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Old 18-12-05, 08:18
Al Nickolson's Avatar
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Default Family burns flag in protest

Hi Guys,

Dec 15 2005
A Red Deer couple is flying the burned tatters of a Canadian flag to protest government policies that they say ruined their Christmas.
Christina and Branko Ageljic have been fighting for seven years to bring Branko’s father and mother to Canada for a visit.
Their dream of a Christmas gathering with the relatives from Bosnia were dashed this year by another rejection.
The Ageljics are so frustrated that they burned the flag and raised it to the top of their garage in Rosedale last week.
Then on Monday, Canadian-born Christina was banned from the office of Red Deer MP Bob Mills after a disagreement.
Christina said she was telling Mills’s assistant Jeri Jensen that the MP’s office had failed to help her family and didn’t return calls.
Mills’s long-time assistant Darren Kuz burst into the room, raised his voice and lifted his hand as if to hit her, she said.
“He scared my four-year-old daughter who was with me. She talked about it all night.”
But Kuz said it was Christina who became “belligerent, forceful and loud.”
Kuz said he called police and banned Christina from the office. The RCMP also warned her not to return.
“It was a scary situation. I have been here 12 years and dealt with irate people. She is in the top 10,” said Kuz.
Christina said she was utterly disappointed because she felt her country let her down.
“I was born and raised in Canada, and I’m not proud of this place,” she said.
“I thought Canada was a place of peace and assisting people in trouble or need. But Canada punishes people who ask for help.”
Christina was hoping a large family gathering at Christmas would reunite the family. Her two children have never gotten to know their Croatian grandparents.
Her husband’s parents and possibly his brother planned to visit for as long as six weeks over the holidays, she said.
Kuz said it’s a case of the government not trusting that the family will leave.
There is a suspicion they would seek refugee status. The government would turn them down, but court appeals could take years and end up costing thousands of dollars.
In 1993, Branko Ageljic’s mother Ivica and her 13-year-old daughter visited Canada. Typical visitation visas expire in six months, so the mother and daughter claimed refugee status because a war had broken out in Bosnia.
They received refugee status as well as $500 to $600 per month in government assistance to get on their feet, said Christina.
They lived with Christina and her husband, and the money helped to rent a larger home in Surrey, B.C., where they resided at the time.
After three years in Canada, Ivica and her daughter returned to Bosnia because the violence had decreased, said Christina.
But the government found it odd that Ivica would return so quickly to a place she feared and questioned her refugee claim, said Kuz.
Refugee status is granted for people deemed to be at risk in their home country.
Ivica, who spoke no English, had not received permanent residency status, which would have allowed her to spend time outside Canada.
Christina said Ivica had never intended to stay in Canada and leave behind her family farm and husband in Bosnia.
A lawyer had advised Ivica to seek refugee status, so she could stay until she felt it was safe to return, said Christina.
“She did not realize she could never come back and visit her family again.”
Kuz said Ivica applied for refugee status again in 1997, while in Bosnia, but Christina has no knowledge of it.
Since then, requests by Ivica and her husband to visit Canada have been rejected several times, said Christina. Branko’s brother has also been turned down.
Branko is a Canadian citizen who immigrated in 1989.
Christina said she is willing to do anything — including putting up their house as collateral — to guarantee that her relatives will leave.
She said the war is over in Bosnia and it’s more peaceful. So, claiming refugee status now would be difficult.
But Kuz said Christina should take her fight to Immigration Minister Joe Volpe or wait until after the federal election to talk to the new immigration minister.
Christina said she has repeatedly tried to contact Volpe and received no response in seven years.
Kuz said Mills’s staff contacted the minister in previous years about the concerns.
“It’s the minister who has the power. Bob (Mills) has no power over the Immigration Department,” said Kuz.
By andrea miller
Advocate staff
/Advocate staff
Christina and Branko Ageljic with the burned flag on the garage roof of their Red Deer home: fighting with Immigration Canada over a visit by Branko's parents.
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Old 18-12-05, 10:06
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And, of course, peaceful Bosnia has also refused to issue a visa to the Red Deer couple, thus preventing the family Christmas Re-union. Ooh, that Bosnian Government is mean. Let's burn their flag and put it on our garage as well.
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Old 18-12-05, 13:27
Stewart Loy Stewart Loy is offline
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Default Re: Family burns flag in protest

Christina said she is willing to do anything — including putting up their house as collateral — to guarantee that her relatives will leave.
I know a way that we can be guaranteed that they will leave - and NOT letting them come here is IT.

Finally a politican with the gonads to do the right thing - I suspect that he is not a Francophone lawyer ...

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Old 18-12-05, 15:32
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Maybe the nice couple would like to emigrate back to Bosnia so the whole family can be together...
Kudos to the MP and for once, the Immigration Dept.
3RD Echelon Wksp

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Old 18-12-05, 16:32
Barry Churcher's Avatar
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It is bad enough when people in other countries burn your flag, but to have a born here Canadian burn it should be a Federal offence with jail time! Obviously Branko wasn't born here so send him packing. That wouldn't solve anything though I suppose because Christina would then probably go on welfare.
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Old 18-12-05, 17:53
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default Yes But !!

Originally posted by chris vickery
Maybe the nice couple would like to emigrate back to Bosnia so the whole family can be together...
Kudos to the MP and for once, the Immigration Dept.
Blanko wouldn't be paid $ 600.00 a month by Bosnia !!
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Old 18-12-05, 21:25
Al Nickolson's Avatar
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Default Letters to the Editor of the Red Deer Advocate, Red Deer Alberta.

*There are better ways to protest*
It is disgusting to see people desecrate the flag because they can't get what they want. The flag has nothing to do with the government of one party or the other. It represents the country, the whole of Canada.
Thousands of our soldiers fought a sacrificed their lives and limbs in wars to protest the dignity of the flag. It is sad that people stoop to such levels where they take their frustration and anger on the symbol what makes us proud.
They are like children throwing toys in anger. They should take classes in anger management. There are better ways to protest than burning the flag and putting it up on a garage for all to see.
If Ageljics are so tired of this country, they have a choice to move to Bosnia and live with mom and dad and celebrate Christmas there.
I am an immigrant myself, living in this wonderful country for more than 30 years. I have gone through such an experience myself It is a fact of life that we don't always get what we desire.
Pat Ellis, Red Deer
(Editor's note: Canada's current flag was not officially adopted until 1965.)

*Flag burner should be ashamed*
You have insulted my country, my forefathers that have fought for this country and everything that this country stands for. Obviously, the Canadian flag holds no value or meaning to you.
I pity your plight and troubles, but really! You should be ashamed to make such a trivial personal statement. Get a grip.
R.L. Mitchell, Red Deer

*Don't burn Canadians flag!*
Frustrated with our system? This is not the way to go.
When you burn our flag you destroy what we all have done as a free nation..
Burn the Bosnia flag. I do care if you burn the Canadian flag. Maybe I will go buy a Bosnia flag and hang it under my Canadian flag.
Jim Saw, Lacombe

*Why not visit relatives in Bosnia?*
The woman said that they have been trying for seven years to bring her husband's family to Canada to see their children and have a reunion. I am wondering , why they don't go to Bosnia?
As the woman said, the war is over and it is peaceful there now. So, if a reunion is so important and the Canadians government won't allow the Bosnians to travel to Canada, then the Canadians should travel to Bosnia. Seems quite simple to me if all they are interested in is a nice family visit, much simpler that fighting for seven years.
So, this family should stop complaining and get on a plane for Bosnia for a nice family visit instead of burning the Canadian flag!
Of course, since they aren't hopping on a plane , I have to wonder if it is only a visit or if they were hoping the man's family would attempt to stay in Canada permanently.
Ray Tweedle, Red Deer
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Old 18-12-05, 23:17
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Al, I must concur with you regarding the repeated attemps of these people to have the family "visit".
Often, these visitors suddenly decide to claim refugee status and stay instead of heading back home.
Just what we need, some elderly refugees to take advantage of our health care, pension and welfare system, something which they never paid for or deserve. Their children's stunt should put the nail in that coffin so to speak.
Perhaps there is an underlying reason that Blanko doesn't want to go back to Bosnia? Could someone there want to see harm come to him or perhaps a prison or death sentence imposed?
While not having proof or wanting to assume guilt or point a finger, this could be possible.
How many ex-Pat German citizens emmigrated here after 1945, lived amongst us and were later found to be someone other than who they claimed to be. Many of these people covered up there past by lying and cheating in order to stay here and avoid prosecution in their homeland.
Food for thought...
3RD Echelon Wksp

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