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Old 25-07-04, 22:06
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Originally posted by Bill Murray
Belch. The smaller version of the USMC fleet of Ford/MH, this one a 1940 variant.
Is this the same as in LLDMG5-4, mg truck for the NEI?


PS keep having bad lunches!
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Old 25-07-04, 22:27
Bill Murray Bill Murray is offline
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Actually I am better after I get into the Scottish elixer.

Things I have learned and will apply.
1. Do not have a bright light over your scanner, especially a flourescent one which seems to be why the last batch I posted were a bit fuzzy.
2. Clean the screen often. I have to open the thingie and place the photo and I see I have all kinds of smudges on the image glass. Won't happen again.
3. I have the routine down pretty good now and may go back and try to fix some of the really bad ones. I can do full size 8"x10" and switch to a postcard size and then to a fairly small pic and get them all to come out the same size more or less. Still too big but I may have to buy a better photo editing software to get it consistently right.

I cannot thank all of you enough for your faith and encouragement in this adventure. Remember, I am 64 1/2 and grew up in school with an abacus. Give me a big pat on the back (side?) as I was posting an average of 10 times each pic before I got the forum to take it. Literally hours in front of this bloody screen seeing the dreaded message "Too f*****g big, try again laddie". I think GWB had the message specially made up for me.

I may not make it back today as the 3 grandkids are just now arriving and this is the day I promised to give them a show.
Our 5000 gallon fish pond has spawned about 150 goldfish in addition to the 20 Koi and 4 huge catfish and it is overwhelmed with goldfish s**t and I have to clean 4 filters twice a day.
So, I am jumping in the pond with my trusty fish net and going to catch as many of the little beggars as I can and put them in our holding pond until I can get rid of them. I will try to have my daughter take a pic of me with a glass of scotch in one hand and the net in the other in the middle of the bloody pond.
Bill. Oh might as well post a pic. One of my other interests. Sory, remembered I fixed the GMC shovel pic
I'll shoot the other in a sec.
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Old 25-07-04, 22:30
Bill Murray Bill Murray is offline
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I like hearses too.
Ooops forgot to resize, another time.
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Old 26-07-04, 08:48
Stellan Bojerud (RIP)'s Avatar
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Originally posted by Bill Murray

1938 Desoto Staff Car Finnish Army (1940)

I wouldnīt be surprised if this was the staff car of Carl Gustaf Emil Friherre Mannerheim, Field Marshal and C-in-C 1939-44 (1942 promoted Marshal of Finland, 1944 President of Finland). Note the driver wearing the red trousers of the Cavalry.

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Last edited by Stellan Bojerud (RIP); 26-07-04 at 13:30.
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Old 26-07-04, 16:49
Bill Murray Bill Murray is offline
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Hej Stellan:

I am not sure, you could be right. The caption, in Finnish, did not mention any names, just a location and date.
I have about 50 or so photos from those old magazines, most of rather poor quality as it was a cheap magazine, and it was obvious that the Finnish Armed Forces impressed an amazing variety of civilian vehicles rather like the Germans did.
At some point I can post some of the better ones if there is any interest.

For you and the rest of the group, I have signed up for a web alblum hosting site with HP which I am now trying to learn. It seems to offer a simpler photo editing software than what I am now using. If it works, I will open up the site.

Even though Geoff has indicated several times that the band width issue is a long way from becoming critical, I am very concerned that in my enthusiasm to share things I might bugger it up.

A lot of what I have is not CMP oriented but fairly rare as I have stated earlier and there are tons of it. At the same time, I have tons of Canadian and Australian photos from many sources that have most likely not been published but that are available on the net at places such as the AWM and other similar photo repositories.

I still feel I need guidance here. Do I post photos from the AWM for example that are available to anyone with about 100 hours of free time to penetrate all of those images or do you lads prefer to dig them up for yourselves? I have one full size filing cabinet drawer of just AWM images, some are saved to my photo file the rest I just printed to paper for reference. As I have the reference numbers, I can always go to the site and download the pic to the photo file.

I understand I have more or less asked the same question earlier in this thread and we threw around a lot of ideas but I didn't get a concrete sense that we came to a final conclusion. I am more excited than you can imagine to have finally at least gotten to the beginning stage of starting to share all this stuff but I am also a team player and I want to be sure I am helping, not hurting.
I did get a message from Hanno regarding being selective about the quality of pics posted here and I will be more careful in that sense. I can preview the stuff so I won't send any more crappy ones like I did in the very beginning.

Got to run, I may or may not post more today as Pat and I are off to visit a hobby distributor warehouse in New Jersey tomorrow and will be gone until Friday/Saturday.
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Old 26-07-04, 17:09
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Default FM Mannerheimīs staff car?

FM Mannerheim was a cavalryman. He wore the red trousers of Cavalry and also the shoulder badge of Nyland (Uusima) Dragoons Regt of which he was Colonel-in-Chief.

He picked his personal staff from that regiment. Here he stands with his ADC and British Gen Kirke outside of Claridges Hotel in London Jan 1936.

So the uniform of the car driver makes me think that this was Mannerheims car.


PS: The pic is 500 pix high/75 dpi.
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Old 26-07-04, 17:23
Bill Murray Bill Murray is offline
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The photo caption, in Finnish:
1938 Desoto Helsingin Kilosaaressa, etelaerantatie 17, nyk.
Armas Lindgrenin tie (Thordenin Varustamo). Kyseessae kesae 1940.
I know nothing of Finnish but can guess the first line is where the photo was taken which was in front of a very nice home/office.
The second line may be the name of the driver and the last part of that sentence and the third one I could not even guess at.

As a passing thought, I know that Chrysler products were well received and sold well in Finland from the thirties right up to the Winter War including trucks as well as passenger cars.
Somewhere, I have some pics of late 1930 Cadillacs used as staff cars and I will try to find them.
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Old 26-07-04, 22:45
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Originally posted by Bill Murray
I still feel I need guidance here. Do I post photos from the AWM for example that are available to anyone with about 100 hours of free time to penetrate all of those images or do you lads prefer to dig them up for yourselves? I have one full size filing cabinet drawer of just AWM images, some are saved to my photo file the rest I just printed to paper for reference. As I have the reference numbers, I can always go to the site and download the pic to the photo file.

I understand I have more or less asked the same question earlier in this thread and we threw around a lot of ideas but I didn't get a concrete sense that we came to a final conclusion. I am more excited than you can imagine to have finally at least gotten to the beginning stage of starting to share all this stuff but I am also a team player and I want to be sure I am helping, not hurting.
I did get a message from Hanno regarding being selective about the quality of pics posted here and I will be more careful in that sense. I can preview the stuff so I won't send any more crappy ones like I did in the very beginning.
Bill, first of all, I'd like to commend you for trying to learn new tricks (I'm not saying you're an old dog, by the way ). My dad really started working with computers when he retired some eight years ago, and at almost 74 he knows more about them than I do. A big difference is the speed of learning - my experience is that younger people simply try and muck about, not really knowing what they are doing, while older, more experienced people try to really understand what they are doing.

Your pictures are very worthwile seeing! Even though some of them might be of bad quality to begin with, the pic of the Ford/M-H used by your father's Battalion is spoiled by the way it is digitized - do you see the squares? That's the disappointing thing, as I know a better quality scan can be made from this picture - and I'm a beginner. I have edited and attached a picture you posted here and of which you sent me a scan earlier on to show what I mean. Come to think of it, I think your scanning is fine, editing them into proportions this forum can manage is where the problem is.

What I am trying to do is to prevent you from scanning dozens or hundreds of pictures at wrong settings, and save you a lot of time having to do it all over again. Try to harness that excitement - you're one of the generation that really knows what they're doing, remember? Take your time really getting the hang of scanning and editing pictures, then scan the ones you want to share and set up your own internet web page and/or photo album. It will allow you to use the settings your pictures deserve (see above). Use the pull versus push principle - if someone is interested they will find them and ask for more and/or can discuss them on this forum.
There's no need to scan photos which are already available on the internet, you can refer to them by posting the URL, or if possible, make them show up in your message using the a link using the "IMG" command.

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Old 26-07-04, 23:29
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Originally posted by Hanno Spoelstra
I think we would better off by first finding photo hosting site (probably quite obscure) that will allow linking to pictures so they show up in postings to this forum.
Another try -


Dreaded X or a picture?
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Old 26-07-04, 23:33
Bill Murray Bill Murray is offline
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Hanno and friends.

Ouch. I knew my scan on the USMC MH was bad but not that bad and I will never send one like that again.

Let me say in short, no on second hand I am never short, this is the best group of automotive enthusiasts I have ever encountered and I am on many dozens of such sites.
Even if we never meet, I count all of you among my best friends.

It is this friendship that drives me to get as much as I can to as many as would like it as quickly as I can. I have an archive/collection/whatever you want to call it. I am in reasonably good health but will obviously not last forever. I would hate to see that body of information be lost to folks like yourselves. Where is Bart Vanderveen's collection today, where is Walter Spielbergers, Werner Oswalds, Jean Gabriel Jeudy's etc. etc. My collection is nowhere near as big as theirs but it is big enough. Fred Crismon still has his but is not doing anything with it nor is Uwe Feist and a few others I know. I cannot write books so this is my method of sharing.

To the age thing, and it doesn't bother me Hanno, I have had a very full life so far. I was fortunate to have been given pretty high level jobs at a very young age and managed to do well enough to keep getting better ones. Lot's of responsibility but also lots of excellent staff so I could indulge myself in my free time. One benefit of working for Swedish companies was that no matter where I lived I always had to take the mandatory 5 weeks holiday (at least it was five weeks up till 13 years ago). Since starting my own business 13 years ago I have only taken about 3 weeks of holiday the whole time. Free time is a rare commodity for me and I can only devote an hour or so a day to my second love, the history and development of soft skinned vehicles.

Well, enough of that. I think I have broken through quite a lot of barriers these last few weeks. Just need more practice which I think I can now do off line so to say before making the final posting effort.

One thing Hanno, I mentioned posting the same thing 10 or more times and you may have misunderstood. Since the site would not take the image the posting never happened. I have only edited the ones that did get through as I was typing a lot of stuff only to have it disapper when the site refused the posting. Hopefully, I will get it right the first time more often than not in the future.

I appreciate your remarks about keeping some stuff on a separate site and as mentioned earlier I am trying to get that going.

Got to run for now.

Last edited by Bill Murray; 26-07-04 at 23:40.
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Old 27-07-04, 01:14
Bill Murray Bill Murray is offline
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Default Not sure

I will kill this quickly if no workee.

I have no idea what I have done here but am trying. Hanno, do not hurt me. The pics are of me and my pond.

Pond is pretty, I am ugly. Did not try to edit pics just trying the site out. No nasty red x's on this end.
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Last edited by Bill Murray; 27-07-04 at 01:22.
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Old 27-07-04, 02:11
Bill Murray Bill Murray is offline
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Now try

Again unedited as yet but just to see if it works and I can make it better later.
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Old 27-07-04, 02:15
Bill Murray Bill Murray is offline
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How am I doing, Hanno?
Am I correct that this is not eating up the bandwidth?
Disregard the quality for the moment, I am experimenting with accessing several of my hard drive locations where I have photos stored. Some are good, some not so good. The site does offer editing possibilities so we shall see.
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Old 27-07-04, 02:24
Bill Murray Bill Murray is offline
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Now try

Some of these are redundant but I want to see if the quality improves.

Well, well, not too shabby if I say so myself. Might be on to something here.
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Old 27-07-04, 02:49
Bill Murray Bill Murray is offline
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Try: for some of my other interests.

I really have to go to bed now. Got a full day drive tomorrow and Pat is saying, "get a life" it is time for bed.

Hanno, I love you!!!!!!!
Not that way

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