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Old 06-10-06, 15:53
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Hi Alex

That's the way it is. No specific job then no specific pay.

Makes perfect sense to me.

I really think it's just the Father's emotions talking combined with a lack of knowledge and media hype. They're just trying to sell papers, right? I doubt they (the media) care a Tinker's Cuss about us other than as a potential source of profit.

Do I sound jaded??

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Old 06-10-06, 16:06
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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Thanks Darrell. I thought this was the way, and it makes sense. I never took a call-out during my time in, so never looked up that stuff... if I ever learned it, it's long since faded!

A shame the media has to jump on sob stories like this - it surprises me a bit coming from the Sun, even though they pride themselves on being open to alternate viewpoints.

With regards the gentleman himself, why he would go after the Regiment is beyond me. I can only suppose that it's been so long since we've taken casualties so openly (a lot of our 'peacekeeping' casualties were back-page news if at all) that the public-at-large is ill-prepared to deal with the emotional effects of same.

:remember :support
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Old 06-10-06, 16:58
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Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
...With regards the gentleman himself, why he would go after the Regiment is beyond me. I can only suppose that it's been so long since we've taken casualties so openly (a lot of our 'peacekeeping' casualties were back-page news if at all) that the public-at-large is ill-prepared to deal with the emotional effects of same...
Hi Geoff

I hope everyone is as common-sense minded as you.

What the public at large fails to realize is that the emotional effects are the same to each and every family that loses a soldier, whether it's our "back-page" UN casualties or the in-the- black, multi-edition-selling Afghanistan troops and their losses.

Too well do I remember Wallace and Bons (since I see their memorial every day), and Isfeld an Cooper (I was on that tour, or Jim Ogilvie (stood at his memorial in Bosnia on 11 Nov 2004). Take a look at this List and tell me how many you remember.

Soldiers and the Military do what the Govmt tells them to. It's a simple job really. All we have to do is our very best and that's more self-serving than anything else.

Where would Mr Hunter's Boy be if Sgt Gillam wasn't able to provide a little warning to his troops? Has Mr Hunter talked to Maureen Gillam yet? Does he know his son is only likely alive due to the fact Chris gave up his to get some shots off? Ex-cop or no; he should know better. I forgive him tho' as it's most likely emotion speaking. I too would be horrified to have a child of mine hurt but would also engage brain before speaking so publicly.

Rant over. The opinions and views expressed above are mine and mine alone.

Who's wearing Red today??

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Old 06-10-06, 18:12
Mike Timoshyk Mike Timoshyk is offline
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Default Canada in Afganistan

It's Friday and it's a Red day for us here in Windsor....

About the about the Hazard pay and income tax adjustment as Darryl said have to be "in theater" .

Op ATHENA roto 1 2002
Op MINURSO roto 3 1991
OP DANACA roto ? 1989

Mike Timoshyk

52 M38

42 MB
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Old 06-10-06, 18:14
Mike Timoshyk Mike Timoshyk is offline
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Default Canada in Afganistan

Sorry for the mis spelling of your name Darrell


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Old 06-10-06, 18:48
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No worrys. I probably couldn't get yours right the first time either!!....................Myke.

Nice rack of tours you have. E&K Scots?

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Old 06-10-06, 19:25
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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The following today, comments?

Canadian Forces working to fix danger pay problem News Staff

Updated: Fri. Oct. 6 2006 10:48 AM ET

Canada's military commander says the armed forces are working to ensure wounded Canadian soldiers continue to receive danger pay after they leave the theatre.

During an appearance on CTV's Canada AM Friday morning, Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Rick Hillier responded to a story in The Toronto Star about a soldier whose legs were smashed during a Taliban attack in Afghanistan on Tuesday.

Two soldiers were killed in the attack and five others were wounded, including Pte. Jeffrey Hunter, 23.

With two smashed legs and shrapnel wounds, Hunter was taken to the U.S. military hospital in Landstuhl, Germany for treatment. Just a few hours after he arrived he was told he no longer qualified for danger pay because he wasn't in theatre.

Hillier said that's unacceptable.

"Yes, we have a problem," he said.

"We're going to fix it and we're going to fix it quickly. I've got a bunch of very smart, big brained people and we're going to figure out how to look after those soldiers."

He said the issue came on his "radar scope" last week through conversations with soldiers.

Under the current rules, wounded soldiers who are removed from theatre can lose their more than $2,000 per month "operational allowances" within a few days.

Hunter's father was outraged that his son was told about his pay cut just hours after the devastating attack that killed two of his comrades.

It also caused him to question the support the military has for its wounded soldiers.

"He hadn't been there six hours," Bill Hunter, a retired 31-year veteran of the Toronto police, told The Star. "He's in a lot of pain, and I've got someone from the military going in and telling him they're not going to give him his danger pay....This is not right.

"He is going to have a long-time therapy, a lot longer than the six months he was sent away for in Afghanistan," Hunter said.

"Why aren't these kids getting danger pay?"

Although Hillier gave no specific details about Hunter's case, The Star reported that the defence department has the discretion to continue danger pay for an additional 25 days, and usually does. However, there is no indication Hunter will receive the extension.

Although Hillier pledged to fix the policy, Defence Ministry officials have so far dismissed calls -- led largely by Liberal MP Dan McTeague -- to change the practice, and have accused the opposition of trying to mislead the public.

McTeague calls the policy "insensitive" and argues that danger pay for wounded soldiers should continue until the date their tour was scheduled to end.

In total, 150 Canadian soldiers have been wounded and 39 have been killed since Canada first sent troops to Afghanistan in 2001.

The issue threatens another public relations storm on the Afghanistan issue for the Conservative government, which is facing rising opposition at home as the list of killed or injured soldiers continues to rise.
:remember :support
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Old 06-10-06, 19:50
Mike Timoshyk Mike Timoshyk is offline
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Default Canada in Afganistan

Hi Darryl,

I think the last time we met was in the new War Museum gift shop on Vimy Day this past year on my way to my Intended Place of Residence on retirement.

Not E&K ....31 years Reg Force retired this past April, As the yanks so kindly put it " REMF". LOL



good news about Hillier and he has to do is change Treasury Board Rules.....from past experience that is like pushing a rope.

fingers crossed for the troopies

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Old 06-10-06, 21:52
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Hi Geoff

Well then, it would seem there is another the reason I'm not CDS!! If General Hillier throws his weight behind changing this, who am I to disagree? Maybe I'll pick up a nice (slight) wound myself when I go in late January and make a bunch of extra cash too.

Although I can empathize with young Hunter and agree that perhaps his pay could have been extended the full 25 days, I still say that he will be compensated financially for his injuries by Federal Agencys other than the Dept of Nat Def. Asking that he continue to recieve it all even after repat, amounts to asking for a change in the Rules. Rules that were in place for everyone else for a long time before Afghanistan, I might add. Asking for a change in the rules isn't something done in a manner that the media is reporting. I stand by all my previous statements.

I should point out the $2100 that he was recieving was not just one allowance but a combination of several different ones. Danger Pay, Foriegn Service Allowance, etc, all make up that dollar amount.

I get FOA (Field Operation Allowance) when on Exercise here in Canada so by the reasoning of some, I should get that 365/24/7 by virtue of the fact that I'm in a Field Trade? Or by virtue that I come out of the field after an Ex and have dirt in my nails for weeks afterwards? Hmmmm. Or I spend 5 weeks on an Armoured vehicle during an Exercise and my joints ache and my body is bruised because of it for months afterwards so therefore deserve FOA all that time? No?

Anyone else see the difference.

Mikey, Michael, Mike, Myke.......

I'd be lying if I recalled everyone I met over those two days but have a vague recollection of us meeting. Was that before or after I sun-burned the crap out of my face??

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Old 06-10-06, 22:34
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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Someone here with your or Mike's perspective should write the Sun, referencing the quoted article, and patiently explain the system to them. Quoting some of your earlier words would seem to fit well, and while doing so, take a mild swipe at the Libs who are screaming about this, considering it's a policy extant since Pearson's days...
:remember :support
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Old 06-10-06, 23:27
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Default Actually,

Originally posted by Alex Blair
\ pay..
Our normal pay and allowances continue,so would the wounded members...
So nothing has really changed..
God bless our troops.

Our CF fly boys get flight pay whether they fly or not. So why not have wounded soldiers continue their danger pay until they are released from hospital? Are they no less valuable? (keep in mind that the only thing on the battlefield that holds ground is an infanteer).

There is danger when flying for sure, but I would argue that in Afghanistan, the infantry occupation is a more dangerous, why not pay it??
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 07-10-06, 00:17
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General Hillier was on CTV News Net in the pass hour, and he appeared to be saying that there would be no change to the danger pay policy; however, they would be looking at other ways to compensate wounded troops, under a different program. So it looks like something will be done for the wounded troops but they are still working on it.

Darrell, my son will be going to Gagetown from Valcartier, early next week for two weeks training. He is now training with 12RBC for the convoy escort role. They are to go to A-stan in August 2007.

To show you how strange things can be in the Military, the reservists from 35th Brigade (eastern Quebec) are having fees for room and board subtracted from their pay, while those from 34th Brigade (Western Quebec) are not. This is because Valcartier is considered to be the home base for 35th Brigade.

Last edited by John McGillivray; 07-10-06 at 00:36.
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Old 07-10-06, 01:19
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Default Re: Actually,

Originally posted by RHClarke
Are they no less valuable? (keep in mind that the only thing on the battlefield that holds ground is an infanteer)...
... I would argue that in Afghanistan, the infantry occupation is a more dangerous, why not pay it??
Hi Alex

So you're saying Hunter should not get it?

After all, he's no Infanteer.

I would also argue that anyone outside the wire over there, are all equally potential targets for the bad guys.


Sorry ole chum but that won't be me. Regs prevent me from that sort of thing (I think). I'm probably in deep doo-doo for venting here!!


I've never heard anyone say that the CF made sense in all things. Best of luck to your Boy. Maybe I'll see him as they're coming in to succeed us in Aug 07. I'm to be working with the Res Infantry in the D&S Platoons (but not in the D&S Pl). I'm to help them, among other things, get a handle on mounted ops like Convoy and VIP escort. Should be ......................interesting.

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Old 07-10-06, 01:35
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Default Re: Re: Actually,

Originally posted by Darrell Zinck
Hi Alex

So you're saying Hunter should not get it?

After all, he's no Infanteer.

I would also argue that anyone outside the wire over there, are all equally potential targets for the bad guys.


Sorry ole chum but that won't be me. Regs prevent me from that sort of thing (I think). I'm probably in deep doo-doo for venting here!!


I've never heard anyone say that the CF made sense in all things. Best of luck to your Boy. Maybe I'll see him as they're coming in to succeed us in Aug 07. I'm to be working with the Res Infantry in the D&S Platoons (but not in the D&S Pl). I'm to help them, among other things, get a handle on mounted ops like Convoy and VIP escort. Should be ......................interesting.

Darrell: (see...even I can spell your name correctly!

On your Roto...hunker in the bunker and be safe, buddy.

Keep in touch and stay away from PAFFO REMFs.
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Old 07-10-06, 01:59
Mike Timoshyk Mike Timoshyk is offline
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Default Canada in Afganistan

Yes everyone outside the wire is a potential target....keep in mind also that those within the wire are (were) targets in Kabul...don't know about Kandahar, don't know if any rocket attacks have been made or attempted.

Watch out for the bugs and spiders as well.....


Mike, Myke, Michael, Curly, Jimmy, Plug, Grime and Scribe.
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Old 07-10-06, 03:19
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Re: Actually,

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Darrell Zinck
[B]Hi Alex

So you're saying Hunter should not get it?

After all, he's no Infanteer.

I would also argue that anyone outside the wire over there, are all equally potential targets for the bad guys.


I did not say that Hunter should not get it...I was talking about rules and regs...

Here is what I said..,

Pay and allowances policys haven't changed in this aspect since I got out 30 years ago...
While I hate to see any of our troops hurt and am wearing my red shirt today,there has to be rules and regs and discipline..
When on TD(Temporary duty) certain pay and allowances apply...when you are off that TD ,the goodies stop..
Jump pay and flight pay is the same .,..when no jump pay..
Our normal pay and allowances continue,so would the wounded members...
So nothing has really changed..
God bless our troops.

As far as I'm concerned,if you are posted out of the country for 6 months,or how ever long..your pay and allowances should continue until the end of your tour...If you are hurt,I would assume that your are still attached to that units strength...maybe not but I guess this is where they(The powers to be..) start drawing lines...
Anyone wounded should be monitarly compensated the same way insurance companys pay out....with out the long legal hassels...
There are lots of ways to cut the soldiers pay in a hurry for any number of circumstances..but there has to be some new ways in place that a wounded soldier gets compensation just as quickly,with out some long song and dance about elegibilty..a means to cut the red tape..
And Rob...
You telling me that a qualified pilot,flying a desk ,and no longer flying,but still qualified gets flying pay...???
I don't think so......
But things can't have changed that drastically in 30 years...


Alex Blair
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Old 07-10-06, 03:47
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Default Re: Re: Re: Actually,

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Alex Blair
Originally posted by Darrell Zinck
Hi Alex

And Rob...
You telling me that a qualified pilot,flying a desk ,and no longer flying,but still qualified gets flying pay...???
I don't think so......
But things can't have changed that drastically in 30 years...


11. A pilot or air navigator whose obligation to fly has been cancelled for reasons set out in this order and who is retained in the CF does not come within the definition of "pilot" or "navigator" in QR&O 204.215 or 204.214 respectively. Therefore, where a pilot's or navigator's obligation
to fly has been cancelled, his new rate of pay shall be as prescribed in the table to QR&O 204.21. The incentive pay category in the table to QR&O 204.21 which shall apply to such officer is that which would apply had the officer been paid under QR&O 204.21 when promoted to his present rank.
12. The effective date of change of pay entitlement shall be the date on which cancellation of the officer's obligation to fly is notified by NDHQ."

Yeah, I know - NDHQese bafflegab....The link to the pay tables does not work, however, what I get out of this is that it makes no distinction between an officer filling a flying billet and one flying a desk...they are obliged to fly, and if that obligation is removed, then they don't get the goodies...otherwise, they get the goodies and Air Canada has to wait...
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 07-10-06, 14:40
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Hi Alex

I owe you an apology. I was in error with my quotes last post and incorrectly attributed RHC's comments to you. I am sorry for that error on my part.

Looking back more carefully, I see it was good ole Herr Clarke that had made the comment about the infanteers. It seemed that he thought Hunter was an Infanteer when in fact he's an Armoured Recce Crewman like me. Machts Nix, really.

Pay and allowance wise; I don't know from nothin' when it comes to Flight pay in the AF nor from Sea pay in the Navy. I care little for what blue-jobs and hairy-bags get (I say that in the kindest terms ). I can only hope they're earning it. BTW, Dad was AF for 39yrs and I married a Sailor.

The facts are that In-Theatre pay stops when you're not in-theatre. That seems sensible to me. Fair too. Yes, I can see how counting on making $20-30,000+ on a tour and then being wounded and having that lost woud be a let down to a soldier's (and his family's) plans. I can also think that being home alive is something that cannot have a price put on it. If wounded, VAC and SISIP will step up with additional $$ that will over time outstrip any amount a soldier could make on a tour he comes home un-scathed from. Yeah, he/she is wounded and may have greater challenges to overcome in that time but that's also the job they signed up for. If someone were to sign up in my trade and not think they risk injury then I'd say they're a fool. The Military is not a day-care. We expect our troops to know what they're getting into and as long as the govmt upholds their end of the deal (and they have) then what complaint can we make. If the Govmt wants to change the rules for wounded troops or add some other benefit, great. I support that. What I don't support is exceptions to the stated existing rules for specific pay and allowances that are clearly defined with respect to how they are earned.

That's the thing about rules and regs, they're published and briefed to us and it's encouraged that the troops read and know them. If troops don't do that, how is it DND's fault?


Yes, Kandahar has had it's rocket attacks too but it's so big and also a multi-national base that few Cdns have actually been hurt. IEDs and Op Medusa have been garnering most of the headlines of late anyway.


I fear that the in-camp job I thought I had is not going to be so much "in-camp". That and I signed up for the replacement pool for Cbt Arm WOs. Shhhh, don't tell the wife; I didn't.

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Old 07-10-06, 14:46
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NATO soldier killed in attack in Afghanistan
Updated Sat. Oct. 7 2006 8:36 AM ET News Staff
A NATO soldier has been killed in the Panjwaii district of Afghanistan, an area where Canadian soldiers have a heavy presence.
The soldier was killed when a roadside bomb and small arms fire targeted a military patrol on Saturday -- the fifth anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan.
NATO has not yet released the name or nationality of the soldier.
In addition to the fatality, one of the patrolling vehicles was damaged, NATO said.
After the attack an explosives disposal team and a military attack helicopter were dispatched to the area.
The Panjwaii region is one of the most volatile sections of Kandahar province in Afghanistan's south. Numerous attacks and increased fighting have taken place in the region in recent months.
The Taliban's use of roadside and suicide bombs has increased, and fighting has been heavy as NATO launched Operation Medusa, a month-long Canadian-led initiative though September to push insurgents out of the south. NATO said 300 fighters were killed during the operation and claimed it as a major success.
Meanwhile, in the eastern province of Khost, a suicide bomber used a car to target a U.S. patrol near the Pakistan border, provincial police chief Mohammed Ayub told The Associated Press.
There were no casualties, but one of the vehicles was damaged.
And in Ghazni province, police said a regional Taliban commander -- Mullah Abdul Rahim Sabauun -- was killed by police on Thursday.
Sabauun was reportedly a high-ranking politician under Taliban rule.
In total, 39 soldiers and one diplomat have been killed in Afghanistan since 2002. Another 150 or so have been wounded.
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Old 10-10-06, 17:25
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Default Leopards going to Afganistan

I understand that this is a little too modern for this forum, but are there any decent photos of the Leopards that are going to Afganistan out there. I have seen one rear photo and it looked as though there has been a sustantial addition of reactive armour to the hull front and turret. Any info?

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Old 11-10-06, 03:48
Gordon Yeo Gordon Yeo is offline
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Default Leopards to Afganistan

There was a news clip last week on the CBC about them arriving and showed one being off load of an airplane. It was a lovely shot of an ARV Leopard with an EME flag waving on the side. That was all they showed just the one tank.
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Old 11-10-06, 04:16
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Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 11-10-06, 14:53
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Thanks RHC,
Great set of photos, but they don't have anything added on like the Leopard in the photo I saw. There was additional armour approximately 6" thick added to hull front and sides about 2/3 of the way to the rear, as well as extra stuff on the turret.

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Old 11-10-06, 21:48
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The blackhats at work have a photo of a Leo C2 dressed up in add-on armour. I don't have a public release photo, but if you contact the DNDOI/DND Public Affairs mob, they probably can fix you up.
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 13-10-06, 16:58
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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Unhappy Maybe another one down...


1 NATO soldier killed, 1 wounded in Afghan bomb attack

Last Updated: Friday, October 13, 2006 | 10:28 AM ET

CBC News

A NATO soldier was killed and another wounded when a suicide bomber attacked a NATO convoy in Kandahar City in volatile southern Afghanistan on Friday.

The attack also killed eight civilians and wounded another eight. After the attack, the NATO soldiers were taken to a military medical centre, where one died.

NATO did not disclose their nationalities....
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Old 14-10-06, 14:44
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Default Re: Maybe another one down...

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
This time it appears that the NATO soldier was an American.
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Old 14-10-06, 15:15
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Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Re: Maybe another one down...

Originally posted by John McGillivray
This time it appears that the NATO soldier was an American.
Just heard that too on CTV News... precious little anywhere else in the media.

RIP to another of America's sons.
:remember :support
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Old 14-10-06, 21:18
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Default Two More NATO Troops killed today...

Two NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan
Taliban ambushed troops, alliance spokesman says
Oct. 14, 2006. 01:30 PM

KABUL — NATO said two of its soldiers were killed in southern Afghanistan today after militants ambushed the soldiers with rocket propelled grenades and gunfire.

Three soldiers were also wounded in the battle in Kandahar province this afternoon, NATO said in a statement. The nationalities of the soldiers were not released. However, the majority of troops in Kandahar are from Canada.

There was no immediate assessment of militant casualties, said Maj. Daryl Morrell, a spokesman for the NATO-led force.

Taliban militants have been stepping up attacks in the country's south in recent months, particularly in Kandahar and Helmand provinces.

On Friday, in Kandahar city, a suicide bomber rammed an explosives-packed van into a NATO military patrol on a busy commercial street, firing deadly shrapnel at nearby storeowners and shoppers. One NATO soldier and eight Afghan civilians were killed.

The blast also wounded another NATO soldier and eight civilians. A dozen shops were wrecked.

NATO says its clashes with insurgents have decreased somewhat in recent weeks. But militants are increasingly resorting to roadside and suicide attacks to weaken the government and hit Afghan and foreign troops.
Alex Blair
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Old 14-10-06, 22:07
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It was stated on CNN that these were in fact Canadian troops. Two killed and three wounded in an ambush.
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Old 15-10-06, 15:38
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Released this morning....

Military identifies two killed Canadian soldiers News

Updated: Sun. Oct. 15 2006 9:26 AM ET

The Canadian military has released the names of two soldiers killed in an insurgent ambush on Saturday. They have been identified as Sgt. Darcy Tedford and Pte. Blake Williamson.

Both men were members of the 1st Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment. Their hometowns have not yet been released.

Two other Canadian soldiers were wounded in the attack.

Col. Fred Lewis, deputy commander of Canadian forces in southern Afghanistan, told reporters on Saturday that the wounded soldiers were in serious condition in hospital at the Kandahar Airfield.

:remember :support
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