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Old 19-08-04, 14:56
Vets Dottir
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Talking Thanks Mark :)

Thanks as ever, Mark

For Grandpa Joe, the typing/ink is faded and I can only make out THIS at the top of the page;

(?)0th Battalion CEF

Signing Officer looks like;

W.H. Hastings ??? (does this help narrow things?)

Signed March 15th 1917 (edited the March "13" error in reading )
(so there's no way he could have been with either Archie or William, as they died in 1915)

ARCHIE VIZNAUGH ... yes, I just now wrote down what I could read;

already serving at signing attestation papers:
96 Reg. (?) Militia (as you said )

Was everyone drafted for WW1?
I keep wondering why Grandpa didn't sign on until 1917... he was 34 years old then.

It's just nice for me to know how things "worked" in general, not just about my gramps.

Thanks ... Karmen
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Old 19-08-04, 15:09
Vets Dottir
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Talking Re: Re: Re: Updates:

Originally posted by Mark W. Tonner
Hi Karmen;

96th Regiment of the Militia = 96th Lake Superior Regiment, Port Arthur, Ontario - formed in 1905. Today, they are the Lake Superior Scottish Regiment.

SCOTTISH Regiment you say? COOL!

Okay... back to study. I'm okay now

Good to have this info Mark... SO Archie was basically "transferred" from the 96th to the 27th Manitoba Regiment? Or just finished his "time" with the 96th and signed on new for another stint???

Cheers my dears (no sleep... punchy)
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Old 19-08-04, 16:09
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Updates:

Originally posted by Vets Dottir
SCOTTISH Regiment you say? COOL!SO Archie was basically "transferred" from the 96th to the 27th Manitoba Regiment? Or just finished his "time" with the 96th and signed on new for another stint
No, Archie left the 96th Regiment (Canadian Militia) and joined the 27th Infantry Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force - a whole new kettle of fish, so to say. The Militia of Canada and the Canadian Expeditionary Force were two different things altogether.

Short explanation is, prior to the outbreak of the Great War, here in Canada, there was the Canadian Militia, at the outbreak of the War, in 1914, the Minister of the Militia, decided instead of mobilizing the Militia according to a standing mobilization plan that was in existence at that time, he created his own army of numbered battalions, having no relation whatsoever to the Regiments of the Canadian Militia, of the period.

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Old 19-08-04, 17:08
Vets Dottir
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That was simply put, Mark ... great

Okay ... I realized I had that library book about the Little Black Devils by Tascona/Wells ...under piles of stuff ... anyways, found THIS on ...

page 125:

The 190th Battalion (CEF) (Grandpa Joe)

The 190th battallion was mobilized for active service in the summer of 1916 under the command of Lt.-Col. G.K. Watson. The Battallion's designated recruitment area covered western Manitoba. Owing to the shortage of available men for active service in rural Manitoba (most potential volunteers were needed for the annual harvest) the 190th had difficulty filling its ranks during the winter of 1916-1917. On May 3rd, 1917,the 190th Battallion, with only 15 officers and 372 other ranks boarded the SS Justica at Halifax on May 3,1917, and was soon absorbed afterwards in England into the 18th Reserve Battallion.

... The 190th adopted the rampant Devil badge of the 90th with the numeral "4" set on the badge as the 4th Battallion of the 90th Winnipeg Rifles
I think I should keep Grandpa Joe over to this thread for WW1, from the 1944 POWS thread,causeits getting confusing ??? :
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Old 19-08-04, 17:18
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Originally posted by Vets Dottir
causeits getting confusing ??? :
You never....well now that I think of it........ :
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Old 19-08-04, 17:42
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Default Re: Thanks Mark :)

Originally posted by Vets Dottir

Signed March 13, 1917
(so there's no way he could have been with either Archie or William, as they died in 1915)

ARCHIE VIZNAUGH ... yes, I just now wrote down what I could read;

already serving at signing attestation papers:
96 Reg. (?) Militia (as you said )

Was everyone drafted for WW1?
I keep wondering why Grandpa didn't sign on until 1917... he was 34 years old then.
Sorry Karmen, I missed this post.

1 - yes, he did not join until March 1917

2 - yes, previous service in the militia - 96th Lake Superior Regiment

3 - Canada did not have a 'Draft' - that's an American term - Archie volunteered

4 - this may be why he didn't sign up until 1917 - at the outbreak of the war, the 96th Lake Superior Regiment (of which Archie was a part) were tasked to guard the grain elevators in Port Arthur and Fort William, which system ran for 20 kilometres along the lakeshore. They were also tasked with the guarding of the powerplant at Kakabeka Falls, 27 kilometres from Port Arthur.

Sorry, history lesson is over, it's and cuppa time!!!, which I need..............................

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Old 21-08-04, 04:16
Vets Dottir
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Talking My turn to say sorry ...

... sorry that I didn't ralize you'd added another reply after your smarty-pants comments I'm here now!

Good stuff Mark, I thank you, and I'm always amazed at how quickly you find and post the most amazing information ... I know much is just scooped from some archive in your brain! Funny how I don't see smoke coming out of your ears in photos of you

Thanks for enlightening me regards "draft" ... that Archie volunteered puts a different perspective, on him, for me.

I hope you enjoy your and coffee.

and hey DENISE ... HI!
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Old 21-08-04, 04:22
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Default Re: My turn to say sorry ...

Originally posted by Vets Dottir
...I know much is just scooped from some archive in your brain! Funny how I don't see smoke coming out of your ears in photos of you

The fire, she burn out a long time ago......that why NO SMOKE............besides, why do you think my hair is almost white!

.................................................; )
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Old 21-08-04, 04:44
Vets Dottir
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Default Whitehair?

QUESTION; WHY do I think yore hair is white?

ANSWER; Fear of Denise's Black Caddilacs on yore heinie?
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Old 21-08-04, 04:50
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Default Re: Whitehair?

Originally posted by Vets Dottir
QUESTION; WHY do I think yore hair is white?

ANSWER; Fear of Denise's Black Caddilacs on yore heinie?
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Old 21-08-04, 05:54
Vets Dottir
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Default aaaargh

Stop bluddy YELLING at me you Hairy-Beast ...BTW did you know that people yell when they're SCARED?!
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Old 21-08-04, 14:13
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Default Re: aaaargh

Originally posted by Vets Dottir
Stop bluddy YELLING at me you Hairy-Beast ...BTW did you know that people yell when they're SCARED?!
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Old 23-06-05, 05:44
Vets Dottir
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Default Thank goodness ...

... Marko is much too busy being Grampa and reading and writing to harass me like he used to ... good thing, as it appears I've lost my frying pan while trying to enlarge and repost it as my avatar :
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Old 25-06-05, 16:29
MindyBrown MindyBrown is offline
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Question WW1 MIA's Viznuagh

I read your questions regarding William and Archibald Viznaugh. These were my great uncles.
How were you related again??
They had a sister that lived in Winnipeg - but passed away many years ago.
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Old 26-06-05, 21:50
Vets Dottir
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Default Re: WW1 MIA's Viznuagh

Originally posted by MindyBrown
I read your questions regarding William and Archibald Viznaugh. These were my great uncles.
How were you related again??
They had a sister that lived in Winnipeg - but passed away many years ago.
Hi Mindy,

Sorry, but I was away all weekend, am back now It's always wonderful to meet up so unexpectedly with relatives, of which you and I definately ARE ... through my Granny "Mary Ellen Viznaugh" from Beaconia/Balsam Bay ... Granny was FIRST COUSIN to Archie and William.

I also just read your email to me regards your Mom wanting to talk to me regards William and Archie, look to your email, as I'm about to send you my phone number to give to her. Gee, maybe she also knows about Uncle John Viznaugh who was an R.C.A. Gunnerin WW2?

I look forward to hearing from you and/or your mother any time at all, via internet or phone. We'll "get our Viznaugh's in a row" yet!

Karmen (Carman)
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Old 27-06-05, 16:10
Vets Dottir
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Default Mindy and Terry


Hello cousins

MINDY: I'm sending you an email with my address to give to your Mom, or if you need it.

TERRY: Are you still having trouble signing into this forum and posting? Mindy has my email address, or you can email the MLU admin (Geoff Winnington-Ball) if you need help.

Here is a link to the page where you can view and print out the ATTESTATION RECORDS for Willaim and Archie:

Here is the link to that site, with the details (where/how/how much etc) about how to order copies of the actual service records for them (or any other Canadian WW1 Soldier who served. They have all the soldiers names and records, not just those soldiers who lost their lives in WW1)

NOTE: If anyone can just visit the National Archives in Ottawa, where these records are all held, you can actually view them onsite for free, as far as I understand. Gee, wish I could spend a week or so there just looking at different soldiers records Anyways ... here's the link with ordering details:

I'll post any other links I know of or find, about Archie and William, in THIS THREAD for you guys.

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Old 19-08-05, 09:26
Vets Dottir
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Default For Mark Tonner.

Hi Mark ... (Tonner, of course )

Every so often I go back to these threads of history ... which happen to be family history for me ... The 1944 POWS thread, and this one ... I don't know if you understand that "I" understand what an invaluable help you've been to me, every step of the way.

That I haven't used all of my learned knowledge from you, and others, in here, doesn't mean I won't do so. At the moment I feel like an idiot and don't quite know how to put together, all I've learned, all this information, into something for others to read and learn about ... truthfully, I feel so beneath the task ... but beneath the task or not, I will try and pull some of the information together at least well enough to write it down so others can learn appreciation and respect ... for my Uncles, and other relations, and in general, understand how certain positives in their lives were bought by soldiers ...

Many Left-Coasters and Left-thinkers in general, would be horrified to wake up and realize that their demand and indulgences ... were bought by war and soldiers who shed limbs, blood, lives ...

Somehow ... I've always known, from an extremely young age, that someone else paved the way for the roads I travelled ... and so on ...

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Old 05-09-06, 22:50
Vets Dottir
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Courcelette - 15 Sep 1916

Originally posted by Mark W. Tonner
Hi Karmen;

CMR CEF = Canadian Mounted Rifles, Canadian Expeditionary Force


I found this old list of Canadian Casualties online from the Calgary Herald Sept. 27, 1918 paper (link below) and there is a J. Smith, Mounted Rifles, of Balsam Bay who is listed as having been "wounded". I'm pretty sure this is my Grandpa Joe as we were the only Smith family in Balsam Bay and Beaconia area that I know of. I wish I had my Grandpa's records so I could verify, and, hopefully, one day I'll be flush emnough to order them, along with some other family soldiers records too

I don't recall ever hearing any "war stories" regards Grandpa Joe having served at all, and gotten wounded, although I discovered he DID serve via Archivianet's attestation records.

Smith, J.
Balsam Bay, MB
Mounted Rifles

I wonder, do any of you MLU-ers recognize any of the Casualty's names in this list?

Karmen (still ever searching for info of family soldiers and history )
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Old 17-09-06, 07:02
Vets Dottir
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In Memory of Archie and his brother William

1 VIZNAUGH, ARCHIBALD JAMES Private 71963 15/09/1916 24 Canadian Infantry (Manitoba Regiment) Canadian VIMY MEMORIAL

2 VIZNAUGH, WILLIAM Private 151311 15/09/1916 18 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles (Saskatchewan Regiment) Canadian I. D. 22. BAPAUME POST MILITARY CEMETERY, ALBERT
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