald C 122192
LAWES Private Cecil Albert C 612520
LAWES Private Marshall Noah C 612664
LE BLANC Private George Isadore C 40792
LEGARY Private James Bernard C 80029
LEGROULX Private Rodolph Clayton C 54133
LENNOX Private George Evert C 80117
LEVESQUE Private Jerome Gerard C 98430
LEWINGTON Lance Corporal John Ernest C 53028
LINSEY Warrant Officer Class II Frederick John C 53083
LORD Lance Corporal Frederick Arthur James C 65465
LUBKIWSKI Private Alexander B 13196

MacDONALD Private Daniel Alexander C 53991
MacDONALD Sergeant Ian Bruce C 54293
MacDONALD Sergeant John Angus B 38288
MacDONELL Sergeant John Leo C 57569
MacDOUGALL Private John Dougald F 57491
MAHAR George Edward G 10237
MALONE Private Edmund Robert D 137131
MARACLE Private Francis C 53628
MARION Private Leo C 65639
MARTIN Sergeant Harold Ferguson C 53533
McAULEY Corporal George Thomas C 118533
McCARTHY Private Denis Gerrard B 127653
McCORMICK Private James Russell B 142368
McDONALD Private Douglas Claire C 57556
McDONALD Corporal Francis Ranald C 53335
McDONALD Private William James C 100329
McDONOUGH Private Lester Joseph D 132965
McGARRY Lance Corporal Lawrence D 156070
McGILLIVRAY Lance Corporal Borden C 40864
McGILLIVRAY Lance Corporal Donald Gordon C 80230
McGREGOR Private Kenneth C 53097
McINTOSH Private Harry Alexander C 54195
McKEON Private Hughie Michael C 77977
McLEOD Private William Archibald C 57604
McMICHAEL Private David D 71861
McMURRAY Private Patrick Harold C 53140
McQUARRIE Private Allan Clarence C 53217
McTAVISH Lance Corporal Stanley Earl H 3927
McWILLIAMS Flight Sergeant John Ashton R 67152 ( C 54151)
MEAGHER Private Alexander F 57975
MEEHAN Private Kenneth Ross C 122628
MERCER Private Gordon F 57432
METHERELL Sergeant Walter C 53322
MILLAR Private George Edward C 100139
MILLER Private Kenneth Charles C 79157
MILLIGAN Lance Sergeant George Douglas C 53807
MILLS Private Percy Elmore F 58287
MILNE MM Corporal Donald James C 54208
MITTON Private Raymond Alfred G 18630
MOORE Private Donald Edward C 121417
MOORE Lance Corporal Merle Coleman C 121815
MORAIS Private Armand G 52022
MORRISON Lance Corporal John K 62611
MOTT Corporal Elmer Joseph C 53889
MOUNT Private Clifford Frederick B 117515
MUNRO Private Hughie C 63919
MUNROE Private Frank Eugene F 57852
MURRAY Private Douglas Donald B 110658
MURRAY Private John Christopher C 124536

NADOUE Private Albert B 22620
NICHOL Sergeant Gerald Clelland C 93008
NICHOLS Private Leroy Charles F 10517
NICHOLSON Private Basil Boyd F 95324
NICKERSON Private George Alfred F 58166
NICOL Sergeant Charles C 48563
NOER Private Charles Henry H 95678
NORTHMORE Private Robert Frederick C 40286
NORTHMORE Private Ronald Edward C 40287

OSLUND Private Sydney Alexander B 155242

PAGET Private Hazen Henry G 1153
PARENT Private Charles C 36546
PARKS Lance Corporal Stirling William M 51244
PASQUINO Lance Sergeant Donald B 54755
PAULSON Private Irvin Roger H 1432
PEDRO Private George Michael C 35003
PELLOW Lance Corporal Donald Andrew C 53023
PERESKY Private Andrew B 143519
PERIARD Corporal Aime Pascal C 54294
PERKINS Private Lawrence Burton C 53876
PERRIGO Private Lawrence Peter C 9129
PERRY Private Valmont F 5628
POITRAS Private James Edward C 100236
POLLARD Lance Corporal George Grenville C 54200
PONTING Private Sidney John C 40292
POOLE Private Johnny Borden C 65308
PORTEOUS Private Earle Ernest C 79100
POTTER Private Harold Gordon F 52064
POTTS Private John Elvin C 40620
POWELL Private Samuel Donald C 115150

QUINN Private William Ernest Charles D 132989

RAY Corporal Ernest Raymond C 4540
REDDICK Private Carman Russell Stanley C 40869
REID Lance Corporal Stamford Joesph C 78183
RHAMEY Private William Carman C 80090
RICHARDSON Sergeant Gerald C 94545
ROBERTS Private Frederick Thomas B 126018
ROBERTS Private James Ben D 139705
ROBERTSHAW Private Hugh Wellington B 49329
ROBINSON Private Joseph Elwin B 115833
ROFFEY Private John Frederick B 79897
ROLPH Corporal George Thomas C 40562
ROSS Private Malcolm Arthur F 20426
RUNHAM Corporal Charles Cornwall C 53826
RUNNING Private Donald C 116004

SALTARSKI Private Joseph B 117209
SAVOIE Private Oxiard Joseph G 4835
SAWATZKY Corporal John B 116108
SCHOFIELD Private Douglas Reginald B 115843
SHARPE Private Douglas Murray B 132317
SHEARER Private Alexander Marshall G 27267
SINCLAIR Private Carl Mason B 137824
SKILLEN Private Joseph John C 32363
SMITH Private Edgar Douglas F 4948
SMITH Corporal George William C 53526
SMITH Private Graham C 101600
SMITH Private Robert C 35006
SMITH Lance Sergeant Roy Arthur C 57574
SPENCER Private Francis Wilber C 124540
SPURGE Warrant Officer Class II Frank Edward C 53808
STALKER Private James William H 19247
STAPLEY Private Ralph Jonathon C 115018
STEVENS Private John James C 54225
STEWARD Private Jack Allan C 63815
STEWART Private Robert Cumminger F 44053
SULLIVAN Lance Corporal James Edward F 2515
SUTHERLAND Lance Sergeant Robert Jamieson Gordon C 53959
SWEENEY Private Charles William F 36078
SWEET Lance Sergeant John Alexander C 53346

TEDLEY Private Frank B 136861
TEEPLE Private Ivan James B 115517
THACKERAY Private Roy Ivenson B 117047
THOMPSON Corporal Harold Trueman B 46837
THOMPSON Lance Corporal James Alexander B 22245
TOOKE Corporal John Howard D 121966

WAGSTAFF Lance Corporal Douglas Elmo F 85591
WAKELY Private George Sydney C 123972
WALSH Private Leonard Thomas G 23867
WANNAMAKER Private John James B 134480
WATSON Private John Allingham. C 65547
WAY Private Lionel Murch C 122277
WEBSTER Private Howard Arlington A 104166
WHITE Private David Arthur B 75494
WHITING Private Douglas B 147413
WHITMARSH Corporal Joseph William C 53820
WILDMAN Private Harold Richard Frederick D 143477
WILLIAMS Private Charles James B 52502
WILSON Private James Gerard F 82688
WINN Private Walter Albert C 53082
WOOD Private Ross John B 115966
WORTHINGTON Private William Donald B 148993

YOUNGS Private Sidney Howard C 57616

2nd Battalion S.D.&.G. Highlanders

BELLIS Flying Officer Robert Samuel J 44062
BIRKS Pilot Officer Richard Salisbury J 17309
BOUGH Sergeant Roy Edward R 180547
BRADY Warrant Officer Class I Laurence Edward Joseph R 171336
BROUILLETTE Flying Officer Sidney Phillipe Richard J 13030
CHAMBERS Warrant Officer Class II Patrick Kelly R 96292
COLBRAN Flight Sergeant Lester Owen R 96163
COLLINS Flying Officer Albert Charles J 16769
COWAN Warrant Officer Class I John Henry R 95716
DEWAR Flight Sergeant Kenneth Barrie R 125448
FISHER Sergeant John Allan 10194
HARRISON DFM Pilot Officer Arthur J 18007
LAPENSEE Lieutenant Reginald Maurice
MacCOSHAM Flight Sergeant William Raymond R 95723
MacGREGOR Pilot Officer John Alfred Stuart J 92532
MADEN Flight Sergeant Earl Kitchener R 135967
McGINN Flight Sergeant Wilfred Lawrence R 82408
MONAHAN Pilot Officer Joseph Earl J 16554
SANDELIN Warrant Officer Class II Robert Simeon R 82680
SHAVER Major James Hermon
SMIRL Sergeant Glendon Arthur R 204325
SNETSINGER Fight Lieutenant Arnold Joseph J 44733
UTMAN Sergeant Keith Barkley R 82046
VIAU Flying Officer Raymond Gerald J 19099
VIPOND Pilot Officer Dalton Eastman J 6995
WHYTE Flight Lieutenant Stuart Paul J 21439

3rd Battalion S.D.&G. Highanders

BERIAULT Private Joseph Albert Gerrard C 122234

War In Korea

VIPOND Lieutenant Milton Cameron ZC 3939
GALLINGER Private Paul Henry SC 18229
STEER Lance Corporal Donald Henry C 800202

I am hoping someone can help me with this long list. Sorry about the length of this thread, but these names are very important to the Vets and their families.

Bye for now,
Gregory Pollard
“Up the Glens”

Example of slide on DVD
Attached Thumbnails
glens memorial music.jpg  
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Old 12-08-07, 19:01
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Gregory, did you mean this to be an independent thread, or an extension of the existing SDG thread? No problem either way, just want to be sure.

:remember :support
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Old 12-08-07, 19:09
Gregory Pollard Gregory Pollard is offline
Gregory Pollard
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Location: Cornwall, Ontario, Canada.
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Hi Geoff,

Which ever you feel would be best for MLU. I am new at this, I thought I had to make my own thread.

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Old 12-08-07, 19:14
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Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default It's OK

If it were general discussion I would have moved it, but this is both long and special, as well as an off-shoot of the other. It will stay independent.


:remember :support
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Old 12-08-07, 19:25
Gregory Pollard Gregory Pollard is offline
Gregory Pollard
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Thanks ,
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Old 03-08-14, 03:16
bbhmj bbhmj is offline
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Hi Greg
I have photo information for Ross John Wood. Do you want the pictures sent via this forum or private email?

Kind regards
Brad Hiscock
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Old 31-05-15, 18:25
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Originally Posted by Gregory Pollard View Post
THACKERAY Private Roy Ivenson B 117047
Dear Gregory,

Could you please contact me and/or update your email address on MLU?

A volunteer from the Holten cemetery has some info for you about Roy Iverson Thackeray B/117047, who is buried at Holten.

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