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Old 09-08-03, 12:06
Wayne Henderson Wayne Henderson is offline
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Default Canada on Fire

I see on the news that our Canadian friends are having their own season of fire. This is something that we here in Australia face every year as well, especially those, who like myself, live in the bushy bits.

Here are some tips for fire safety we use in Australia. (Will work in Canada too)

Don't try to out run the fire in a CMP truck. Park it in your swimming pool.

Don't try to out run the fire in a carrier. Park it in your swimming pool next to your CMP

During fire season keep all your old restoration photos in a box near the door.

Make sure your shed is included in your home and contents insurance.
When the insurance guys check out you burnt shed tell them that all 23 vehicles were fully restored, including the 97 ones outside.

Road kill tastes better when it's barbequed.

I know it's tempting but don't point your Bofors at the water bombers.

If you live on top of a hill you can roll a few half restored projects along way with no brakes. Get the wife to drive you back up the hill.

Your kids really are more inportant than your beer fridge.

Last year our capital state lossed over 400 houses in one fire alone. Some people didn't get out in time. It's the price you pay for living on the edge of a National Park. It's too late to place blame after the fire.
Plan ahead a bit and good luck to our Canadian friends, we know what your going through.
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Old 09-08-03, 22:40
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Default Re: Canada on Fire

Originally posted by Wayne Henderson
I see on the news that our Canadian friends are having their own season of fire. This is something that we here in Australia face every year as well, especially those, who like myself, live in the bushy bits.

Last year our capital state lossed over 400 houses in one fire alone. Some people didn't get out in time. It's the price you pay for living on the edge of a National Park. It's too late to place blame after the fire.
Plan ahead a bit and good luck to our Canadian friends, we know what your going through.
Hi Wish I had a swimming pool... just in case.

Our BC people have been pretty damned lucky... as far as I know there have been no deaths due to the fires (one heart attack I think)

And yeah... who/what started it is irrelevant in that the damage is done. Last month or so some guys ran thru town and started 3 fires in the same nite... and the towns Museum was arson'ed too. Our own fire on our third floor got a lot of trucks and things out...we're right downtown.Ouch.
THAT apt fire (contained to apt luckily but gutted most of it) was started by an OCTOPUS extention.

Its also wise to remember that "A little piece of ash CAN hurt anyone" (watch those cig ashes!!!)
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Old 16-08-03, 04:10
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Default SMOKIN'

Nelson is surrounded covered in smoke, floaters in the air... like heavy fog and wierd snow. Walking along the main drag, soot and ash is on everything, eyes burning, throats sore and scratchy, breathing difficult, headaches. The sun is the most amazing orangey red globe in the thick white haze. Keith... you could get a good photo here! People walking, looking at the sky, looking a bit serious and quiet... hmmm. Apparently we're still ok tho. another hmmm. Time will tell.

NOT a typical summer day in the Kootenays. Oiy! I think 100 out of Province soldiers were brought in to help fight fires. More than 850 happening in BC right now, according to the TV news. More than 300 are happening in our SE corner.

The air is not good here eh? Maybe I'll go to Manitoba for a holiday
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Old 16-08-03, 17:20
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default Quebec Air Force_Help on the Way!!

Karman,I see by today's Montreal Gazette that the Quebec Air Force(Bombardier Water Bombers)are on the scene as we have smaller sporadic fires under control north of here,needing only a couple of bombers what with all the rain we've had here back east this summer>Four bombers now in your area.Hope we can help.With your asthma,maybe you shud purchase a surgical mask at your local pharmacy,for when you go outdoors.Hang in there,we'll beat this thing together
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Old 16-08-03, 20:27
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Default Re: Quebec Air Force_Help on the Way!!

Originally posted by Garry Shipton
Karman,I see by today's Montreal Gazette that the Quebec Air Force(Bombardier Water Bombers)are on the scene as we have smaller sporadic fires under control north of here,needing only a couple of bombers what with all the rain we've had here back east this summer>Four bombers now in your area.Hope we can help.With your asthma,maybe you shud purchase a surgical mask at your local pharmacy,for when you go outdoors.Hang in there,we'll beat this thing together

Well... I woke up to a great sound...Traffic driving on wet pavement! RAIN!!!!!!!! Excellent...but when I look out my window I don't see rain drops splashing in the puddles, so don't know if that means the end of the rain or not. Some of the heaviest smoke has dispersed that was hanging right on us, but its still really heavy and thick -Last nite I was told the closest fire to us was starting to crest the mountain about 5 miles (by our watershed)from us... hence the massive mushroom cloud 2 days ago, and the heavy smoke and ash/soot yesterday. Don't know the facts. We now have a fire hotline but there has been no talk about "get out of Dodge' so far. Just "be prepared... just in case"

Maybe the Bombardier Water Bombers brought some of your rain to us? (THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING TO HELP) They actually may be over at Cranbrook where fire is worse and more threatening. Or else they're sure dumped a big load of water I should have known the rain was coming... my rheumatoid arthritis really flared yesterday and gave me a hard time... just wish it would downpour constantly for a week, wherever thats needed, here, there. I read that Manitoba is "worried" because of potential fire because of how dry everything is...its been an extremely dry year all round, after a winter of not enough snow all round.

Regards the asthma and masks... my doc gave me some refills for my little puffer in case I run out. The phramacist filled a LOT of prescriptions for respiratory things yesterday. Am actually not bad so far... don't have a severe problem with asthma like others in my family... and others where fires are happening close by.

The firefighters must be a sight, covered in wet ash! And looking out the door again... it looks like thats it for the rain

All everyone can do is watch and wait...and be ready to do whatever needs to be done, to be disrupted. Or not. The potential is certainly 5 miles away and moving closer.

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Old 16-08-03, 23:44
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default Just take care of yourself!!

Amongst others,look forward someday to your talking my ear off in person.Geez,you remind me of my mother..Just take care of yourself during this crisis Miss Gabby
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Old 17-08-03, 00:56
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Default Re: Just take care of yourself!!

Originally posted by Garry Shipton
Amongst others,look forward someday to your talking my ear off in person.Geez,you remind me of my mother..Just take care of yourself during this crisis Miss Gabby
I think I'd like yer muther And by the way Garry... I like "Miss Gabby" ... also... the thot came to mind (about you looking forward to getting your ear gabbed off in person by me).....what sounds good on paper/online/on-forum can be not so good in person Don't worry tho, my friend gave me earplugs to protect my ears on the motorcycle ride to Calgary and back... I never used them because I thought he meant them for me to use against his snoring. He never said WHAT they were forand NO I'm NOT blond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Well... I'll save the un-used earplugs for you!!! Just in case blahblah blah B:LaHHHHhblllllah de blah de blah blah

For NELSON itself... its still at the stage of "fear OF potential crisis" and is just very smokey so far, not yet crisis. That could change in a shift of wind or a lightening strike...etc

BTW.... those Water Bombers... are they the ones referred to as "MARS -something-or-others"?
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Old 18-08-03, 05:19
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default Boy Oh Boy!!

You know Miss Yappy,you do remind me of mother(rest her soul)Ask her the time & she'd tell you how they made the watch.If GWB ever invited you east to a CMP weekend,there'd be a run on earplugs at the locaal pharmacy!!Take care of your lungs during this forest fire thing.Good night motorcycle mama!!
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Old 18-08-03, 07:51
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Default Re: Boy Oh Boy!!

Originally posted by Garry Shipton
You know Miss Yappy,you do remind me of mother(rest her soul)Ask her the time & she'd tell you how they made the watch.If GWB ever invited you east to a CMP weekend,there'd be a run on earplugs at the locaal pharmacy!!Take care of your lungs during this forest fire thing.Good night motorcycle mama!!
I hope you loved your mother!!!! By the way.... am much yappier in writing/typing than by mouth

Fire... has reached the edge of our watershed. The big machines were brought in today. The smoke has blown other directions taking the soot and ash... that minute of rain cleaned our air quite a bit so we all can breathe easier. We even saw some blue sky today and could make out the trees on our closest mountains. Which doesn't mean the closest fire is NOT just 5 miles from here. 1400 hectars? I think.
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Old 18-08-03, 10:30
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Max Hedges Max Hedges is offline
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Unhappy Fires That Burnt Canberra

Just a quick snap of the Canberra fires last summer
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Old 18-08-03, 10:32
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Max Hedges Max Hedges is offline
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Default Canberra fires as the sun set

Not what you want on the doorstep of the National Capital.
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Old 18-08-03, 10:38
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Max Hedges Max Hedges is offline
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Default The sun disapeared at about 3.30pm

The sun was totally obscurred by smoke at 3.30pm on the afternoon of the 18th of January. The sun would normaly set at 8.30pm at this time of year. Canberra was totally BLACK just before the flame hit.
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Old 18-08-03, 11:04
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Default WOW!

Those are amazing images Max... thanks for them and the story! Very humbling for us wee humans ... no wonder we panic at a little fire...they can get big real fast.
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Old 18-08-03, 15:50
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A lot of help from "our friends"


Our fire here (West Arm Park) is now 4800 hectars and "in the headwaters" of our watershed...but not to worry yet, says the local news.
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Old 20-08-03, 15:02
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Default Fires Smoke

Massive air pollution problemWebPosted Aug 19 2003 03:36 PM PDT KAMLOOPS, B.C. - The forest fires across the B.C. Interior have created some of the worst air conditions ever recorded in the area, says aprovincial air quality specialist.

Ralph Adams says the smoke in the Kamloops
area was especially bad – with smoke coming
in from the north, and from the Okanagan to
the south. "We had concentrations that were five or six times higher than we had ever seen before,"
FROM AUG. 19, 2003: Evacuation alert in Kelowna area Adams says the fires are driving air quality down to extremely poor levels in other communities as well – including Nelson,Revelstoke and Golden.
He says the smoke and sunshine are also
producing high levels of ozone – which irritates
the nose, eyes, throat and lungs just like
smoke. Adams says people with a heart or lung problems may be sensitive to these conditions.
\He recommends that people who are having trouble with the bad air\should seek medical advice.
-----------OIY....fires are getting pretty ugly round Kamloops/Barriere again/Kelowna/Galena Mountain Can-USA border...Grand Forks. Lots of evacuations. Something that blows my mind is that the Emergency Services had a meeting in Grand Forks to try draw in Volunteers to help fight the fires...SEVEN people showed up!!! JUST SEVEN!!!!!!!!!

Nelson? Pretty smokey this morning... don't know how our fire is but there are some "evacuation alerts" for those close to the fire. We're still ok here...just sucking back a little smoke.

Hey guys and gals... wanna come fight fires?

Lets all pray hard for heavy rain for a week for this end of the country, and steady power and spending back East !!!
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Old 21-08-03, 09:55
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Default Kelowna Coverage

The above is to a Kelowna Radio station... gives very detailed info about the major fires. There is also mention about the soldiers/military called in...I think 700 to date so far. (I think they'll need more help than that. This is insane)

INTERESTING ASIDE: MARS will be as big as a moon in the sky, peaking AUG 27th... look for it! This is an EVENT... last time it was said to have happened was 5000 to 60,000 years ago.

Coincidence?... MARS rules fire (for one thing)
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Old 22-08-03, 00:46
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Default Is This a FIREWALL???

An amazing picture of a "literal" firewall in the Okanagan. It was sent in to the radio station yesterday. There are many more impressive photos of the fires and more added daily. Just thot you all might want to have a look.

Smoke here...comes and goes. Our problem is nothing compared to Okanagan and Kelowna/Kamloops areas...not that it couldn't change of course.
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Old 23-08-03, 10:17
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Default Thank You Soldiers !

The above link is to a story about the soldiers here in BC, come to "fight the blazes".

ART... I think I read somewhere else that we also have some 48 Highlanders helping.

I'll see if I can find a list of what "regiments" are helping so far.

Soldiers are NEEDED for all kinds of action! Thanks to them/you all from a grateful Southern BC resident who knows people in the worst affected areas! 30,000 evacuated from Kelowna so far... (that news a couple of hrs ago)

Time to get out there and draw on the Native in a rain dance I think!
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Old 24-08-03, 08:40
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Default re fires

Kathy, my self and our kids took a train ride from Edmonton toVancover via Kamloops back in 1992, I liked the train ride but Kathy thought it was pretty boring seeming when we got to Kamloops it was dark so we couldn't really tell what the country was like but it seemed to be pretty rugged. Hope they get more help to fight the fires as it can be very tiring, perhaps us experienced Aussies should be over there to help. It's a wonder there aren't some Aussie firefighters over there living or visiting as they everywhere there. We look forward to your updates.

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Old 24-08-03, 23:37
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Default Re: re fires

Originally posted by Max Hedges
Kathy, my self and our kids took a train ride from Edmonton toVancover via Kamloops back in 1992, I liked the train ride but Kathy thought it was pretty boring seeming when we got to Kamloops it was dark so we couldn't really tell what the country was like but it seemed to be pretty rugged. Hope they get more help to fight the fires as it can be very tiring, perhaps us experienced Aussies should be over there to help. It's a wonder there aren't some Aussie firefighters over there living or visiting as they everywhere there. We look forward to your updates.

Hi MAX and KATHY Decided to look for some pics to give you an idea of what Kamloops AND Kelowna look like "by DAY" I found these links. (Edmonton to Vancouver by train...sounds great. Beautiful sites. Did you spend time in the Dome Car? )


Kamloops is about an hour and a half drive WEST from Kelowna... and is more "desertish" in climate and rolling hills for the most part, don't know if they have "rugged spots close by". I think Kelownais a lot more so. KAMLOOPS-Lots of wild sage all thru that area (all the Okanagan)... what a smell!!! Always gets very hot there in the summer as well. And ever flammable-the sage...ouch! With the wild fires that area is getting one heck of a "smudge" I'm sure BARRIERE (Originally named Bury 'Er ???... old story regards a dead mule and what to do with the remains?...just "above" Kamloops. If you do a search for the BARRIERE BC website youmight find the funny story.


I've been trying to find decent images of South Kelowna where the fire destroyed houses ... that area mostly very expensive I think. Before and after photos would be something to see.

UPDATE... have to check but last I heard is that 5000 were allowed back in their homes in Kelowna but told not to unpack and be ready to get out of Dodge again just in case.
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Old 25-08-03, 01:20
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NELSON pics of our fire:

Click on the thumbnail images to enlarge them and just hit "back" to go bac to the photos page.

"SHOT OF NELSON" was probably taken the day ash/soot settled on the town and everyones eyes throats scratched and burned... yuk. We shouldn't complain tho...

In that same photo SHOT of NELSON... you'll see a white building... thats our Gov't Bldg. I live 2 blocks to the right of it. Nelson is "small" 2 main drags running approx 7 blocks at the core. Population about 9000. Those mushroom bombs of cloud were what we got to see from home. The mountain in front of the cloud, at the bottom of it is residential and our Hospital! As you can see...trees trees trees...and more trees...every side of us. We're right tucked in and thereare only 3 roads outta Dodge...

CRETIEN (Our Prime Minister) is visiting Kelowna today
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Old 26-08-03, 14:28
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Default train ride


Yes we did ride in the dome car for sometime but there were too many train buffs for me to cope with as well as Max. We had a sleeper so I tried to sleep, a big mistake as everytime the train went around a corner you rolled from one side of the bed to the other, I gues it was worth it when we finally got to Vancouver (26 hours later). It really is quite a pretty place.

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Old 26-08-03, 16:56
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Default Re: train ride

Originally posted by Max Hedges

Yes we did ride in the dome car for sometime but there were too many train buffs for me to cope with as well as Max. We had a sleeper so I tried to sleep, a big mistake as everytime the train went around a corner you rolled from one side of the bed to the other, I gues it was worth it when we finally got to Vancouver (26 hours later). It really is quite a pretty place.

Hi Kathy I think the trouble with summer travelling is that everybody's doin' their holiday tourist thing. Hard to kick back and enjoy the view in a crowded place...and if you're travelling with kids It IS gorgeous thru BC, lots of variation in views. I like it best travelling in a comfy van with lots of stops for cigarette breaks and stretching...or a motorcycle in good weather

KAMLOOPS area fires... nothing major and good progress the last couple of days but they expect a tough day today with strong winds. CRANBROOK flared so there are some evacuations SW of there.

Photos of the burnt out KELOWNA areas hard to see. Last count from yesterday was 244 houses burnt up. On the KELOWNA fire alone there are 350 Soldiers fighting alongside the other firefighters.

A few odd drops of rain here and am hearing some big thunders (to go with the sounds of helicopters/planes we hear all day long lately. They take off/land about two blocks from our place . We've got a very small airstrip on our waterfront.... gotta shut down my computer til the thunder stops...takecare Carman
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Old 10-09-03, 11:18
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Default a bit of an update

Hi everyone. Guess most of you around the world have heard about our (BC) old trestle bridges burning up... I don't know how many are still left but I think about 4 (out of about 18) Lots of folks upset about that and about rebuilding etc. I hear some big name stars have called to find out what they can do to help in the fundraising.

Meanwhile.... some people of Barriere just East of Kelowna and right North of Kamloops are struggling with their insurance providers ... finding out what they are and aren't covered and doing the horrible wait wait wait thing while they're homeless and needing money.

RAIN has been happening a bit... all helpful but still not enuf. Enuf to lift back road travel restrictions ... would have cost $3000 or6 months in jail to violate that restriction! Oh... also has been a standing $50,000.oo reward for reporting anyone deliberately setting fires.

Firefighters Cranbrook area very sick with some "mysterious" thing ... not SARS/Madcow/W Nile, donn't know what yet. Something toxic in the air would be a wise guess?

Our fire bigger... over 7800 hectares with over 100 firefighters and management of it got handed over to Ontario (Why???) A barge was brought in for a smaller (Balfour) community that can only get out by ferry. Ferry too small. Barge "just in case evacuation has to happen" which it still could.

In general...regards the fires, especially the big ones: People are reaching their coping limits of the "ongoing stress and coping" of it all. Some are maxed out.

I'm doing a RainDance daily
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Old 10-09-03, 15:18
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default Quebec Air Force

Vets,just read in the local paper that there are now six waterbombers in your area from here.They are the usual yellow with blue piping along each side of the fuselage with blue wingtips & Tail.We've also sent another 50 firefighters to bolster the ones there for the past six weeks.Gool luck!!
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Old 11-09-03, 01:32
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Default Re: Quebec Air Force

Originally posted by Garry Shipton
Vets,just read in the local paper that there are now six waterbombers in your area from here.They are the usual yellow with blue piping along each side of the fuselage with blue wingtips & Tail.We've also sent another 50 firefighters to bolster the ones there for the past six weeks.Gool luck!!
Vive le Quebec'er Firefighter/helpers Thanks for letting me know this stuff Garry and a huge thank-you to all those people helping from all over! I really wish I were physically fit and able to releive someone!

I checked today and the firefighters for our fire numbered at 200!!!! Quite a jump in just a couple of days. The fire was last scanned on the 6th so don't know its size today... however, I DO know that they haven't been able to get at it by air for the last 2 days because of cloud cover (normal clouds, not smoke) Not raining anymore... just clouds.

And all this too shall pass ... eventually.

Take care...Yappy
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Old 18-09-03, 05:44
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Default Going Home!

Hey ... all our firefighters from the Military are heading home today...back to home provines/bases and families I'll bet they're relieved! I know us BC-ers and Alberta folks too appreciate all their help and efforts ... very much!!! Now they can kick back, enjoy a bath, and air without smoke...and sleeping in a real bed for those guys who had to camp out in tents!!!!
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