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Old 14-10-04, 06:06
Jordan Baker's Avatar
Jordan Baker Jordan Baker is offline
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Default ITS ALIVE!, again

HI everyone.

Finnaly after a very long 1.5 months my carrier is back to life. Took it for a quick drive around an old orchard and hit all the bumps. I just love how it handles them. Much smoother then wheels at the same speed.

Ive gotten a lot accomplished and learned tons since getting it back in the middle of May. The tracks are all finished (thanks Stewart for that wonderful track jack), the radiator has been rebuilt. Fuel pump done and new fuel lines. Complete new electrical system. Ive also got a few bits and pieces primed and ready for painting.

Due to the commitments of school (me neglecting it while trying to get the carrier up and running again) im having to call it quits on working on it until the spring. Next year I plan on yanking out the engine and getting the hull sandblasted and painted. Then concentrating on getting lots of fabrication done.

SO thanks to everyone on this forum who has answered my many questions. Ive really apreaciated it and I have gone from no mechanical skill to having a basic understanding of how engines function and working with metal.

Once I get my film developed I'll post up some pictures of my progress over these last few months.

Jordan Baker
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Old 15-10-04, 14:16
Frank L.'s Avatar
Frank L. Frank L. is offline
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I don't suppose you have the schematics for the track jack, do you?

I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.
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Old 15-10-04, 16:40
Jordan Baker's Avatar
Jordan Baker Jordan Baker is offline
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Default Track jack

Hi Frank

The track jack belongs to Stewart Loy. He would be able to better answer your question than me.

I would send him a P.M.

Jordan Baker
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Old 15-10-04, 17:08
rob love rob love is offline
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Default Alternate track jack

I have had the origional track jack before (need another one now) but have found the track jack issued with the M113 APC works far better and you don't have to be afraid of breaking the origional. The two claws have to be trimmed a bit but the force vs lack of effort available from the screw type mechanism is phenominal and there is less chance of it slipping than the origional. Plus one can use an impact gun on it so track replacement is very quick.
With many of the M113s destined for mothballing or targets, it isn't too hard to come up with these if you know anyone in a unit which holds them.
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Old 15-10-04, 21:54
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Frank L. Frank L. is offline
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We were thinking of doing that very same thing.

I just thought of using the proper tool for the know the saying....

I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.
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