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Old 17-09-07, 11:27
Douglas Greville's Avatar
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Default Re: Re-enactments

Originally posted by Ian Pullen
I hope the re-enactment craze doesn't include the Roman Legions. Although I do have a few photos of me in a toga but that was alcohol induced (aparently).......and I was a bit younger then too. Not a good look for Corowa.
I believe it does include the Roman legions, but was trying to
keep things simple and as brief as possible, so left that out.

Old 17-09-07, 11:50
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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More like the Batley Townswomen's Guild set to re-enact the battle of Pearl Harbour...

:remember :support
Old 17-09-07, 11:53
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Re-enactments

Originally posted by Ian Pullen
I hope the re-enactment craze doesn't include the Roman Legions. Although I do have a few photos of me in a toga but that was alcohol induced (aparently).......and I was a bit younger then too. Not a good look for Corowa.
Ah yes, the Toga Party... where suitably reinforced, the male participants spend the majority of their time trying to talk the female participants out of their togas...
:remember :support
Old 28-10-07, 10:37
Ian Pullen's Avatar
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Default COROWA 2008

In answer to numerous queries I have had of late about what is actually happening next year at Corowa, I have decided to post this on this forum to:

a/. get the message out, and
b/. to ease the phone congestion at home. It has been getting a fair amount of usage some nights.

Although I originally declined the committee position John Hedges kindly offered, I have sent him an e-mail stating that I have reconsidered and would accept the position if re-offered. This is due to the fact that as I am getting involved anyway, I may as well go the whole hog.

For those who did not know, on 14 Oct Keith Adam, Alex McPherson, Jim Benny, Dave Mottram, Tim Scriven, Maureen Bell, Ben Hemmings, Hugh Thompson, myself and most of the members of the standing committee met to try and work out things for next year. Although the numbers were there to form a quorum, an actual committee meeting was deemed not necessary.

Two really positive results from this get-together were:

a/. a large increase in numbers of KVE members, and
b/. another meeting, including a committee meeting, was scheduled for Corowa again on 25 Nov. (If any interested parties are considering attending, it would be worth it.)

Before I go too far I need to clarify the question about tracked vehicles at the Van Park. After discussions with the committee at Corowa , I can say that LP Carriers ARE allowed in the Van Park. As many have said to me about the earlier carrier theme year being successful, I agree and I think that LP carriers should be no problem in that location.

The point that will upset some is that turreted AFV's, Semi Trailers and half tracks WILL NOT be allowed in there. I have discussed this with the owners of the park and they are in agreement. Gentlemen (and Ladies) this is a SAFETY issue, plus we have to be realistic about the damage that these vehicles will do to the grounds. The Van Park owners are not interested in their grounds being ploughed through and rightly so. If we wish to enjoy their hospitality for years to come, we need to be accepting of this.

The larger vehicles will be based at the Airfield and organised as per Keith Adam's original ideas, albeit I think that it will be under the KVE banner. With Keith's standing in the MV community, I am sure that attendance will be up to what we are hoping for; I asked Jan about attendance and she informed me that historically very few entries are received this early anyway. Anyway, when I had to leave that meeting the other Sunday, John and Keith were sitting at a table and planning to visit the Airfield and council the following morning.

Another point brought up was the swap meet and queries about liability insurance, start times and location. It was decided that the swap meet is to be held at the Airfield. I know that this will probably upset a few people, but it is a logical choice. John mentioned that KVE had insurance concerns ref the swap meet and wouldn't take it on, but after just a couple of phone calls, the local Rotary club have agreed to take it on; Jan was telling me that entry will be free but store holders will be charged a minimal fee of just $5.

After thinking about it, we agreed that it was a great idea as no one has to rush off after the photo shoot and Rotary will not open it until we nominate a start time. This should make some happy at least.

Another thing that will be very different from other years is that the vehicles at the Airfield will be required to make an organised, disciplined move from there to the Street Parade start point.

The actual street parade itself has also been broken into three distinct groups. Group 1 will be the big stuff, Group 2 the LP Carriers and Group 3 will be the remainder. There will be a few minutes break between groups to allow for traffic to flow again. This is something that we as enthusiasts will need to accept. There will be some big stuff on the road and again, we really don't want to piss off the locals. It is their town after all and we want to be welcomed back the next year. Alex McPherson has come up with some fantastic points in the organising of the street parade.

I hope that this eases the questions of some that have been ringing or contemplating ringing me. One thing I would like to point out to everyone who is about to ring (or reply) that have their knickers in a knot: all this is for NEXT YEAR ONLY - the year after, everything should be all back to normal.

Last edited by Ian Pullen; 30-10-07 at 14:56.
Old 29-10-07, 01:21
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It sounds like it was a very productive meeting.

The swap meet at the airport sounds like a good idea. Is that a 2008 one as well, or will that one be a permanent change??
Richard Green
Land Rover Series 2 Ambulance
Old 29-10-07, 04:17
Ian Pullen's Avatar
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Default 2008

Richard, I anticipate a lot of information to come out at the meeting in Corowa in November. I think it is a positive step as everyone there voted unanimously to have it in the same location.
Time is getting short and there is a lot to do still. Mark it on your calendar.
As for the swap meet staying there, personally I like the idea but let's see how it pans out. If the majority want it to stay, I suppose something could be done. If the majority don't like it, then there is always back to plan A. Mate, the committee is there to organise this for the masses to get the most out of it.
Any questions, you have my e-mail.
As there is no dedicated web page for the event, (I spoke to Jan & her site is for the 30th year only) I will post any information I find out on this forum as I find out. As I said, time is running out and there is a lot to get done.
Old 29-10-07, 06:15
Bob Moseley (RIP)'s Avatar
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Default Corowa 2008 Update

Hi Ian
Thanks for the update re. the 14 October meeting. I would have expected something sooner from the KVE Executive as many people, including myself, are investing a lot of time and money for 2008 and we expect or insist that the Airport venue be properly organised. The Swap Meet aspect of not opening until after the street parade and photo shoot is what most people desire and is a good move. Besides which the Swap Meet is more for the general public because if you haven't obtained what you want in the week preceeding you are not worth your salt as a collector.

I would urge anyone considering attending Corowa 2008, especially with an Airport venue type vehicle, to subscribe to this thread and voice your opinions and or concerns.

140 sleeps to go.

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Old 29-10-07, 06:57
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I presume the detailed information would be finilased and distributed after the 25th of Nov meeting unless i'm mistaken.

Is it only 140 days to go
Richard Green
Land Rover Series 2 Ambulance
Old 29-10-07, 11:57
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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Default Good Stuff!


I'm glad to see things are finally moving ahead, mate! I do recognise the inherent difficulties in incorporating heavy armour & its related supporting train into Corowa as it exists, and it sounds like you have a firm handle on it now.

Ref the swap meet, I concur with Bob on this as well - the timing & loc would seem ideal, potentially on a permanent basis, but as you said, it's really up to the participants in the end. It occurs to me that doing it this way would guarantee max participation in both elements of the Saturday morning.

If I can be of any assistance to you in getting the word out, please don't hesitate to ask!

:remember :support
Old 29-10-07, 12:57
Ian Pullen's Avatar
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Default Corowa 08

Thank you gentlemen. Alex & I will be involved in the organisational aspect of the street parade. When it is finalised, it will be up here for all to comment on. Again, there may be areas that may not make some happy. Remember, we are playing with some big toys next year and there has to be allowances for this.
Old 01-11-07, 00:05
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hi Ian,

It sounds like you are now making rapid progress in preparation for next year's event. I have no doubt, with your experience on hand, that it will be a year to remember.

My guess is that you are beginning to enjoy this.


1943 Bedford QLD lorry - 1941 BSA WM20 m/cycle - 1943 Daimler Scout Car Mk2
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Old 06-11-07, 08:57
Scrivo18 Scrivo18 is offline
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Default Corowa Meeting Nov 25th

Hi Ian

Has a time and place been organised for the next meeting at Corowa?
I have been away and have had no further information and I need to organise some things.
It is good to see that you have put your hand up as a committee member, that will be a good thing to have some one with your experience involved officially.
Do you know if any one else has confirmed that they are bringing a Tank? I registered the Stuart at the meeting, but it looks like the Halftrack might be committed to filming, which is disappointing, but logistically easier for me.

Tim Scriven
Old 06-11-07, 09:46
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Tim, shame about the 1/2 Track not being able to make it. How was sunny Queensland???
As far as the committee is concerned, I have heard nothing official as per my nomination.
In reference to the meeting though, the club president has decided to change the venue to Sydney to cater for two committee members, one of which I am lead to believe is resigning and the other will be down this way anyway for the Bandiana disposals auction. As far as the actual location & time, I have not been told. I do know that there are quite a few members who had already planned and paid for accommodation etc at Corowa for that weekend.
At this stage you are the only confirmed AFV entrant that I am aware of. I do know of others who are interested but are waiting to find out more about what is going to happen as far as the Airfield is concerned as well as the street parade. As you would well know there is a bit of a concern driving this sort of stuff down the road.
When I have it finalised I will let the committee know and also place it here for all to read.


(For those who have e-mailed ref the auctions, I have no firm details. I have ben told they are on then by a member coming over from SA for it. When I find out more details, I will post accordingly)

Last edited by Ian Pullen; 06-11-07 at 11:28.
Old 07-11-07, 12:04
Bob Cameron Bob Cameron is offline
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This might upset somebody --- However!
I attended an event at Menangle NSW where I and six others witnessed the following :
Colin and Carol Foulkes arrived, Colin came into our tent to chat with us and without any prompting made some slanderous and derogatory remarks about about a fellow executive committee member of KVE. Shocked at this behaviour I then left the tent knowing that these comments had been recorded.
In my opinion, any person serving on a committee that displays such disloyalty to their organisation should resign their position!
As a footnote : People present at the Corowa meeting in Oct made reference to the president saying that he is the President of four different organisations and KVE is the WORST organisation with which he has been associated.
And this is under HIS Presidency ? Where does the Buck stop???

Robert D Cameron DCM
Treasurer AAVA

Last edited by Bob Cameron; 07-11-07 at 12:56.
Old 07-11-07, 13:39
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Bob

Thanks for your input, Bob. It's good to see you on the Forum, even if it is under such inauspicious circumstances.

I unfortunately have to confess I've heard similar comments elsewhere from others in the recent past, but was reluctant to follow them up for obvious reasons. Nor am I going to now, for equally obvious reasons; your remarks would seem to corroborate the others which have reached me, and together they paint an extremely sad picture.

Having said that, the situation you portray would also seem to explain the indefensible silence emanating from KVE in the last couple of months. It's a damned shame, and I hope that situation is rectified sooner rather than later - Corowa and the attendees whom it serves so well deserve better.

:remember :support
Old 11-11-07, 10:10
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Information Update for people attending the 29th Annual GPA Swim-In in March 2008.

At the Corowa Swim-In we introduced the following form to encourage people to vote for people they think deserve awards. When you come to the Information Site (next year it will be a caravan instead of a tent) you will be given a package of information and included is a Voting Form. We encourage all attendees whether they participate with a military vehicle or not to provide us with their suggestions related to the following:

Please put this form in the Suggestion Box by 12 midday on Saturday 15th March 2008. At 1200hrs this box will be cleared and any forms received after this will not be included. We need time to count and organize the results for the presentations on Saturday night.

Awards: Please give the person’s name and the reason for them to be considered for an Award.
1. Mal Mackay Memorial Award: This award will be given to an individual who appears to get the most enjoyment out of being at Corowa.
Reason why:

2. Hard Luck award:
Reason why:

3. Breakdown Award:
Reason why:

4. Longest distance driven in a military vehicle:
Number of Kilometres driven:

5. Encouragement Award:
Reason why:

6. People’s Favorite Choice: For your favorite vehicle attending this year.
Vehicle rally number:
Type of Vehicle:

Suggestions for a Theme for 2012

Suggestions for places to visit in 2009

If anyone has other suggestions for awards please contact me prior to the event.

By the way it is only 4 months until the event next year. If you haven't returned your entry form please return it ASAP. If you do not have a copy send me a message and I can forward one to you.

Due to the theme for 2008 - Year of the Tracked Vehicle, there is a change of location for the Swap Meet. The Corowa Rotary Club will be hosting the event at the Corowa Airport. Due to feedback from the 2007 event the swap meet will commence at 9.45am (after the parade) and stall holders will not be able to enter the Airport until 8am to set up their stalls. There will be participants residing at the Airport with their Tracked Vehicles and they will be leaving the area at approx 7.30am to attend the Street Drive which will commence from Ball Park at 9.00am sharp. The cost for stallholders will be $5. Buyers and lookers will not be charged. This change has occurred due to Insurance reasons. Please inform people who attend the swap meet.
Jan Thompson
Sydney, NSW, Australia
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Old 12-11-07, 01:20
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Tim, I do know of one other tank attempting to attend Corowa next year, however it won't be confirmed until the owner can sort out the logisitcs (and cost) of getting it there.
Richard Green
Land Rover Series 2 Ambulance
Old 12-11-07, 03:03
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Default AFV's for 08

Richard, I am aware of the vehicle you have mentioned. It will be great if you both can attend with said AFV. As with all these things though, logistics and finance are the killers. There are a number of people still holding back to check the coffers after the Christmas season to see if bringing an AFV is feasable.
Even us at the Museum are going to have hassles ref tank transporters when time comes.
Suffice to say we are still going with Plan A at this stage.
As far as the next meeting goes, still no response from the exec committee as to when & where yet.
Alex & I are still on the Street Parade and things should be finalised and posted within the next few weeks. This should give ample opportunity for max output of information.
I have spoken to Jif about the use of the forum to post information on Corowa as there is still no actual website and he is very obliging. (Thank you Sunray). Since MLU has somewhere near 400 members from this wide brown land, I am sure that word will spread far and wide as to what is going on..
I for one will be camping at the airfield away from the creature comforts of the porcelain loo, hot showers and doona. I am looking forward to seeing how many take up the offer to use the Airfield as a base site and join the gang for a cheap red and BBQ.
With having the two locations it will open up the event. I have also heard that this year some of the local groups may be willing to "join in" the festivities. As this is their town for 51 weeks of the year, I find it gratifying that the town itself is finally wanting to participate.
Old 13-11-07, 09:29
matilda IIA matilda IIA is offline
Matt McMahon
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Great Job Ian

As we all know, You are doing a great job trying to sort out the mine feild you have found your self in !!....
As a potential provider of tracked vehicles I and many others are Very concerned that KVE may be imploding. For this reason along with the cost of fuel and transport and the desire to stay clear of any dust up's on the day, most owners are a little nervious about committing to the event .
With out doudt the event would have never got off the ground without your input and dedication. I applaud your efforts so far and am watching with intrest in the next few months.

I note that almost all the information presented here is from you...I feel that KVE should get their management committie sorted out and sooooon

Kind regards
Old 13-11-07, 12:44
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Ian

As Matt suggested, it seems like you do indeed have your pulse on the coming event, sorting the wheat from the chaff as it were, and I'd just like to reaffirm that I'm happy to offer my services in helping you pass the word to your countrymen when you have details finalised.

Speaking of such, do you have any idea of when that might be? Is this contingent upon that next meeting you mentioned, and if so, any word yet about that? As Matt suggested, I'm sure there are many out there waiting on the edges of their seats for your heads-up.

In related matters, your comment about the Corowa townfolk showing more than a passing interest this year strikes me as being a really positive step forward as well.

With regards Airfield Camping, you don't suppose I could get my batman to dig me a nice L-shaped trench with overhead protection, do you? After all, this old infantryman kind of likes his creature comforts...
:remember :support
Old 13-11-07, 13:02
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Default Geoff


Ah, lets see, Corowa => airfield => bushes => summer = SNAKES!

Are you really sure you want to camp in a trench?

I would be less worried about what falls from the sky than
I would what comes slivering into the sleeping bag seeking a nice
source of warmth overnight......

That would get the old balls spinning I dare say? :-)

As a mate of mine says " 'roughing it' is sleeping with the
window open" - no prizes for guessing he was never in the

Old 13-11-07, 13:25
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Doug

Douglas-- women have been doing that to me my whole life, is there a difference?

:remember :support
Old 15-11-07, 10:15
Ian Pullen's Avatar
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Thank you gentlemen. There is a meeting sometime in the next few weeks I believe, however, the details appear to be classified at the moment.
As I have announced on this forum I have put my hand up for a committee position.
I have e-mailed John to find out where & when as I hope to be able to attend.
I will let everyone know what happens.

Last edited by Ian Pullen; 17-11-07 at 12:12.
Old 15-11-07, 10:27
Sydneymver Sydneymver is offline
Bruce McCann
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Default Classified

Classified details,
Well i never would have thought that having a vintage car display
(thats what it is isn't it) would ever be described as having classified details in any of its organising.
Whilst i appreciate everything KVE and the other parties are doing to help run an event as smooth as possible if any portion can be described as classified ,then isn't this a sign it is getting way over the top of an already great event.

Bruce McCann
Old 18-11-07, 14:26
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Default Corowa 08

Ladies and gentlemen. I have had an e-mail from the President of KVE, detailing that the next meeting is to be held at the Campbelltown RSL Club in Sydney this Sunday at 11 am. I would encourage any interested parties to attend and ask any members of KVE to attend.

Members, I remind you that you have voting rights as per the NSW Model Rules of Fair Trading, as stated also by the KVE president.

Looking forward to a good turn out. Thank you.


Campbelltown RSL
Carberry Lane,
Campbelltown NSW 2560

Tel: 02 4625 1408
Old 18-11-07, 23:18
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Default Directions to the Campbelltown RSL

As I have already had queries asking directions, here they are:

The RSL is on the corner of Cordeaux St & Moore Oxley Bypass. If you are coming from Sydney, take the first Campbelltown off ramp and Cordeaux will be on your right after Broughton St; if coming from the south, take the Narellan Road off ramp, turn right and then left onto the bypass.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Originally posted by Ian Pullen
Ladies and gentlemen. I have had an e-mail from the President of KVE, detailing that the next meeting is to be held at the Campbelltown RSL Club in Sydney this Sunday at 11 am. I would encourage any interested parties to attend and ask any members of KVE to attend.

Members, I remind you that you have voting rights as per the NSW Model Rules of Fair Trading, as stated also by the KVE president.

Looking forward to a good turn out. Thank you.


Campbelltown RSL
Carberry Lane,
Campbelltown NSW 2560

Tel: 02 4625 1408
Old 06-12-07, 11:10
matilda IIA matilda IIA is offline
Matt McMahon
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Whats Happening ???, has anyone herd the outcome of the meeting in sydney...


Old 06-12-07, 14:43
Ian Pullen's Avatar
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Default Sydney Meeting

Ladies and Gentlemen, in reference to the meeting at Sydney on 25 Nov there were a number of items to come from it that are of interest to any and all entrants for Corowa in 2008.

The initial build up had the committee cancel the meeting days prior, which left those of us with flights & accommodation booked up in the air as this time frame would then negate any refunds. No mention was made of another meeting being scheduled.

Immediately after this, letters of resignation were forwarded by the KVE President, Treasurer and another committee member (non-executive position). The club Vice President had submitted his resignation previously and that resignation time frame had already expired leaving this position vacant.

The meeting still took place as a meeting of interested members and participants. This included members from other major MV clubs from within the state.

As per the request of the resigning members, their letters were read out and opened for discussion.

From there, an interim committee was nominated by the members present to fill the club positions until a Special General Meeting could be convened after the resignation time frame had elapsed. These positions are temporary and will be filled at a Special General Meeting to be held on 27th December.

It needs to be mentioned that although these positions are being filled, they technically will still be temporary positions until the AGM. This is even after the Special General Meeting. The people currently assisting in these positions at the moment are solely there to disperse the workload to enable the organisational aspects for next year to continue. I again reiterate these are temporary positions only.

At this coming Special General Meeting ALL VACANT committee positions will be opened for nomination.

These positions are:
Vice President;
Treasurer: and
Position without portfolio x 2.

At this stage, the interim (temp) executive positions are staffed by:
President: Myself (Ian Pullen),
Vice President: Alex McPherson, and
Treasurer: Maureen Bell.

A letter has been forwarded to the resigning members asking for all files, documentation, property etc belonging to KVE to be sent to either the club secretary or myself sometime within the next few weeks. This will allow the interim committee to continue with the organisation and logistics for next years event. As this information is a requirement to enable the event next year to occur, it is hoped that this transition happens smoothly and the exchange of these items happens soon.

The Secretary KVE is in the process of forwarding to financial members a nomination/ballot form to officially nominate and fill these positions at the 27 Dec meeting.

I am more than happy to answer any questions posted on this forum or sent to me by PM or e-mail.
Old 06-12-07, 21:13
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Thumbs up Re: Sydney Meeting

Originally posted by Ian Pullen
Ladies and Gentlemen, in reference to the meeting at Sydney on 25 Nov there were a number of items to come from it that are of interest to any and all entrants for Corowa in 2008.............

...............I am more than happy to answer any questions posted on this forum or sent to me by PM or e-mail.
Outstanding, Ian! May I be the first to offer my warm congratulations to both you and the members of the Interim Committee for picking up the ball and running with it at this crucial time!

As we all know, Corowa '08 is just around the corner; I applaud the excellent work you've done to-date in coordinating the coming event, as complex as it is, and I'm happy to know now that this will continue as we march (clank?!) towards another successful show. I urge all of our membership here to support you as best they can.

You have my full and unqualified confidence in being able to see this through to its rightfully successful conclusion; if there is anything I can do to assist you, you have but to ask -- Maple Leaf Up is behind you all the way!

:remember :support
Old 10-12-07, 00:27
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Rick Cove
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Congratulations Ian, Great outcome and if there's anything I can do please let me know. Corowa 2008 WILL be a success with that interim committee. Thanks for all you and you committee have done. Regards Rick
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1940 Chev Staff Car
1940 F30S Cab11
1940 Chev WA LRDG "Te Hai"
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1942 Bren Gun Carrier VR no.2250
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25pdr. 1940 Weir No.266
25pdr. Australian Short No.185 (?)
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