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Old 10-11-17, 03:54
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Wink Canadair CL70 CFR 58-91588

I guess every cloud has a silver lining. Just a number of weeks ago I was all ready to acquire a project vehicle when the owner changed his mind.

I have had a number of possible projects all awaiting the right funding and opportunity and so when that one fell through I touched base with our local friend Mike Calnan about the Canadair CL70 we had been negotiating on. Once confirmed that all was still good I proceeded to make a recce as this end of the province has been closing out the fall with rain, lots of it.

So, confirmation of the literal lie of the land formulated my plans and a mutually agreeable day was arranged. I booked a rental trailer and small excavator from fellow MV owner Ryan Harriman.

A phone call was made to Peter Duggan who leapt at the chance to come recover something.

So a few days ago we arrived at Mikes place and went for a walk into the tall grass storage and poked around. After some comparison Mike offered me the opportunity to take both front cars with me as the second one has parts I will need and it is easier to take them off at a shop rather than in the field. This decision had implications later. This second front car will be returned later.

All was in order and so we walked the excavator in and started attaching to the individual front and rear cars one by one and lifting them free from the ground. They came free easily and the excavator was good at providing gentle but controllable tension to get them moving. The rear car that didn't want to roll the tracks slid well over the wet grass.

Once we had all three pieces out of the field we backed the trailer in. As part of the purchase a spare chassis frame was included.

We had thought we were taking home just two pieces and the excavator couldn't lift anything onto the back deck of the truck, so we loaded the rear car and frame onto the trailer and headed a few miles to a local business that has an overhead crane and cross decked the pair onto the back of the truck.

Returning to the field we then used the excavator to draw the front car straight up onto the trailer from alongside.

Peter was chief tape measure operator and declared that the second front car needed to be slewed across the trailer once the excavator was loaded in the middle to balance the trailer reasonably.

It took a while to tie down but we were on the road in daylight. A stop a few miles away confirmed that some parts needed attention and the rest was well secure.

The unload I did solo and it went so much faster.

There will be a short delay while other pressing projects get sorted but the planning on this project is well underway and there will be posts from time to time as things happen.

Should any of you have information about this wonderful machine please don't hesitate to chime in.

My thanks go to Mike Calnan who is great to negotiate with, Peter Duggan as drivers and loaders mate and fresh air inspector extraordinaire, Ryan Harriman in the equipment rental department and lastly in her starring role, my lady Jan in the role of the understanding partner and money mover.

If anyone can rotate the two pictures please do so as I have tried in vain.

cl70 01.jpg cl70 02.jpg

cl70 03.jpg cl70 04.jpg
Robin Craig

Home of the Maple Leaf Adapter
2 Canadian Mk1 Ferrets
Kawasaki KLR250 CFR 95-10908 ex PPCLI
Canadair CL70 CFR 58-91588
Armstrong MT500 serial CFR 86-78530
Two Canam 250s
Land Rover S3 Commanders Caravan Carawagon 16 GN 07
Trailer Cargo 3/4 T 2WHD 38 GJ 62

Last edited by Hanno Spoelstra; 10-11-17 at 15:50. Reason: rotated the two pictures
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Old 10-11-17, 04:08
Wayne Hingley's Avatar
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Looks like something you will need this winter!

rotated photos:
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1953 M37 CDN
1953 M38A1 CDN
1967 M38A1 CDN2
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Old 10-11-17, 05:34
Robin Craig's Avatar
Robin Craig Robin Craig is offline
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Thanks Wayne,

A lot of pondering may go on this winter but I need to focus a bit on other projects but I am amazed how simple the machine is.
Robin Craig

Home of the Maple Leaf Adapter
2 Canadian Mk1 Ferrets
Kawasaki KLR250 CFR 95-10908 ex PPCLI
Canadair CL70 CFR 58-91588
Armstrong MT500 serial CFR 86-78530
Two Canam 250s
Land Rover S3 Commanders Caravan Carawagon 16 GN 07
Trailer Cargo 3/4 T 2WHD 38 GJ 62
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Old 10-11-17, 06:53
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Default I had thought of these as well.

When I had been up there a month ago I looked at these and thought they were a simple and small project. I am glad they found a home, close to home and will watch for updates. Peter it seems, is always up for a recovery. Next time perhaps he will be the one buying something?
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Old 10-11-17, 15:28
maple_leaf_eh maple_leaf_eh is offline
Terry Warner
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Glad to see projects are moving from one collection to another. Willing and cooperative sellers is always better than dealing with an auctioneer, an estate clearer or grieving survivors.

To paraphrase a fellow I saw on TV once, who collected specific antique farm equipment. "Funeral at noon. Auction sale at 2:00. Refreshments will be served. Don't park on the shoulders of the highway."
Terry Warner

- 74-????? M151A2
- 70-08876 M38A1
- 53-71233 M100CDN trailer

Beware! The Green Disease walks among us!
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Old 10-11-17, 15:55
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Are there any “Before” pictures of this piece of equipment?

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Old 10-11-17, 22:43
BCA BCA is offline
Brian Asbury
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Default Canadair RAT in GTA

I spotted this one in the Toronto about 2013. 58-91572. Also there is a very nice manual on the RAT. Brian
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Last edited by BCA; 10-11-17 at 23:11.
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Old 12-11-17, 01:05
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would you be he supplier of the said "very nice manual on the RAT"?

Anyone who knows anything about his machine or others in existence please pass the info along or invite folks to make contact.

Yes Jon it is a simple project, I just need to keep my priorities in focus.
Robin Craig

Home of the Maple Leaf Adapter
2 Canadian Mk1 Ferrets
Kawasaki KLR250 CFR 95-10908 ex PPCLI
Canadair CL70 CFR 58-91588
Armstrong MT500 serial CFR 86-78530
Two Canam 250s
Land Rover S3 Commanders Caravan Carawagon 16 GN 07
Trailer Cargo 3/4 T 2WHD 38 GJ 62
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Old 15-11-17, 12:36
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Robin Craig Robin Craig is offline
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Like a giddy school kid I couldn't wait for my working day to end in Guelph yesterday and take advantage of the fact I would be passing Brian Asbury's shop on my way home, his teaser of a manual being available had filled my head with fantastic images like a child thinking of sugar plum cakes near Christmas.

When I arrived at Brian's place there was a trove of other gems awaiting purchase and we dealt with that first. All the time I was imagining what generation copy of a manual he had.

We finally retired to his office and he passed it to me and I was shocked. It is an original bound manual covering both operating and maintenance and parts all rolled into one with some very explicit cutaway drawing of various parts and good simple explanations.

The covers are a work or art and the rear has an embossed set of track imprints curving towards the spine.

Brian is going to have two copies of the manual made, one for me to use in the shop and the other for his library. So while I have touched the manual I will not get to digest it until the post office delivers it in a week or so.

Once again, thank you to Brian Asbury aka BCA on this forum and I look forward to my early Christmas present.
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Robin Craig

Home of the Maple Leaf Adapter
2 Canadian Mk1 Ferrets
Kawasaki KLR250 CFR 95-10908 ex PPCLI
Canadair CL70 CFR 58-91588
Armstrong MT500 serial CFR 86-78530
Two Canam 250s
Land Rover S3 Commanders Caravan Carawagon 16 GN 07
Trailer Cargo 3/4 T 2WHD 38 GJ 62
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Old 15-11-17, 12:40
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Robin Craig Robin Craig is offline
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Through the normally vacuous medium of the dreaded Facebook I have been dealt another gem in the form of contact with a former CF mechanic who worked on these who dropped me a line and his phone number.

When I have time tonight I will try to call Don Chisolm and see what he has to say.

I feel blessed almost
Robin Craig

Home of the Maple Leaf Adapter
2 Canadian Mk1 Ferrets
Kawasaki KLR250 CFR 95-10908 ex PPCLI
Canadair CL70 CFR 58-91588
Armstrong MT500 serial CFR 86-78530
Two Canam 250s
Land Rover S3 Commanders Caravan Carawagon 16 GN 07
Trailer Cargo 3/4 T 2WHD 38 GJ 62
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Old 15-11-17, 23:33
Ed Storey Ed Storey is offline
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Default Canadair CL-70 'Rat'

There is one 58-91570 in the CWM sitting in the Lebreton Gallery.

IMG_5953 copy.jpg
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