An interesting side topic here.
Does anyone know if the specifications for all Ford Crank Handles and Ratchet Bolts are the same, or were they sized slightly differently for different sized/powered engines?
The critical factor with these parts would seem to be that the central shaft of the hand crank and the diameter of its cross pin are small enough that they do not bind at all when inserted in the Ratchet Bolt by the Operator. If the fit is too snug, then Rob’s experience would be all too frequent. As soon as the engine fires, the Ratchet Nut will pull the Crank Handle away from the Operator and beat him or her with it. Not pleasant at all.
This might also be the type of part which is best not mixed with those of other manufacturers even if they look like they will work. To work best, the fit between the two should be resistance free. No big deal I suppose if one never plans to actually use the Hand Crank.