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Old 12-04-08, 01:03
Richard Coutts-Smith Richard Coutts-Smith is offline
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Thanks for saying exactly what I thought, in all three of your posts. I am assuming that after the politics of the last year, ALL of KVE will give due consideration to the suggestions that are being asked for. Replies that bounce back so quickly may lead to the idea that this is not the case.
Count me out for an airport swapmeet.
Austin Champ x 2
Humber 1 Ton & Trailer
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Old 12-04-08, 04:39
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Default The Airport Sucks for Families.

Thanks gentlemen for your feedback. I can understand where Alex is coming from with his reply too. The work that he did with the TMP probably could not have been done by anyone else who attends Corowa. So I can attest to his replies.

Personally I believe that negative feedback should be accompanied by possible solutions, not just a complaint for the sake of it.

Having said that maybe an e-mail to Alex, Jan, myself or anyone on the committee detailing your ideas could have been a bit more personal.

I agree the Airport as it stood WAS uncomfortable for families. Of that there is no argument. Remember, we DO NOT usually get 40 degree days in March. Here is the question, was the main complaint the heat. It was for me. I was there too.

If the heat was the problem then the committee really can't do much about that. The shade goes hand in hand with that. We as the committee didn't know it was going to be that big or that hot.

Fact. It was the biggest swap meet that they have had. There were more stall holders than ever before.

Fact. It was the longest swap meet that has been held.

Fact. There were more locals that attended that ever before. Source of that being the local Council and volunteer organisations. Plus discussions with the local papers after the event.

Alex is correct in that it is easier on traffic to start from the normal start point and get the Airport vehicles there early. NOT the other way around. This has a smaller impact on local traffic.

In addition the normal start point may not even exist next year. Council have plans afoot for road works that will change that whole area.

The other thing is resistance to change. If that is a concern, I am afraid the committee can't do any thing about that either. We have to change with council, attending numbers etc etc.

As for the demigraphics as to expecting 200 vehicles. Take into effect the growing annual attendances and the type of vehicles in attendance. Then consider the number of individual types compared to theme year and whether they have attended for some time. For example, there was only one GPA there this year where there is normally an average of 8-10. Blitz numbers were down also compared to past years. As this is the theme vehicle set I would expect a larger number of them next year.

There will be tracked vehicles again as well.

You mentioned keeping it all together at Bangarang Park, guys it would be great as well as a lot simpler if we could do it. The plain truth is with the type and number of vehicles attending we have simply outgrown that one location to do it safely..... Sorry.

Suffice to say, would a marquis placed at the Airfield by rotary to cater for the ladies with tea, coffee, cold drinks etc be acceptable as a compromise. If there are any other suggestions feel free to send me a PM or e-mail, I am more than happy to talk them over.

As for the stall holders at the swapmeet, it was a learning curve for all. I know I will be bringing additional shade next year, I have suggested that they do the same. This is something that ALL stall holders at swapmeets should be able to understand and accept. I know that at Bendigo, not every stall holder gets shade and soft grass underfoot. We are in the middle of a drought, the Airfield is usually a bit greener that that anyway.

If as a committee we are not doing as the members wish, then maybe you could put your name forward at the AGM for a position. I am sure that we wouldnt mind, as I said we are open to ideas.
What I state is my opinion & my opinion only

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Last edited by Ian Pullen; 15-04-08 at 16:03. Reason: Crap spelling as usual
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Old 12-04-08, 05:48
Rusty Rusty is offline
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Hello Ian the opening statement of this thread from the Secretary included a call for opinions and plans in the media of this forum, it did not state a preferred method of response.
Looking forward to receiving your preregistration forms along with your opinions and plans for Corowa 2009.
I was actually taken back by the dismissive response received from Alex. I had wrongly assumed that in the Secretary asking for opinions that you would collect them and debate merits as a committee not have a single member fire of a response.

I suggest that if you are truly representing the people who support KVE and ask for opinions that you put in place an open method of dealing with suggestions/opinions that you have asked for and avoid the backdoor politics that took a shine of the 2008 preparation.

The forum contains a number of Corowa regulars but the vast number are probably really only accessed by snail mail how about collate the ideas and survey those who attend, you should then get an open and honest result of the majority above scrutiny.

Good luck with setting up 2009, I have presented my opinions and don’t feel that this needs to turn into a big debate to take up everyone’s time.
Wusty old twuks
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Old 12-04-08, 14:46
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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Default No worries

I remain impressed with the quality of the discourse on even difficult subjects such as this. All or you are a credit to not only yourselves but us as a group, and I thank you.

I will remind all principle players that when the time is right and the proper question(s) formulated, there is a polling option in this software, and I encourage its use where applicable; while this 'applicability' is ultimately mine to decide, and any given poll remaining just a sampling of opinion, it can be useful nonetheless. The final responsibility rests, of course, with those who take the lion's share of the load in organising the event every year, and I shan't stand in their way.

Keep it coming, ladies & gentlemen... all suggestions and comments will be given due consideration. This is the way it's supposed to work!
:remember :support
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Old 13-04-08, 13:10
Lang Lang is offline
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My two bob's worth on the airport vs downtown.

I understand there is a possibility of losing the old assembly point with new roadworks but a transfer around the corner into the area where the loading ramp is provides even more area close to the caravan park.

I don't agree the line up is any sort of shambles as alluded to above. Everyone moves across in their own time and the pre-parade atmosphere is like the last day at school before the holidays. It is really the only time you can actually move around talking to every vehicle owner in a tight spot. I believe that half hour before the parade all parked in a loose pack does a great deal for team spirit and a feeling of belonging to something bigger than ourselves.

The move off always happens smoothly and people filter out in a polite order to create the big snake up the main street.

I, like many others, had serious misgivings about splitting the camps between the park and the airport. Having seen it in operation I can now say it is an experiment that worked extremely well. The "them and us" situation never happened. The tracked vehicles could move around a little which could not happen at the park. There was a continuous cross-pollination of vehicles travelling in both directions with functions at both camps attended by large numbers from the other. Everyone streamed out of both camps to join the day runs.

We have just got too big for our original settlement and created a suburb in the larger city.

The swap meet is much more easily accessed and even those opposed to the airport must admit the stalls were jammed on top of each other back in town while there is unlimited space for expansion now. It also avoids the bad blood and wild drive to sprint back from the airport to get the "bargains" which destroys the big display. Was it not wonderful seeing almost every vehicle left on display for hours, not only for us but the townspeople while the owners wandered in a relaxed manner over to the adjoining swap meet?

As far as too hot. I think there are too many Victorians complaining (although Melbourne exceeds those temperatures often during summer). For heaven's sake you live in AUSTRALIA. 40 degrees is not going to melt you and moving 5 kilometres away into town is not going to drop the temperature by one degree. The Canadians survive in freezing temperatures by dressing appropriately. Put on a hat and get on with life in conditions that people in 90% of Australia expect and live with through much of the summer.

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Old 14-04-08, 05:32
Lang Lang is offline
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Just a couple more thoughts on Corowa.

The airport base encouraged the attendance of several warbirds (and our morning Spitfire wake-up call). These aircraft would not come just to fly over a camp 5 kilometres away, they came because they were present at a visible event at the airfield. I understand there are several more owners of interesting aircraft looking at coming next year.

Camping at the airport will not become compulsory due to lack of space in the forseeable future. There is plenty of space at Ball Park (even with the semi-trailers there is lots of space for many more attendees). It only becomes more crowded on the last couple of days anyhow and the extra people are not there for a holiday but to have a full-on military vehicle weekend.

People gather for varying periods of up to 10 days. This is more than adequate to cater for the needs and enjoyment of individual families. With many runs and plenty of swimming or shady tree time the wife and kids can be immersed in military vehicles to the limit of their attention span. The 'next generation" training can reach saturation point during the stay.

I think as many kids as possible should come along on the day runs and everyone should enjoy their company at the various museums, historic sights and scenic spots.

Despite family orientation this is first and foremost a military vehicle enthusiasts event. I do not believe the requirements of family members who are not excited about the prospect of a few hours hanging around the trucks (either in or out of the sun) should even be taken into consideration for the short period of the parade and swap meet.

The parade and swap is the serious military vehicle highlight for the hundreds of people - most without children and many without wives - who have spent thousands of dollars and travelled from all over Australia and even overseas. This is their moment in the sunshine, it is the big kids time. If the little kids want to come along for the ride that is great but they should not create extra work, changes to the program and route or any loss of activity for the big kids.

If participants can't keep their wives and kids interested, happy or comfortable or make alternative arrangements to keep them occupied for a couple of hours in a week's festivities it is not up to others to do so.

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Old 14-04-08, 06:24
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Default dry run

I had a look at Corowa in 07 and did a three day dry run in a torago this year, I thoroughly enjoyed both. As for the heat this year what would you prefer talking with like minded nutters or out carting hay or sheering sheep. The swap meet is the moor atractive option. I survived it with two rugrats in tow, we had fun and the drink sellers made a profit.
Robert Pearce.
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Old 14-04-08, 12:36
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Default Airfield vs the Van Park...

Lang. You hit the nail on the head with the use of the area near the loading ramp and old club rooms as a starting point for the future street parades. There should be enough room there to group vehicles in makes/models etc and send them off together.

Anyway, food for thought.

I also agree (not surprisingly) with your thoughts as per the Saturday at the Airfield. We are getting more interest from the Warbird fraternity, and one way to keep the numbers increasing is the use of the Airfield.

We will be having armoured vehicles again, this will be at the Airfield as well as it is the safest place to run them for the reasons stated in previous posts. If all comes to plan next year there should be some pretty impressive armour driving around on the Saturday. If that doesn't keep kids interested, nothing will.

Rusty, I don't wish to go into the politics of such an event and the headaches organising it all, so I won't and there is still a committee position with your name on it if you so desire. I will however ask about the suggestion I put up earlier. Would that suffice to cater for families?

I will also remind everyone that we asked for interested participants to help the committee as well in the first post.

As for shade at the swap meet. BYO. They do at Bendigo, and that is the largest swapmeet in the country. I don't seem to remember too much grass there either.

There is a bigger (and growing) picture here.
What I state is my opinion & my opinion only

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Last edited by Ian Pullen; 14-04-08 at 13:17. Reason: Typo
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Old 14-04-08, 13:50
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Talking Armour at the Airfield

I have already mentioned that we will be having armour again at the Airfield next year. This is re-inforced already with (written confirmed) entries and a number of gentlemen who have given me verbal confirmation as well.

If this plays out as we are planning there should be some serious toys again to look at next year. Now that we have had one run at the Airfield behind us, we are a little wiser and more organised.

I will ask anyone who may have armour tucked away somewhere and who may be contemplating bringing it, to start thinking about saving up the sheckles in a tin and get the toys out to play next year.

This goes for Carriers too.

The run out to the property for the tracked vehicles will be on again too.

Isn't this the reason we have it????????
What I state is my opinion & my opinion only

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Last edited by Ian Pullen; 14-04-08 at 14:02. Reason: Absolutely crap grammer and worse spelling
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Old 31-05-08, 11:01
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IAN i will be bringing my carrier & / ferret since i have my own truck now

if i can get leave !!!!!
i will be back in Darwin next year with the tank regiment.
Brenton Shevlin
Darwin NT Australia

LP2A Carrier 5004 SA Railways Islington
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Old 05-06-08, 14:43
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Default Ferret

Do you have your UK number stamped above right inside your hull ?

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Old 03-07-08, 12:06
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Default Magazine Reports on 2008

I received notification this evening from the Editor of Just Trucks and Just Heavy Equipment Magazine that he has written a 2 page story for the July edition on our Corowa event this year.
The June editions of Jeep Action Australia and Truckin Life had articles and photos of the event also.
Jan Thompson
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Old 05-07-08, 15:28
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Ben Hemmings has added a couple of documents to the corowaswim-in website. We will put together some information on KVE and put more links on soon. Is there anyone who wants to be linked to ? Please provide your details.
Jan Thompson
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Research & Development

Last edited by Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP); 05-07-08 at 17:08.
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Old 07-07-08, 03:47
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Jan, can we add a link to REMLR ?
Richard Green
Land Rover Series 2 Ambulance
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Old 07-07-08, 09:10
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Hi Richard,
That won't be a problem. I will forward this on to Ben Hemmings.
Jan Thompson
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Old 14-07-08, 11:54
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Default KVE Annual General Meeting

On Saturday 12th July KVE had an AGM at Corowa. I would like to inform people of a few things that occurred.
The new committee is as follows:
President: Rick Cove
Vice President: Tim Scriven
Treasurer: Maureen Bell
Secretary: Jan Thompson
3 Committee members: Ian Pullen, Alex McPherson and Euan McDonald

It was good to see a few members and visitors at the meeting.
Ben Hemmings will be updating the website: shortly. For people or organisations who want to be linked to the website please let us know.

On Sunday we had a meeting with representatives from the town at 11am. We provided them with out program of events and some requests for assistance. They also offered assistance to our event in 2009. We are celebrating 30 years of Corowa and they are having their 150th birthday celebrations so it will be a big year.

It is very important that people preregister for this event and an updated Entry Form will be available on the website and distributed to clubs and people on our data base shortly.

Membership to KVE is $30 per year and if anyone wants to join please send me an email for further details.

Further details will be on this forum and our website.
Jan Thompson
Sydney, NSW, Australia
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Old 27-07-08, 10:54
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Default Corowa 09 & KVE

As many have now discovered, I am no longer holding an executive position on the KVE committee.

This is mostly due to the fact that I cannot dedicate the time to the task as president therefore making it unfair for the rest of the committee as they were left to take up the shortfall.

As the months of March and April are by far the busiest months of the Museum, I found that I had to give my time to that organisation over KVE. Hence leaving the rest of the committee in limbo as to when I could attend KVE functions.

I will remain in a position on the committee where I can still act in a liaison capacity in preparation to the actual street parade and other local functions.

I give the new committee make up best wishes for the upcoming event and know that with the current blend of experience and dedication, it will advance to levels where I could not even dream of being able to steer it to.

Here's to an absolutely awesome event next year.

What I state is my opinion & my opinion only

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Old 02-08-08, 03:06
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The swim-in website, now has some new information including the entry form, program of events, membership form to KVE Inc and links to places such as Ball Park Caravan Park, the Jump Shak at Corowa Airport and the Corowa Tourist Information Centre. Take a look and let us know if you would like to be linked to our website and the Corowa 30 website.

The event is shaping up to be the biggest yet and we would appreciate people sending back their entry forms ASAP. This allows us to organise the required number of participant packages which will contain some extra items for our 30 year celebrations.

There are 3 functions that we would appreciate numbers for because of catering requirements. The first is on Thursday 12th March when the Council are proposing a Civic Reception for our participants at the Corowa RSL Club from 6pm. We are waiting on information from the Corowa Rotary Club who will provide a meal at Ball Park prior to the Presentation and Auction Evening on Saturday 14th March. We will advise you of costs shortly. We will be providing a marquee this year for this function and by having a meal provided at a small fee will hopefully encourage more people to attend. A local person will be the auctioneer so please look out anything you might be able to contribute for the auction. The final event on the program for those who are able to stay until the Monday is the 3 course carvery at the Corowa RSL Club. The costs at this stage will be $18 for Adults and $7.50 for children under the age of 12. This function is gaining more interest each year and I recommend that if you can stay until Monday you will enjoy yourselves.

The event has become more than a small gathering of people and vehicles and it now takes more hours/days/months to organise. KVE is now the organising body and I would like to thank all who have assisted to make this event the largest gathering of ex-military vehicles in Australia. We have provided a Membership Application Form on the website for those who may be interested in joining.

It is only 7 months now until the next event. Looking forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.
Jan Thompson
Sydney, NSW, Australia
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Old 05-08-08, 01:27
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Mmm, I just realised that the swim in isn't on the REMLR Links page. I'll make sure I add it today.

Richard Green
Land Rover Series 2 Ambulance
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Old 15-09-08, 13:03
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Acomidation settled I'm staying at the Lone Pine from the 8th to the 15th now all I need is a road worthy bltz to enter the fun
Robert Pearce.
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Old 16-09-08, 00:37
lynx42 lynx42 is offline
Rick Cove
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Good on you Robert.

We are looking forward to a great gathering. The year of the Blitz II will bring out quite a number of newly restored/found vehicles. Glad you have booked your accommodation. With the numbers increasing as they are each year, early booking is coming a necessity.

Planning is well under way for COROWA-30. We are looking forward to the best year yet.

Hopefully there will be water in the river for the Amphibs. That one is out of our control though. Plenty of snow up on top, so that should help the river.

One major change this year is that you have to pay an entry fee and
Book-in. Previously the entry fee was by donation. This year every entry is to pay. Those booking before the end of February 2009 will receive some interesting mementoes in their Rally Pack.

All members of your party have to be listed in our records. This is necessary for our insurance coverage. Your Pre-event booking does not need to list every-one, but at Book-In at Corowa, we need the names of all of your party.

Looking forward to seeing you and your Blitz, Robert.

Regards Rick
President KVE Inc.
1916 Albion A10
1942 White Scoutcar
1940 Chev Staff Car
1940 F30S Cab11
1940 Chev WA LRDG "Te Hai"
1941 F60L Cab12
1943 Ford Lynx
1942 Bren Gun Carrier VR no.2250
Humber FV1601A
Saracen Mk1(?)
25pdr. 1940 Weir No.266
25pdr. Australian Short No.185 (?)
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Old 12-10-08, 13:47
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The countdown is on - 5 months until the 30th Annual GPA Swim-In and Ex-Military Vehicle Rally. To assist the organisers please send in your entry form. Entries received by the 28th February will receive special mementos.

On Saturday 14th March 2009 the Rotary Club has offered to provide a meal for participants of the event at Ball Park prior to the Presentations and Auction. We have orgainised marquees to make this more comfortable than in the past. Hopefully people will be supportive of this and KVE are going to subsidise part of the meal. If you pay your $10 entry fee you will only have to pay $10 for the 2 course meal.

The entry form asks for participants to nominate who will be attending so all people on the form will only have to pay $10. I have received some Entry Forms back but know that many of you are still to send it back. Please download the form from the website It is a 2 page form and the second page asks you to indicate what meal functions you will be attending.

On the Thursday evening the Corowa Shire are organising a Civic Reception for us. We are celebrating 30 years of this event at Corowa and the Corowa Shire is celebrating 150 years. At this stage they will be providing us with nibblies. (I will provide more information as it comes to hand.)

On the Saturday night we are trying to get as many people to attend the presentations and auction so decided that if a meal is provided at a small charge it will make it easier for participants who don't have to decide what they are going to have for dinner. A main course and dessert for $10 (if you have paid your entry fee) enables participants to enjoy themselves prior to the final event at 7.30pm.

The Sunday Carvery at the Corowa RSL is usually a great night. We are booked in for 8pm and there is plenty of food. We recommend that you stay until the Monday as this is usually a great night.

For further enquiries please ask or send me an email.
Jan Thompson
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Research & Development

Last edited by Jan Thompson; 12-10-08 at 14:10.
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Old 15-10-08, 03:50
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Jan, you said that a local person will be the auctioneer, is it the same one that did the last auction?
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Old 15-10-08, 08:05
lynx42 lynx42 is offline
Rick Cove
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The answer is "NO."
We are trying to involve the local community as far as possible. Two local auctioneers have offered their services and we have accepted their offer.
So it should be a slick operation to divest you of your money. Bring lots.
Any donations for the auction will also be gratefully received.
President KVE Inc.
1916 Albion A10
1942 White Scoutcar
1940 Chev Staff Car
1940 F30S Cab11
1940 Chev WA LRDG "Te Hai"
1941 F60L Cab12
1943 Ford Lynx
1942 Bren Gun Carrier VR no.2250
Humber FV1601A
Saracen Mk1(?)
25pdr. 1940 Weir No.266
25pdr. Australian Short No.185 (?)
KVE Member.
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Old 15-10-08, 10:55
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wooh ha, excelent, count me in.
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Old 15-10-08, 14:19
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Hi Colin,
It appears that you must have had a great time at Corowa in 2008. It is amazing how many people come for a year and then make sure they are able to attend again the next year and the year after and so on. The auction is the main way we raise money to put back into the event for the next year and we really appreciate any donations.

I will be speaking to the Ball Park Caravan Park managers shortly to follow up on issues we discussed in July when we had our KVE AGM. We are aiming to have mass participation at this Auction and Presentation evening because we want to recognise the efforts put in by many people over the years. A number of people have organised the event over the years and people who have only recently been attending quite often don't know the past history. We are hoping that the original organisers and people who have assisted with organising the event over the years will be able to attend and maybe could provide people with their experiences over the years. I am sure that Alan Newton and Ian Grieve must be amazed at how the event has become the premier military vehicle gathering in Australia.

We welcome any suggestions or assistance from participants and people are more than welcome to join KVE Inc. The event has become too large to be run by 2 or 3 people.

I am expecting Bob Mosely to start the countdown to Corowa. It is now under 5 months and hopefully Bob will work out the number of days.
Jan Thompson
Sydney, NSW, Australia
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Old 16-10-08, 12:19
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143 sleeps to go.
Chevrolet Blitz Half-Track Replica - Finished and Running
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Ford F15A X 2 - unrestored
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Old 16-10-08, 12:44
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Thanks Bob I knew I could count on you. Still waiting on more Entry forms to come in. Hope you all let the troops know to get them in ASAP.
I had a phone call from a gentleman this evening who has heard through the grapevine and is eagerly preparing his vehicle for the trip down with Bob McNeill. I am sure once he comes down he will continue to attend each year.
Jan Thompson
Sydney, NSW, Australia
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Old 17-10-08, 09:47
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Default Corowa 09

although I no longer hold a position on the executive committee, I am still in there to assist in any way I can.
One such way is helping Alex with organising the traffic plan. This will be a critical document before counsil with the expected number of entries. With this, there are a few (large) toys expected again this year so there will need to be road closure again for the street parade and the run to the property.
Therefore I ask you to start SERIOUSLY thinking about sending your entry into Jan. This will greatly be appreciated and really help us with the traffic organisation that is required.
If you are planning on bringing anything large, at least e-mail Jan if you are not ready to send in an entry yet. At least that will give us an indication.
What I state is my opinion & my opinion only

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Last edited by Ian Pullen; 17-10-08 at 10:01.
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Old 17-10-08, 10:31
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Jan Thompson Jan Thompson is offline
Corowa Project 30
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Posts: 520

Thanks Ian. People don't understand how much organisation is now involved with this event. We started in March this year and each day I receive emails regarding the event. (Wish I had a Personal Assistant.)
Jan Thompson
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Research & Development
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