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Old 16-12-04, 10:11
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Default Swedes in Allied Forces 1939-45

As a nation Sweden remained neutral during WW 2. The Swedes however did not.

Some 200 volunteerd for Germany but more than 9.000 joined the allies. The number of Swedish-Americans that served in the US armed forces are estimated to be some 200.000.

This picture: Valfrid Lundgren joined a supply unit in Red Deer, Alberta, 1943. He served as a motorcycle runner with Canadian 2nd Inf Div. Returned to Sweden in 1946.

Is there sombody that knows what the unit in Red Deer could have been?

ERROR. This is not Valfrid Lundgren but Hugo Lindskog! See post further down!
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Old 16-12-04, 10:40
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Default General Ivor Thord-Gray

Ivor Thord-Gray was born in Stockholm 1878 as Ivar Thord Hallström.

He made a very strange career. In British service in Bechuanaland 1897, Pondoland 1897, Boer-war 1899-1902, Zululand 1906. Captain in the British Army 1906.

Served in Tonkin 1909, Tripoli 1911, China 1912. Chief of Staff 1st Mexican Army 1913-14.

British Army 1914-17. Major 1914. LtCol and CO 11th Bn Northumberland Fusiliers 1915-16, 25th London Regt 1916-17, Brigade Cdr in GB-US Div "Theodore Roosevelt" 1917.

Department of Information, Canadian Expeditionary Force (to Russia?) 1918. MjGen in (White) Russian Koltjak Army 1919.

It is said that he was a General in the US forces during WW 2. I wonder about that because he was more than 60 years old by then.

Who knows of:

1) Canadian forces in Russia 1918?
2) Thord-Gray in US service?
3) Theodore Roosevelt Brigade WW 1?

Photo: As Russian Major-General (aged 41).

On the photo written in Swedish "To Gunnar from Thord 1920". Gunnar Hallström (1875-1943) was an artist and elder brother of Thord.
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Last edited by Stellan Bojerud (RIP); 17-12-04 at 14:10.
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Old 16-12-04, 12:41
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Default Flight Lieutenant "Chris"

Ulf "Chris" Christiernsson was born in 1913. He served in the Royal Swedish Airforce 1933-37. Thereafter pilot with Swedish airline AB Aerotransport (ABA) until recalled in active service with the Airforce in 1939.

In 1942 - with the permission of C-in-C Swedish Airforce - he joined RAF.

Serving with 680th Sqn in Libya and Italy (48 missions). In autumn 1944 transferred to 130th Sqn in Belgium (28 missions). Demobilized from RAF January 1946 becoming a pilot with Skandinaviska Aero.

What is known about aircraft types serving with 680th and 130th Sqns?
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Old 16-12-04, 13:58
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Default Swedes in RAF

Pilot Officer Otto Häggberg was born in Stockholm 1922. Joined RAF in 1940. Serving with 137th Sqn at Matslaske (?) he was on his 37th mission probably shot down by a Me-109 on 12th February 1942 in connection of German battleships breaking out from Brest.

Sgt Fredrik "Hackie" Håkansson was born 1921 and joined RAF in 1941. After training in Canada he served with 165th and later 610th Sqns. After sucessfully having shot down two V-1:s on 9th July 1944 the third V-1 exploded and damaged "Hackies" aircraft so he had to bail out. Sea rescue craft was sent out but never found him.

Picture: 137th Sqn 3rd February 1942 Coltishall. P/O Häggberg 9th from left.
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Old 16-12-04, 23:34
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Default Canadians in Russia.

Here is a link to a AHQ Report about the Canadians in Russia in 1918-1919.
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Old 17-12-04, 11:45
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Default Canadians in Russia 1918-19

Thank you John!

That link led on also to report number 83 conserning Siberia and stating which units that served there.

I think Ivor Thord-Gray was in Sibereia because he joined the 1st Siberian Rifle Division in 1919. I am not sure if he from the beginning served in the Canadian Army or with the British Bn participating in the Canadian Corps.

I read his memoires some 40 years ago.


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Old 17-12-04, 13:45
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Default Ivor Thord-Gray -- more facts

Ivar Thord Hallström born 1878 arrived in South Africa aged 14 working on a ship. He stayed there working a o as a prison guard at Robben Island.

In 1895 he joined Cape Mounted Rifles and made Lieutenant in 1901.

It is beleived that he inspired Edgar Rice Burroughs to write "Tarzan and the apes" (1914?). Tarzan should be the son of Lord Graystroke and it is belived that Gray in Thord-Gray came from that.

In 1920 he settled down in USA. Coral Gables, Florida. I have come across that he was General in Florida National Guard during WW 2 but that is not confirmed.

In summertime Ivor Thord-Grey lived in his summer-house in Furusund, Stockholm archipelago, nextdoor to Astrid Lindgren of "Pippi Longstockings" world fame.

General Ivor Thord-Gray passed away in Coral Gables, Florida, August 18th 1964.

Picture: COS Mexican 1st Army, September 1914.
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Old 17-12-04, 14:20
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Default Swedes in RAF

Tage Ståhlenberg born 1920 was an aircraft mechanics with the Royal Swedish Airforce. In 1941 he took a job as a mess boy aboard a freighter bound for USA in order to join the allies.

In New York he joined the Norwegian Airforce and was trained in "Little Norway", Canada. Joined RAF 331st Sqn. Flew 127 missions before demobilized in 1945.

Post WW 2 he was a pilot in Sweden and died in an a/c crash 31st May 1948 aged 28.

Photo 1944 in Norwegian uniform.
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Last edited by Stellan Bojerud (RIP); 18-12-04 at 14:16.
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Old 17-12-04, 15:46
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Default Princess Mary´s Regiment

The Swedish homesteaders Georg Nilsson and Harvey Nyström from 1942 served in Princess Mary´s Regt. Nilsson was KiA on Juno Beach, Nyström at Putot-en-Bessin.

What is known about this regiment?
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Old 17-12-04, 16:05
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Default He saw Sweden again

Hugo Lindskog born 1905 emigrated to Canadas as a young man and joined RCAF in 1942 serving in Great Britain. Unit unknown.

As a crew-member of a bomber (?) he saw Southern Sweden from the air but never visited his old home country before being demobilized as a Corporal in 1946 when he returned to Canada.

EDITED: Wrong photo. This is Valfrid Lundgren - see first post!
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Last edited by Stellan Bojerud (RIP); 03-02-05 at 13:02.
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Old 17-12-04, 17:27
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Default Re: Princess Mary´s Regiment

Originally posted by Stellan Bojerud
The Swedish homesteaders Georg Nilsson and Harvey Nyström from 1942 served in Princess Mary´s Regt. Nilsson was KiA on Juno Beach, Nyström at Putot-en-Bessin.

What is known about this regiment?

"1st Battalion, The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary's)"

(Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)

Regimental Number: M105456
Rank: Private
Name: Nilsson, Adolf G.
Date of Casualty: 6 June 1944

Regimental Number: M105455
Rank: Private
Name: Nystrom, Harvey
Date of Casualty: 10 June 1944

1st Battalion, The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary's) 1939 - 1946:

Details called out for local protective duties:

1st Battalion, The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Details)
(N.P.A.M. Called Out on Service) (Military District No. 11)
Authorized: GO 124/39 - Effective 26 Aug 39, Called Out on Active Service: GO 135/39 - Effective 1 Sep 39. Called Out on Active Service as Serial No. 400 - 1st Bn, The Canadian Scottish Regiment, C.A.S.F. (Details) - GO 135/39 - Effective 1 Sep 39

Serial 400 - 1st Battalion, The Canadian Scottish Regiment, C.A.S.F. (Details)
Authorized: GO 135/39 - Effective 1 Sep 39, C.A.S.F. designation dropped: GO 273/40 - Effective 7 Nov 40

Serial 400 - 1st Battalion, The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Details)
Authorized: GO 273/40 - Effective 7 Nov 40, Disbanded: GO 44/41 - Effective 31 Dec 40

1st Battalion placed on active service:

Serial 734 - 1st Battalion, The Canadian Scottish Regiment, C.A.S.F.
Authorized: GO 184/40 - Effective 24 May 40, C.A.S.F. designation dropped: GO 273/40 - Effective 7 Nov 40

Serial 734 - 1st Battalion, The Canadian Scottish Regiment
Authorized: GO 273/40 - Effective 7 Nov 40, Allocated to the Canadian Infantry Corps as: Serial No. 734 - 1st Battalion, The Canadian Scottish Regiment.), C.I.C. - GO 485/42 - Effective 3 Sep 42

Serial 734 - 1st Battalion, The Canadian Scottish Regiment, C.I.C.
Authorized: GO 485/42 - Effective 3 Sep 42, Disbanded: GO 111/46 - Effective 15 Jan 46

Hope this helps.

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Old 17-12-04, 18:03
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Post Re: Nilsson, Adolf G.

Hi Stellan;

Some more information regarding Nilsson, Adolf G., can be found here, although the date of death and battalion are different then that which is published in The Canadian Scottish history.

Also, page 405 from the Second World War Book of Remembrance for 1944 (Nilsson, Adolf G., appears in the upper right hand corner).

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Old 17-12-04, 18:07
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Post Re: Nystrom, Harvey

Hi Stellan;

Some more information regarding Nystrom, Harvey can be found here.

Also, page 406 from the Second World War Book of Remembrance for 1944 (Nystrom, Harvey, appears in the lower right hand corner).

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Old 18-12-04, 09:36
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Default Fascinating

Thank you Mark!

I had a look at the lists. Obviously there were many Swedes in the Canadian Forces.

Last post for example. WO Nyberg, Ernest, Regina Rifles = typical Swedish name. Also F/S Norén, Per Oliver Kenneth RCAF, seems to be Swedish.

There are several with the family name Norman, could be Norwegian or Swedish.
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Old 18-12-04, 11:07
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Default Fighting with - and against - the allies

Assar Tano died in October 2004 aged 96. He joined the French Foreign Legion in 1929 and served to 1945. Twice awarded the Croix de Guèrre.

In May 1940 he served as a Sergent-Chef with legendary Legion 13th Half-Brigade at Narvik. Because of his knowledge of languages he played an important role as Liaison Officer.

He was in the first wave in the assault on Narvik 27-28th May 1940.

After Narvik he returned to North Africa. Following "Torch" he was ordered to fight the US troops and did so. His unit was surrounded in Fort Arzeuw in Algeria. As senior NCO in the unit Assar Tano proposed to the Commander to surrender. The Commander said that surrender was totally against the traditions of the Legion.

Assar Tano said "better one living légionaire than ten dead when it comes down to fight the real enemies of France".

The Fort surrendered. After a short wile as PoW he was issued with US equipment, promoted Adjudant (Warrant Officer) and fought the German African-Corps.

He was demobilized in November 1945 and returned to Sweden where he estabished himself as a merchantman in the small town of Övertorneå on the border to Finland in Northern Sweden.

He also joined the Hemvärnet (Territorial Army/National Guard) commanding Övertorneå District 1967-76.

Photo as an Officer in the Swedish Army.
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Old 18-12-04, 13:27
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Default Allan Mann

On 20th March 2004 "Operation Allan Mann" was carried out in the Narvik area, Norway. This was a joint British - Norwegian - Swedish exercise named in honour of Captain Allan Mann.

In 1939 Allan Mann was 18 years old and had no military experience when he volunteered as a civil labourer in Finland. There he was transferred to the Swedish Voluntary Corps serving as a motorcycle orderly.

In April 1940 he fought as a volunteer in Norway, Kongsvinger area, Roros and Os. In May 1940 he joined Norwegian 2nd Bn 15th Inf Regt fighting in Narvik. He was awarded the French Légion d´Honneur for his service in Narvik.

During 1940-44 he operated as a secret SOE-agent from Sweden making 53 tours into German-ocupied Norway. In Spring 1944 he was flown to Scotland and joined No 1 Norwegian Independent Coy - also known as Company Linge.

In November 1944 he joined USAF Colonel Bernt Balchen operating in Northern Norway from the Swedish Luleå AFB. He received the British Military Medal and Norwegian Order of S:t Olav with oakleaves.

After WW 2 Allan Mann served as a 1Lt and instructor of athletics with the Norwegian Military Academy. In 1956 he returned to Sweden and took up the same position with the Swedish Military Academy. Without having served one single day in the Swedish Army he was appointed Captain in the 15th Inf Regt reserve.

Transferred 1972 (if I remember right) to 10th Armoured Regiment. He was my instructor at the RMA and I later met him on several occasions. Last time some years ago I understood that he had severe health problems.

Today I couldn´t find him in the telephone directory and I fear he is not longer with us.

Photo: In Great Britain 1945.

PS. Could somebody identify the motorbike?
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Old 18-12-04, 13:57
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Default Count Erik G:son Lewenhaupt

Erik G:son Lewenhaupt did not fullfill his military training in Sweden due to health problems.

Aged 34 he however 1939 joined Swedish Voluntary Corps in Finland and became a Corporal in a Motor Transport Company.

In April 1940 he fought in Norway, Kongsvinger area, but was sent back to Sweden suffering from malaria. After recovering he fought in Northern Norway a o rescuing a Coy of Scots Guards and winning his first Military Cross.

He had appointed himself a Captain when he joined the Norwegian forces and such were the conditions in Norway 1940 that nobody questioned his rank.

In June 1941 he joined the British Army that did not accept his rank so aged 38 he re-started as Private. He quickly made NCO with British 1st Airborne Div. Thereafter he attended an Officers School at Southend-on-Sea (Tell me of that School - please) and 1944 he became 2Lt in Royal Army Service Corps and attached to 6th Airborne Div.

In 1944 he became Captain with 716th Independent Pathfinder Coy. He made five paradrops in combat. Jumped Normandy 6th June 1944.

He later served in Burma and Singapore. In 1947 temporary LtCol and CO of Officers School Hong-Kong. Demobilized in 1948 as Major. Received Military Cross twice and also the King´s Medal for Courage in the Cause of Freedom.

After returning to Sweden he was appointed Captain of Cavalry reserve and served as an instructor with the Swedish Paratrooper School in Karlsborg.

Photo: After having participated in the liberation of Denmark May 1945.
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Last edited by Stellan Bojerud (RIP); 18-12-04 at 17:25.
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Old 06-01-05, 11:24
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Default Assar Tano (1908-2004)

In an earlier post I have presented Assar Tano. I did however just find a 1945 photo of him (we were friends and I got it from him some years ago).

He served in the french Foreign Legion 1929-1945 and received:

1. Médaille Militaire
2. Croix de Guèrre (twice)
3. Croix de Combattant
4. Médaille Coloniale
5. Médaille Commemorative de la Guèrre 1939-1945

He also received Norwegian Freeedom medal and some post WW 2 Swedish medals.

Photo: Adjudant (Warrant Officer) Assar Tano upon retiring from the Legion on 12th December 1945.
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Old 06-01-05, 14:18
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Default In US Army

Sivert Windh served with US Army 99th Inf Bn (?) in Normandy and later with OSS.

London July 1945.
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Old 06-01-05, 22:32
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Very interesting posts.

Do you know a book "Svenskar i Krig" by Lars Gyllenhaal & Lennart Westberg?

Recommended by Marcus Wendel @Axis History Factbook/Forum

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Old 07-01-05, 06:18
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Default Svenskar i krig

Gyllenhaal & Westberg. Yes I have that book. I know both authors and helped them with controlling some facts.


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Old 08-01-05, 06:10
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Default Re: Flight Lieutenant "Chris"

Originally posted by Stellan Bojerud
Ulf "Chris" Christiernsson was born in 1913. He served in the Royal Swedish Airforce 1933-37. Thereafter pilot with Swedish airline AB Aerotransport (ABA) until recalled in active service with the Airforce in 1939.

In 1942 - with the permission of C-in-C Swedish Airforce - he joined RAF.

Serving with 680th Sqn in Libya and Italy (48 missions). In autumn 1944 transferred to 130th Sqn in Belgium (28 missions). Demobilized from RAF January 1946 becoming a pilot with Skandinaviska Aero.

What is known about aircraft types serving with 680th and 130th Sqns?
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Old 08-01-05, 06:16
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I posted a rather lengthy reply to the 2 Air Force Squadrons which you were asking about.

I don't know what happened, but the reply has disappeared!

E-mail me if you're really interested about this information, and I'll re-post.
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Old 10-01-05, 09:35
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Default Thord Gray (3)

Ivor Thord Gray was commanding Pancho Villa´s artillery in the Mexican war before being promoted COS 1st Army.
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Old 25-01-05, 00:24
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Default Valfrid Lundgren


That photo of Valfrid Lundgren shows him in RAF uniform, so he too must have had an interesting career if he ended up in the Canadian Army. It was not unheard of for people to switch between Army & Air Force, though usually you hear that people were fed up in the Army and joined the Air Force as pilots / aircrew. So its strange to think he became a D/R.

Perhaps the unit in Red Deer was a RCAF unit?

Larry Hayward

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Old 25-01-05, 10:08
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Default Valfrid Lundgren och Hugo Lindskog

Lars Gyllenhaal told told me just some days ago that the photos of Valfrid Lundgren and Hugo Lindskog has been mixed by misstake. The first photo in this thread is thus Hugo Lindskog.
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Old 03-02-05, 12:27
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Default Captain Gösta Benckert

Gösta Benckert was a Lt with Swedish Voluntary Corps in Finland 1939-40. On 14th April he joined Norwegian Army. Promoted Cpt he fought in Kongsvinger. After Kongsvinger had ben captured he and his Coy moved north fighting delaying operations and guerilla warfare. He crossed the border to Sweden on 18th June 1940.
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Old 31-03-05, 12:24
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Default Ivor Thord-Gray....again!

Slowly the picture of Ivor Thord-Gray begin to became clearer.

He arrived in South Africa 26th Dec 1895. First worked on a farm and 1896-97 as a guad on Robben Island.

Joined Cape Mounted Rifles 1897 and served to 1901. Corporal South African Constablury 1902-03. Thereafter Transvaal Civil Service.

Lt in Royston´s Horse 24th Apr 1906, prom Cpt 24th July 1906.

Service 1906-1920 see earlier post above.

He joined the Canadian Expeditionary Force to Russia in Vancouver 24th Oct 1918 as LtCol with Dept of Transport & Information.

He was married five times. His 5th wife wich he married in 1933 was Winnifred Ingersoll. When she died in 1960 he donated 1 milj USD from the heritage after her to the American-Scandinavian foundation to be the Thord-Gray Memorial Fund.

On 8th Apr 1935 he became US MjGen and COS to the Governor of Florida.

I got a message that he also was a LtGen in Venezuela but has not got that confirmed from other sources.

Fil dr h c (PhD hon) Uppsala University 1960.

Pic: In Russian uniform 1933.
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Old 26-05-05, 14:14
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Default Re: Ivor Thord-Gray....again!

Here as MjGen in USA.
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Old 12-12-05, 12:50
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Default Allan Mann

Captain Allan Mann

Captain Allan Mann passed away 5th December 2005 in Stockholm. I have in an earlier post described some parts of his unique career.

He had never fullfilled basic military training. Aged 18 he joined the Labour Corps in the Finish Winter War but was transferred to the Voluntrary Expeditionary Force where he was an orderly to Captain Malcolm Murray.

In 1940 the joined the Norwegian Army and fought in the Kongsvinger and Narvik Campaignes. He then joined British Forces in Scotland as a member of the famous Linge Company.

In 1941 he was considered unfit for military service by the Swedish Army due to his war injuries. Newertheless he joined SOE and made 52 trips to Norway as a courier. He served 68 months during the war followed by 48 months as an instructor of the Norwegian Military Academy.

In 1951 he joined Royal Swedish Military Academy where he was an instructor of amongst other close combat. He was my instructor at the Academy and loved by us all. He retired in 1984 after more than 30 years of service with the Academy.

His war decorations included British Military Medal, French Croix de Guerre and Legion d´Honneur aswell as Norwegian 0rder of S:t Olav.
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