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Old 28-03-03, 22:51
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Smile C Coy!

<He would have been in C Company. In the list of
KIA at the Museum he is listed as C Company.

Troops of B Company were not part of the murder


The above information was given to me today!
Sooo. "C" Company it is for which company my Uncle was with.

Take Care.
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Old 31-03-03, 06:28
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Unhappy Queen's Own Rifles vets reactinons to `Saving Private Ryan'

Hi Everyone.

The following link I think pretty much answers my previous questioning about whether the movie `Saving Private Ryan' was pretty much how things actually happened June 6, 1944. Yes. Pretty much the same according to the Vets of the Queen's Own Rifles when they viewed it. Wow.

I posted the link in case anyone else wanted to read the article.
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Old 01-04-03, 23:26
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Post Re: Juno Beach - Canadian Landings

Hi Carman;

To answer your question regarding who landed on Juno Beach on 6 June 1944, I've attached a basic map of Juno showing which Canadian Units landed where. Like you said, "A picture is worth a thousand words".

Attached Images
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Old 02-04-03, 13:28
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Default MARK: R Wpg Rifles names?

Hi Mark.

Thanks for the above diagram of the landing!

QUESTION: DO you happen to have a list of the names of all the Royal Winnipeg Rifles who served in 3rd Canadian Division??????????????

I'd be very interested in seeing how many names I know from home..... I could swear some of the faces are younger versions of other relatives of mine who were around when I was growing up. Family surnames (other than SMITH of course)are ROSE/PRINCE/JONASSON / to name 3 in particular.

Thanks you
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Old 03-04-03, 01:13
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Unhappy Re: MARK: R Wpg Rifles names?

Hi Carman;

No sorry, I don't have a copy of the Royal Winnipeg Rifles Nominal Roll. That would be a question for Don, at the museum.

I have their Roll of Honour for WWI & WWII.

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Old 03-04-03, 02:36
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Default Thanks Mark.

MARK: Thanks for `telling me where to go'

(...for that nominal roll!)

Take Care!
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Old 03-04-03, 04:10
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Smile Re: Thanks Mark.

Good one..................

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Old 05-04-03, 04:50
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Post Re: Infantry (Rifle) Battalion Organization 1944

Hi Carman;

In answer to a question you asked me about organization, here is a basic Canadian Infantry (Rifle) Battalion break-down for 1944:

Typical Basic Organization of a Canadian Infantry (Rifle) Battalion, 1944:
(Authorized Battalion Strength: 35 Officers and 786 Other Ranks)

Battalion Headquarters:

Command Staff
Intelligence Section
Regimental Police Section
Medical Section

Headquarters Company:

Company Headquarters
No. 1 (Signals) Platoon
No. 2 (Administration) Platoon

Support Company:

Company Headquarters
No. 3 (Mortar) Platoon
No. 4 (Carrier) Platoon
No. 5 (Anti-Tank) Platoon
No. 6 (Pioneer) Platoon

"A" Company:

Company Headquarters
No. 7 Platoon
No. 8 Platoon
No. 9 Platoon

"B" Company:

Company Headquarters
No. 10 Platoon
No. 11 Platoon
No. 12 Platoon

"C" Company:

Company Headquarters
No. 13 Platoon
No. 14 Platoon
No. 15 Platoon

"D" Company:

Company Headquarters
No. 16 Platoon
No. 17 Platoon
No. 18 Platoon

Typical Basic Organization of a Canadian Infantry (Rifle) Company, 1944:
(Authorized Company Strength: 5 Officers and 122 Other Ranks)

Company Headquarters (2 Officers and 14 Other Ranks)

1x Rifle Platoon:

Platoon Headquarters (1 Officer and 6 Other Ranks)
1x Rifle Section (10 Other Ranks)
1x Rifle Section (10 Other Ranks)
1x Rifle Section (10 Other Ranks)

1x Rifle Platoon:

Platoon Headquarters (1 Officer and 6 Other Ranks)
1x Rifle Section (10 Other Ranks)
1x Rifle Section (10 Other Ranks)
1x Rifle Section (10 Other Ranks)

1x Rifle Platoon:

Platoon Headquarters (1 Officer and 6 Other Ranks)
1x Rifle Section (10 Other Ranks)
1x Rifle Section (10 Other Ranks)
1x Rifle Section (10 Other Ranks)

Hope this answers your question.

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Old 05-04-03, 05:57
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Question Oiy...Who's the boss...and ?

MARK: Hmmm! So now I wanna ask, who was the `boss' : of `C' Company... and I wonder which Platoon (13/14/15)my Uncle served in

(I need to review all the info me-thinks!?!)

Thank you for the `breakdown' (you can take that two ways!

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Old 05-04-03, 15:39
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Post Re: Who's the Boss?

Hi Carman;

In answer to your question: "Hmmm! So now I wanna ask, who was the `boss' of `C' Company" - Major Jimmy Jones was the Officer Commanding "C" Company, the Royal Winnipeg Rifles, who was either captured or evacuated wounded (I'm not sure which) at Putot on the 8th June, after the Company positions were overrun.

Has for which Platoon your Uncle served in, I don't have an answer for that, that would be another question for Don, perhaps.


Last edited by Mark W. Tonner; 05-04-03 at 15:57.
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Old 05-04-03, 16:42
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There is no other JONES mentioned in "Conduct Unbecoming- Chapter 9" other than a "PRIVATE HENRY JONES" who was one of the 40 men in my Uncles group.

I'll skim the book again to find out what names ARE mentioned and let you know if you'd like?

POOR DON ... AH man. I feel bad that I have so many questions and so few who can answer them. The few are `burdened with my queries'. Please...just say STOP when you've had enough? And know how very very much I appreciate any answers from anyone

Thank you Mark!

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Old 05-04-03, 16:58
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Post Re: Major Jones

Hi Carman;

Sorry quick post, have to run....Major Jones was not one of the murdered POW's.

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Old 06-04-03, 08:56
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Default Re: Re: Major Jones

Originally posted by Mark W. Tonner
Hi Carman;

Sorry quick post, have to run....Major Jones was not one of the murdered POW's.

Hello Mark.

I realize that Major Jones was not one of the murdered men. I just meant to say that he was NOT mentioned AT ALL anywhere in "C.U." as being directly involvedv or directly in command in the events covered in the book.

Thanks for your reply

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Old 06-04-03, 10:20
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Default WW2 Raising the Army formations

Hi all.

Found this handy/easy site when searching for something else. It shows the dates and breakdowns of the formations. When and where they were formed. When they went overseas (or not) etc.

Not being an expert on anything I don't know the difference between a `good site-and a not so good site,' in terms of `factual info'. This one looks simple and good to me?

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Old 06-04-03, 21:36
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Question War Crimes/Meyer/and???

Hi Everyone.

In Conduct Unbecoming I read that KURT MEYER was the only one who was actually brought to trial and charged with the Canadian POW murders (for various reasons/impossibilities/insufficiencies of witnesses and solid evidence etc)

I seem to recall reading somewhere though, that 3 other men HAD been charged and given death sentences (they WERE put to death) My confusion now is...were these men charged with these Canadian POW deaths or am I totally : with some other War Crimes stuff??? guys should all see the
SUN SHINE HERE Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Old 18-04-03, 05:57
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Default LOST box of forensic evidence!


In "Conduct Unbecoming" there's mention that a box of forensic evidence (files, reports, and things such as bullets taken from the bodies of the men) was "LOST" which also made it pretty hard to proceed with charges etc against Mohnke and others (if I remember correctly. I can't remember all that was in the book and I've been trying to find the references to this again. I'll keep looking and post the info when I find it again)
The files were apparently lost after having them moved when the "War Commisions 'whatever'" officially "shut down"

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Old 27-04-03, 23:45
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Default Re: Royal Winnipeg Rifles

Originally posted by Snowtractor
I would be curious if my Uncle's name was ever mentioned, Cpl Ralph Earnest Spencer RWR , died june 6th/44 on Juno beach. I would have to look it up but I believe he was in in 1942 so the odds are he new many of the RWR's by sight at least.
On a side note , again I would have to check, but I believe one of the letters about Ralph is from Major Hodge.
Sean Spencer

I've just been re-reading some of this thread and this one of yours made me wonder if you have ever tried approaching and asking THE ROYAL WINNIPEG RIFLES MUSEUM people for any info they mighthave on your UNCLE RALPH???

My experience is that the people there will bend over backwards, eagerly, to help answer any questions for people like us, about our relatives who served, especially served and sacrificed their lives, with them.

Take Care... Carman
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Old 28-04-03, 01:37
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Default RWR Photos at RWR Museum in Wpg

Originally posted by Mark W. Tonner
No Carman, I don't have a copy and no I have'nt seen it. You say there is a group shot of the Rifles prior to 6 June, interesting?


There are definately TWO group photos of the RWR's at the Wpg's taken in JUNE, 1943 in ENGLAND.... the other in 1944 BEFORE June 6 that hangs in a glassed frame (can't scan that one and it might tash the photo to try remove it to do so (I was told) I haven't SEEN that 1944 photo, but if I can make it home in July for a visit I will go see it. (haven't been home since Aug 1989
and relatives are ragging on me. I'll hitch-hike if I have to GRIN) I'll take a camera with flash in case I'm allowed to take a photo of the photo in the frame.

I also want to try and pick out my other Uncles face (my dads bro)in the photo. He may be in it too. It's Uncle Eddie I'm focussed on tho...STILL.

My sister thinks she might "recognize" a photo image of Uncle Eddie. She's 10 yrs older than I am so saw his old war photo more often than I did. She agreed with my memory that "He was a good-looking boy" (MAN!!!!!!!!!)

I've not forgotten you, or my promises, Uncle Eddie!
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Old 04-05-03, 08:10
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Unhappy 2 Months Now

Well... it's now TWO MONTHS since I mailed off the request for my Uncles Service Records. I hear it really does take a long time. Wonder if I'll get them before the end of June? Hmmm.

Speaking of JUNE.... are there any "Memorial Events" coming up for this June?

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Old 07-05-03, 22:58
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Arrow Beny-Sur-Mer


SOmeone answered a message I left on a board requesting info onhow to geta photo of a grave from Beny-Sur-Mer.

A man fOFFERED TO TAKE A PHOTO OF MY UNCLE'S FINAL RESTING PLACE FOR ME!!!! and requested the details (site location etc)They are leaving around Mid May to go with a TOUR and will be at Beny-Sur-Mer on June 6th!!! Back mid-June, when they will develop and send photo

Two Words: "Uncle RALPH" ???

Want me to ask if they will also take a photo of his final resting place???

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Old 18-05-03, 05:24
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Thumbs up Royal Winnipeg Rifles:"The Devil's Blast"

Hi all.

The Royal Winnipeg Rifles Museum puts out a Newsletter called "The Devil's Blast" with all sorts of neat info about the RWR's history and people who served/serve. Personal stories included. Also included are the names of people who have passed on, and letters/comments from subscribers and requests for info, RWR Events, and so on. I love how "attractively" its presented, its simple, and the fonts are big enough to read for those with vision problems (like me with my bi-Focals AND Magnifying Glass!)

The Co-Editor told me he wanted to send me a complimentary copy because there was information about JUNE 8, 1944 in the MAY 2003 issue. I received that newsletter yesterday and what the Co-editor did NOT tell me, was that he wrote a little article about my Uncle and my search (page 21) He also included a little entry I made to their guestbook (end of page 43-44). I was amazed and pleased (He got the part about me being the sole surviving relative mistaken...Ihave sisters and cousins still living. Older generations all passed on)

You know, since I started searching a couple of months ago and am connecting with so many "military" folks, what really strikes me about people in the Armed Services/military, is just how wonderfully "connected and supportive" they are of each other, with each other. Its like an "extended family" feel and closeness and MUTUAL RESPECT.

The rest of the world could sure benefit on the whole if people and countries behaved in such a way towards each other.

No harm in dreaming

Carman ...
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Old 08-06-03, 10:55
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Deep Pride. Deep Grief.

I just feel very sad.

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Old 08-06-03, 13:41
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You could also try searching this site:

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission site is searchable and has proved invaluable in tracing the last honoured resting place of some of our relatives and others that we have helped.

Some of the individual war cemetaries have been placed on the internet ( search on Google?), we have actually managed to obtain some WW1 grave 'photos this way.

Ex- servicemen, their relatives & descendants are part of a family, we joke about on some of the forums but when help is needed then it'll be there.
Wear a poppy - support our Veterans and the Royal British Legion

A wasted youth is better by far than a wise and productive old age!! (Meatloaf)
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Old 09-06-03, 00:21
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Default Thanks Dave :)

Originally posted by DaveCox

You could also try searching this site:

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission site is searchable and has proved invaluable in tracing the last honoured resting place of some of our relatives and others that we have helped.

Some of the individual war cemetaries have been placed on the internet ( search on Google?), we have actually managed to obtain some WW1 grave 'photos this way.

Ex- servicemen, their relatives & descendants are part of a family, we joke about on some of the forums but when help is needed then it'll be there.
You're awesome. Thank you for the link and the helpfulness. What you say about "all joking aside", I know to be so very true. THAT is one of the thing about this "circle" (for lack of a better word) that impresses the hell out of me. I love that tightness and caring and understanding and help. The loyalty. The protectiveness. The whole damned thing! Spread thatattitude around, make it addictive, and hey... imagine what the rest of the world would look like eh?

Guess I'm saying that..." guys ROCK!" to use a youthful expression

Someone who attended the Juno Beach opening was going to be at Beny Sur Mer and try take a photo for me... I just have to wait til theygetback to Canada to find out if they were successful... if not, I'll use your links and scream for help and maybe even get very yappy about the whole issue until someone helps just to shut me up
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Old 09-06-03, 06:34
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Default You're welcome

Anytime Carman,

I typed "Beny-Sur-Mere Canadian War Cemetary" into Google and got about 6 pages of results, haven't had a chance to go back and look at all the sites. It may be worth doing?
Wear a poppy - support our Veterans and the Royal British Legion

A wasted youth is better by far than a wise and productive old age!! (Meatloaf)
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Old 09-06-03, 09:56
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Default Thanks Dave

DAVE: Thanks again I'll know within a couple of weeks if those great people have the photo for me! Meanwhile, I DO know someone else who would like a photo of another gravesite/stone from Beny-Sur-Mer. I may not be online so I won't be able to search and post, otherwise I'd try and find someone living close to Beny-Sur-Mer, or about to visit there, who would be into taking photos. If I had the dollars I would just fly to all these places and take pictures for people. What an education and a holiday that would be hey? A roving picture taker for others

Meanwhile, if you happen to come across a way, or a connection to getting photos maybe post the info in MLU...I know at least 2 others in here who are very interested in getting photos. I already tried to help that happen but timing and things didn't work I feel bad about that so would like to still try help...have to go Carman
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Old 09-06-03, 19:46
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Default Useful link

Just looked through 10 pages of Google search results or Beny-Sur- Mere, but no photos that will help with your search. Check out this awsome project and keep an ete on it, Beny-Sur-Mer has been completed in the project, and there is a British Columbia rep. for the project.

Wish I had the time and money to help them out - like you said it would be a great way to spend some time.

Could be worth an email.
Wear a poppy - support our Veterans and the Royal British Legion

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Old 09-06-03, 20:08
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DAVE: I've written down that link for "mapleleaflegacy" Interesting!!! Thanks you.
Am busy busy...whaddaday -Carman
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Old 12-06-03, 10:01
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Hi Everyone

I just have to share with you all the wonderful news I got this evening via email.

My Uncle Eddie, Riflman Edward Smith, RWR's, had a visitor from home (me...via the man/people from PEI) for the first time EVER!!! Pat and his family stood at my Uncles spot, KNOWING about who he was and what his story was, and took photos of my Uncles resting place and more than that, made me cry because...Pat told me they also planted a CANADIAN FLAG at his resting place. Lest We Forget, hey? God. I know I don't need to tell any of you the meaningfulness of everything about this happening. Thats why I'm telling you all. You appreciate it.

This is just so damned incredible to me. My family will be amazed when I tell them.

I be so damned pleased Carman the VETS_NEICE
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Old 12-06-03, 19:09
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Glad you got it Carman,

Wear a poppy - support our Veterans and the Royal British Legion

A wasted youth is better by far than a wise and productive old age!! (Meatloaf)
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