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Old 14-05-04, 23:51
Keith Webb's Avatar
Keith Webb Keith Webb is offline
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Default A slang expression

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your arse to clean your teeth

a threat of violence."

Also something to be said bu a non-smoker to those who smoke next to him in an enclosed environment.

See Slanguage thread
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42 FGT No8 (Aust) remains
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Old 15-05-04, 08:35
Richard Notton
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Default Re: Chunder

Originally posted by Keith Webb
In the immortal words of Bazza McKenzie:
"I'll get full as a catholic school and spew all over the lot of yers!"

A wonderful creation of our own "Dame Edna", Barry Humphries.
Not forgetting the more colourful Austrailian Cultural Attaché character, much more fun.

And, of course, Kevin Bloody Wilson, endless fun and essential listening when attacking piles of rusty shite in the garage that was once an army truck.

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Old 15-05-04, 13:50
Vets Dottir
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Default O Nobley born ...

Originally posted by FV623
Hear, hear. Our Venerable Dame of Manitoba encapsulates it precisely.

It only makees sense? Shall I bow now? GRIN Thanks R.

What is the threat, percieved or real?
Honestly, I really don't know and have failed to find out.

R. [/B][/QUOTE]

You COULD say to these folks, something like, "O Nobly born, recognize that thy fearful thoughts and images ... are all in yore blody imagination, mate."

[COLOR=green]or ... Keefy and his sicko barfing smiley ... "What you think of me is none of my business!" and besides, I really LIKE green!

<--- coffee not beer
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Old 21-05-04, 04:31
Vets Dottir
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Default Different sides

Originally posted by V_D
need my ciggies today!

Yap cough yap cough
And then there are many different sides with something to say, and try ....: makes me wanna smoke more

Canada - AFP

Canadian province can sue tobacco
firms: court

2 hours, 4 minutes ago

VANCOUVER, Canada (AFP) - The top court in Canada's westernmost
province ruled that its government can sue tobacco companies for health
care costs, in what could become a precedent for other jurisdictions.

Earlier attempts by British Columbia's
government to sue tobacco manufacturers
were tossed out by the courts.

The decision Thursday by the Appeals
Division of the provincial Supreme Court,
however, overturned a lower court ruling that
laws backing the legal challenge exceeded
the province's powers, because companies
could be sued for damages that may have occurred outside British

The new ruling opens the door for the province to sue tobacco
manufacturers to recover health care costs.

Disease related to tobacco is estimated to cost the province's public
health system about 500 million dollars (360 million US) annually.

"Every year, the biggest single cost to our health care system is as a
result of tobacco-related illnesses," said Joy MacPhail, an opposition
politician whose New Democratic Party was in government when the
Tobacco Damage and Health Care Costs Recovery Act was passed four
years ago.

Jurisdictions in the United States have already sued tobacco companies,
but British Columbia's law is being closely monitored in Canada and

"Other governments are probably watching this with interest. In that
sense it sets a precedent," said David Laundy, a spokesman for the
Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers' Council.

Laundy said manufacturers will seek to appeal the ruling to the Supreme
Court of Canada, the nation's highest court.

He argued that it was hypocritical for governments to sue manufacturers
because tobacco is highly regulated in Canada, said Laundy.

The council estimates that governments collect eight billion dollars (six
billion US) annually in tobacco taxes.

"The legislation also sets a dangerous precedent for the Canadian
justice system," said Laundy.
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Old 21-05-04, 04:41
Keith Webb's Avatar
Keith Webb Keith Webb is offline
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Default The problem is...

...of course a basic conflict of interest, and it's the same here, with the Government making so much out of taxes on tobacco as well as shelling out for healthcare... it's a really sad and silly situation all round.
Film maker

42 FGT No8 (Aust) remains
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Macleod, Victoria Australia
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Old 21-05-04, 05:01
Vets Dottir
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Talking What health risk would YOU sue for?

Hmmm .... what kinda health risk you ask?

Mental or physical, whatever.

How about;

Sue the sugar companies for costs of treating all allergies and addictions and blood sugar problems ... especially aggravating to PMS-ers who get psychotic and agress and kill in a moment of sugar imbalance! Sue for the court costs too.

Sue farmers for growing and selling wheat ... its deadly to some. Hell ... sue the seed companies. Sue the country who sends 'em...

How DO you do, my name is SUE SUE SUE
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Old 21-05-04, 10:38
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Default Smoking

I have nothing against smoking or smokers . I just wish they would bring back that little cyanide pill at the end of the filter.
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Old 22-05-04, 00:48
Vets Dottir
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Talking cyanide pill? Harsh

GJAMO, I know a lot of people would probably LIKE that idea But not me ... it would ruin my enjoyment of my

What I wonder about, in general, is the logic used in finding "the target of responsibility and accountability" ... which in reality can thread back to several targets ... no matter what the "issue or health risk"

Where does it begin? and end? and how much does it all cost to name, prove, and chase down and punish or make a "target" not only stop perpetuating, but also start compensating , because of what we've suddenly perceived as a health issue, also while other targets go un-targetted because a big enough out cry or stink hasn't been made YET, but now that THAT target paid off ... well, hey, me too, me too!!!

Endless targets and endless costs that we all pay for ... with tax dollars???


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Old 02-06-04, 15:33
Vets Dottir
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Default NON-Smokin' TO

Read it and weep Poor Sunray... what a thing to come home to.

"Big Smoke" goes smoke free: Toronto
stubs out cigarettes in bars

Tue Jun 1,11:34 AM ET

TORONTO (AFP) - Smokers stubbed out their cigarettes for the last time
in pubs across Toronto early, as the air cleared in a city known by locals
as the "Big Smoke."

Canada's largest metropolis barred ash trays
in bars on the same day that Norway became
the second country after Ireland to slap a
complete ban on smoking in public places.

Landlords ordered lights out for smokers at
midnight, in line with a hotly contested law
which bans smoking in all but a few bars and
restaurants equipped with a designated smoking room.

One pub, the Black Dog, encouraged drinkers to throw their fag ends
onto a bonfire outside, in exchange for a bar coupon and a T-shirt.

"People prefer to breathe clean air," said John Filion, chairman of the
Toronto Board of Health.

The by-law, which has sparked debates over the right of local
governments to regulate personal behaviour, has been phased in since
1999. Restaurants have been smoke free since 2001.

Smoking is now also banned in bars, casinos, bingo halls and Toronto's
horse-racing track. Transgressors face a fine of 225 dollars (165 US
dollars) and could pay 5,000 dollars (3,600 US) for repeat offenses.

The move has been unpopular with smokers, and has concerned some
landlords, who fear drinkers may stay home if deprived of their favourite

Toronto Star columnist Rosie DiManno vented on Saturday against
"Smoking Stalinists."

"I, for one, will not go gently into totalitarianism, will not be cowed by
nico-bullies or bamboozled by health charlatans," she wrote.

"Smoke more, smoke lots, smoke everywhere."

But supporters say the ban will discourge smoking and so save millions
of dollars in health care costs.

Toronto joined a wave of cities and states banning smoking in public

California became the first US state to have tobacco-free restaurants in
1995 and smoke-free bars in 1998. New York followed suit last year.

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Old 02-06-04, 22:10
Keith Webb's Avatar
Keith Webb Keith Webb is offline
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GREAT news, Yappy!
Now Torontans can breathe a little easier.
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42 FGT No8 (Aust) remains
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Old 02-06-04, 22:28
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With a bit of luck-Today Toronto, tommorrow the world!
It'll leave the air fresh for the smell of oil and cosmoline.
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Old 03-06-04, 01:27
Richard Notton
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Default Re: YESSSSSS!

Originally posted by Keith Webb
GREAT news, Yappy!
Now Torontans can breathe a little easier
Freedom & personal liberty - 0 ...... PC and Fun Gestapo - 1

Whatever happened to the spirit of live and let live in the New World; I thought this was the essence of the last World War but this is obviously a mistaken assumption, do excuse me.

All this will do will guarantee the demise over a period of time of several hundred much-liked watering holes together with the loss of probably several thousand jobs.

Great result.

Having ridden the city of so-called pariahs do be careful the tree-hugging, trendy, do-gooders looking after your social life and well-being, allegedly, do not turn their attention in boredom at the minority of old army truck users with their non-cat etc "polluting" vehicles.

Indeed, "Why do you NEED an old army truck?"

As a matter of fact, SUNRAY and I are going to have another ciggy now, so, bollocks (Two L's) to it all.

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Old 03-06-04, 02:10
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Petroleum Products

Originally posted by dougiebarder
With a bit of luck-Today Toronto, tommorrow the world!
It'll leave the air fresh for the smell of oil and cosmoline.
Hmmmmm.... carcinogenic as well, with the combustion of the former being far more polluting than cigarette smoke. SoCal is still swathed in a vast fog of automotive pollutants despite their holier-than-thou smoking ban.

The bar I have been attending when working in Toronto has been in business for 20 years. Its owner has serious doubts his enterprise will survive the winter with the onset of this.

Sorry, but I believe in the concept of Free Choice; when you take that away from one aspect of society, ALL aspects of society become equally vulnerable. This is really just an extension of the same mindset which brought about gun control and its attendant loss of personal freedoms. As the esteemed FV623 suggested, where indeed do you stop?

No, I'm afraid I can't share your enthusiasm for depriving others of their liberties based solely upon YOUR opinion of how they should live their lives. To me, this is not an issue of whether smoking is right or wrong - you as a non-smoker have the choice of whether or not to join me for a beer in a smoking bar, and in any case, last I heard tobacco is still a legal product. This is a fundamental issue of the right of people to dictate to others on any matter "they" find objectionable. Be very careful here... these things can come back to bite you on the arse.

I'd still feel the same even if I quit smoking tomorrow.


:remember :support
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Old 03-06-04, 02:46
Vets Dottir
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Unhappy Discrimination

It does seem like discrimination because there are so many other so-called "health risks" to so much, and they're left alone,and it does seem like a violation to many, including business owners freedom of choice to run their biz with the choice of which customers they will open thier dorrs to. Even if I were a non-smoker I feel the same way too.

The impact of bans are scarey because of biz failures, cutbacks, job losses, suppliers lose their accounts and buyers doesn't end.

A lot of BC businesses went under because they had no choice about the smoking. I don't know where the smoking bans are at in BC at the moment, but know they have changed the rules back and forth between absolutely no smoking in any buildings and stablishments etc ... last I was there, many had smoking reinstated. The rules have waffled.

Freedom to choose yes or no for biz owners and customers should be a given. At home? Work it out with who you live with and come up with as win/win a solution as possible and neecessary.

Sigh. This whole reaction to the smoking bans isn't about "smoking" ... its about the discrimination and violation of freedom of choice and the cost to people all round who already had their businesses established and built around choices and freedom thatare suddenly whipped out from under their feet. Period. THAT is the real issue?

This ban, and others similar, disrupts and destroys what people have worked their asses off for and nurtured and built for years and YEARS ... only to have it all blown away...and all the rest of the "losers and losses" in this ban.

It seems so high-handedly irresponsible towards other peoples lives and livelihoods. It just seems very "wrong" to me

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Old 03-06-04, 05:23
Keith Webb's Avatar
Keith Webb Keith Webb is offline
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Default Re: Discrimination

Originally posted by V_D

Sigh. This whole reaction to the smoking bans isn't about "smoking" ... its about the discrimination and violation of freedom of choice and the cost to people all round who already had their businesses established and built around choices and freedom thatare suddenly whipped out from under their feet. Period. THAT is the real issue?
I really don't like the idea of compulsion or violation of freedoms either, so I'm with you all the way there!
If only smoking wasn't so invasive, pervasive and offensive to non-smokers!
Film maker

42 FGT No8 (Aust) remains
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Macleod, Victoria Australia
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Old 03-06-04, 06:13
Vets Dottir
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Default Re: Re: Discrimination

Originally posted by Keith Webb
I really don't like the idea of compulsion or violation of freedoms either, so I'm with you all the way there!
If only smoking wasn't so invasive, pervasive and offensive to non-smokers!
I knew that Keith I know what you mean about the invasiveness of the smoke etc, some people just find it intolerable or are allergic ...

...and I still sort of feel that the non-smoker who takes issue has every right to not be around it whatever their reasons, health/just don't like it, etc. but only UP TO THE POINT of "having a rightful CHOICE to not being FORCED to go to places where smoking happens where they have to "put up with it"."

These bans only recognize the rights of people who don't want to be around it. I feel like its a violation and sort of dictatorship to INFLICT BANS ON UNWILLING individuals and businesses, ESPECIALLY, as Geoff reminded us all, that smoking is LEGAL. Absolute inflicted ban is NON-sense? And a violation against the unwilling, because the NON-smoker activist is not content to accept FREEDOM TO CHOOSE whether to frequent smoking establishments or not. They want the cake and to eat it too, at others expense, by denying choice just because they want to go to these establishments. My way or the highway and they don't care about the impact or losses it costs the others to get their own way.

I'm not only thinking about smoking "issues". There are SO many other "issues" that are about this freedom of choice. What is more valuable? having fredom of choice? Or your own way?

My relatives fought for freedoms ... and died brutally for them ... will we blow everything they fought and died for by killing off what they fought and died for? My Uncles would turn in their graves at the very thought.

By the way.... I know that very time I walk by or near a place thats doing roofing I usually feel ill, get an immediate headache, queezy, and can't breath. I hold my breath, hand over mouth, and run. This stuff is in the air. And sois all the spraying for mosquitoes etc... we suck that back along with exhaust but no one is banning any of these things.

What will tomorrows issue be? Something else, but the root will be a fight over freedom of choice because one wants to deny anothers at the others loss and expense because, for whatever reasons, they decided that having their own way was more important than anyone and everyone else and therefore inflict will.

Sorry folks... just babblng on here as ever.

No matter what side of the smoking issue you stand on ... loss of freedom of choice is never an acceeptable loss?

I'm gonna smoke smoke smoke til I drop
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Old 03-06-04, 09:25
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If I'm with non-smokers, even in a bar or somewhere that allows smoking, then I either don't smoke or I ask if they mind me smokin' - If I'm with smokers then I smoke - its about freedom of choice and respecting the rights of others to run their own lives the way they wish to.

My personal hate is diesel exhaust fumes - when I'm driving behind a bus or truck I have to either overtake it or close all windows, shut off the vents etc...... damn stuff makes me wanna chuck up.

.At this time especially we should be thinking about those who gave their lives so that we have the right to decide , not arguing (however friendly the argument is) about who's right or wrong about issues of personal freedom.
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Old 03-06-04, 10:51
Keith Webb's Avatar
Keith Webb Keith Webb is offline
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Default Smoky vehicles

Originally posted by DaveCox
My personal hate is diesel exhaust fumes - when I'm driving behind a bus or truck I have to either overtake it or close all windows, shut off the vents etc...... damn stuff makes me wanna chuck up.
Diesels are bad... but worse is the elderly Mitsubishi or Mazda with either worn rings or velve stem seals... you know the ones which lay a smoke screen... disgusting!
...And to think some of the scrapped CMPs from here probably went to Japan and Korea to be turned into that sort of crap!

- Indignant of Eltham

But seriously, there are more important things to be concerned about as you also rightly mentioned, Dave.
Film maker

42 FGT No8 (Aust) remains
42 FGT No9 (Aust)
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Keith Webb
Macleod, Victoria Australia
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Old 03-06-04, 12:24
Vets Dottir
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by DaveCox
If I'm with non-smokers, ..... and respecting the rights of others to run their own lives the way they wish to.

My personal hate is diesel exhaust fumes ...... damn stuff makes me wanna chuck up.

.At this time especially we should be thinking about those who gave their lives so that we have the right to decide , not arguing (however friendly the argument is) about who's right or wrong about issues of personal freedom.
Most of us are considerate. There's hope for us all, us mortals

I am thinking a lot about those who gave their lives, and it's in this thinking about the whole "freedom" point that makes me comment. I can't think of those who lost their lives in WW2 and not remember the importance of why ... and the importance of a sort of feeling of "debt" to these people, to keep alive and well, their memories, AND the freedoms they fought and died for. Freedom of choice ....

I keep especially thinking about our 156 executed POWS, and those slaughterd in concentration camps etc ... they weren't given an opportunity or choice. Thats loss of freedom at its worst. It could happen again. It starts with the little things? No?

(BTW... calling the archives today! )

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Old 03-06-04, 17:59
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I wasn't meaning I like the smell of burning oil (that's likely to mean expense as I drive a petrol) just that nice smell you get from a warm engine. As I've made my position clear, I'll bow out of this discussion as I want my ass to remain unbitten ( and for the record I am pro gun)
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Old 03-06-04, 18:20
Vets Dottir
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Talking Pro Gun

Originally posted by dougiebarder
As I've made my position clear, I'll bow out of this discussion as I want my ass to remain unbitten ( and for the record I am pro gun)
Ah, I see, my fine DB friend. So you're PRO something that helps dissenters to fall in. That makes sense. nip bite nip

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Old 12-06-04, 10:10
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default EEK!

I can tell you as we speak that Gitanes are bloody awful... even worse than Yank ciggies! I'm going to have to go out and find something DECENT to smoke, as I don't know where SUNRAY MINOR's reserve stock is and I won't last a day on these bloody French things...
:remember :support
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Old 12-06-04, 15:31
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Mark W. Tonner Mark W. Tonner is offline
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Lightbulb Re: EEK!

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
I can tell you as we speak that Gitanes are bloody awful... even worse than Yank ciggies! I'm going to have to go out and find something DECENT to smoke, as I don't know where SUNRAY MINOR's reserve stock is and I won't last a day on these bloody French things...
Geoff, Oh Great Keeper of the Key, get thee out and find a package or two of PLAYERS 'NAVY CUT'- they're good and strong and should hold you over till you reach home. Slight problem though, they're plain ciggies (no filter), but ciggies aren't suppose to have a filter anyways......

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Old 12-06-04, 15:55
Vets Dottir
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Talking No filter....

Whoever put a filter on cigarettes is nuts, pure and simple! I've rolled my own, by hand, since 1978! Zig Zag papers which are thinner than the Export and Vogue! chain I'm very quirky Used to get called a tomboy too! Cause I was (mind you, I was a very cute tomboy).
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Old 12-06-04, 16:19
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Default Re: No filter....

Originally posted by V_D
Used to get called a tomboy too! Cause I was (mind you, I was a very cute tomboy). comment....... ...time for a
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Old 12-06-04, 16:50
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Well into a pack of Marlboros right now, after a delightful pub lunch with the Nottons and Denise and Don Staples-Harris (including SM of course). As an aside, I'm going to miss this lot, but the point of my comment is that I can't wait to get back to Canadian ciggies... and yes, I WILL buy mine with mufflers on them! Unfortunately for R, Players Plain are NOT available any longer over here, so the carton I brought him from Canada was a relative godsend!

Up to the local now for a glass of wine if they're open still, before dinner.

I can't believe this is all over. Shite.

:remember :support
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Old 12-06-04, 18:50
Richard Notton
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Default Re: Re: EEK!

Originally posted by Mark W. Tonner
but ciggies aren't suppose to have a filter anyways......

Absobloodylutely. No namby-pamby mufflers thank you very much.

You still have to search but we do have Players, Senior Service, Woodbines, Park Drive, Capstan Full Strength (10 will tarmac your driveway) and Piccadilly No.1 available as UK straight-thrus.

No matter what Ball-Spinning says, I can tell you now I can hear the 90dBA log-sawing from the room behind. Of course we did take him to the pub for lunch as he has admitted. . . . . . . . .

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Old 12-06-04, 22:52
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Default Re: Re: Re: EEK!

Originally posted by FV623
No matter what Ball-Spinning says, I can tell you now I can hear the 90dBA log-sawing from the room behind. Of course we did take him to the pub for lunch as he has admitted. . . . . . . . .
SLEEPING AGAIN, AND WITH SO LITTLE TIME LEFT THERE...... , oh well...I guess what they say about afternoon naps is true
Anyways, time for a nice EXPORT PLAIN that hits the spot

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Old 13-06-04, 07:26
Richard Notton
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: EEK!

Originally posted by Mark W. Tonner
SLEEPING AGAIN, AND WITH SO LITTLE TIME LEFT THERE...... , oh well...I guess what they say about afternoon naps is true
No, our considered opinion is the level of (CH+CH+CH)+(CH+CH)+OH.
Anyways, time for a nice EXPORT PLAIN that hits the spot
Ah, now I do have a stock of Murrican king-size straight-thrus, a dying breed I think.

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Old 13-06-04, 23:14
Vets Dottir
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Default True Addicts

Ah yessss, we speak like TRUE ADDICTS!

RIP that dammed filter off ...QUICK!
Ah ... yessss ... SO much better.

My first ciggie was a CAMEO (menthol ... yuk) I was 13 and snitched my sisters. Within a year I'd swithched to EXPORT "A" ... then EXPORT PLAIN .... and chain smoked it .... eventually swinging to hand-rolled when I smoked SHUT UP EVERYBODY .....
DRUM TOBACCO for 7 years (ah hell... the Left Coast Bohemia, NOT HIPPY!!!!!!!!!! influence).... THEN to Number 7 etc .... cigarettes are over $10 for a package ... glad I don't smoke tailor mades Wouldn't be able to rent my Snow Castle in Winterpeg if I did!

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