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Old 15-12-05, 01:22
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Default Re: Slippery Slope...

Originally posted by RHClarke
Any chance this wil change the softwood lumber (sounds real Canadian, eh?
Ahem! Around these here parts I'm known by the ladies as the "Canadian Longhorn" Just hoping they don't figure out the difference between centimeters and inches!
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Old 15-12-05, 04:10
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Default Vive le Difference...

Well, my Texan friend,

I've had the pleasure of visiting your grand state four times. While at Ft Bliss, I met a feller who was braggin on his ranch. When asked how big his ranch was, he indicated that it took him half a day to get across the property in his pickup truck.

One of my fellow Maritimers laughed and said "I got a truck like that - Ford, right? "

All kidding aside, I'm looking forward to my next visit in your neck of the woods - maybe permanently, if Ontario screws up again...

Cheers, from the frozen north (you know the place, the one that whines about global warming...).
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 15-12-05, 05:12
Bruce Parker (RIP) Bruce Parker (RIP) is offline
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Default Two disturbing trends

Laws used to be made to solve problems. There was a connection between what the problem was and what the law did to solve it. The new trend is to pass laws that don't, can't and are not designed to solve the problem. They merely send "the right message that we take this problem seriously". Two recent examples are banning handguns to solve gang violence and, more recently in Ontario, a proposal to not issue driver's licences to students who drop out of school. In both cases the problem is real, but as the politicians have no idea how to solve them (or acknowledge that their policies contributed to them), they make laws that target the wrong things, are not enforceable, are down right silly, but dam, they get tough and "send the right message".

The second trend is to describe almost everything the government lets you do as a 'privilege'. No longer are they rights, or just things that are a good idea to regulate and have some limits on. Driving, gun ownership is not a right, but a priviledge. This makes it so much easier to manipulate them, charge for them or take them away.

Even if linking driver's licences to staying in school was a great idea (school for kids is good. I like school for kids), what else, what other priviledges will be manipulated, linked or denied if you don't act according to the way they think you aught to?
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Old 15-12-05, 05:33
Bruce Parker (RIP) Bruce Parker (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Winnipeg WW2 cache found ...

Originally posted by Vets Dottir
will this guy be allowed to keep his own collection intact and take 'em home again? I hope he get's them back. ... Ma
I'm not sure I do. If these were live, unregistered guns, and/or he's not shy about drinking, making threats and doing things against a court order, I'm not sure I want him as a representitive on my side.

What is typical in a story like this is that neither the reporter, the readers, nor the cops making the arrest know enough to determine if the guns (not the guy) are legal or not.
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Old 15-12-05, 13:17
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Default Re: Re: Winnipeg WW2 cache found ...

What is typical in a story like this is that neither the reporter, the readers, nor the cops making the arrest know enough to determine if the guns (not the guy) are legal or not.

Not knowing didn't stop them from taking them....
Charles Fitton
Maryhill On.,

too many carriers
too many rovers
not enough time.
(and now a BSA...)
(and now a Triumph TRW...)
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Old 15-12-05, 14:27
Bruce Parker (RIP) Bruce Parker (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Re: Re: Winnipeg WW2 cache found ...

Originally posted by charlie fitton
Not knowing didn't stop them from taking them....
True, but if this guy was in a shouting match with his neigbour with enough intensity that the cops were called, I think the cops would be justified in doing what they did, and sorting it out when things calmed down.

This disturbs me because it's incidents like this that cause trouble for those who manage to do it safely and peacefully. The message might be that if you want to do it, keep your nose clean.
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Old 15-12-05, 14:36
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Default Re: Vive le Difference...

Originally posted by RHClarke
Well, my Texan friend,

I've had the pleasure of visiting your grand state four times. While at Ft Bliss, I met a feller who was braggin on his ranch. When asked how big his ranch was, he indicated that it took him half a day to get across the property in his pickup truck.

One of my fellow Maritimers laughed and said "I got a truck like that - Ford, right? "

All kidding aside, I'm looking forward to my next visit in your neck of the woods - maybe permanently, if Ontario screws up again...

Cheers, from the frozen north (you know the place, the one that whines about global warming...).
I've also had the pleasure of visiting your neck of the woods several times. Once spent a month under canvas near Stephenville, Nfld. during MARCOT 98 and made several trips to C.F.B. Greenwood during my career.
The Newfies are still waiting for Quebec to separate so they'll be that much closer to Ottawa!
Always had a fondness for Maritimers, in fact, my Texas bride is 1/2 Canadian, her father was born in N.S. and her Grandfather was a towboat Captain in Halifax before, during, and after the war. Funny how things work out!
C'mon down and say howdy sometime, I'll show you around, just do it before the temp. climbs back into the 100's! In fact, if you can make it down before the hockey season ends, we can take in a Canucks game...I'm tired of being outnumbered 19,999 to 1, if there were 2 Canadians, that even things up! LOL!
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Old 15-12-05, 15:00
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Default Re: Two disturbing trends

Originally posted by Bruce Parker
what other priviledges will be manipulated, linked or denied if you don't act according to the way they think you aught to?

Well said Bruce! I read the new Canadian constitution soon after Trudeau "repatriated" it home to Canada. My impression then and still is today what a weak document it is; full of warm and fuzzy thoughts but utterly lacking in protection (rights) for Canadians in regards to property. Since then, it has been all to easy for successive governments to abuse their power by using Orders-in-Council, thereby passing debate in the House of Commons to confiscate without compensation firearms legally purchased by law-abiding citizens. Canada needs a Bill of Rights similar to the American example in order to provide at least some measure of protection. Case in point: during the unrest post Katrina in New Orleans the Governor of Loiusiana banned all firearms and anybody caught with one would have it confiscated. For many people, the only protection against hordes of looters, rapists, and other ne'er-do-wells was their personal firearm, because as we all saw, the New Orleans Police were utterly ineffective in halting crime and in many cases were the perpetrators! The N.R.A. promptly took the State of Louisiana to Federal court, citing 2nd Amendment rights and the state was not only ordered to cease this activity but were also ordered to return any confiscated firearms! This could never happen in Canada as we have no property rights.

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Old 15-12-05, 15:06
rob love rob love is offline
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Uh, oh, he had a gas mask. Knives too. Mind you, I didn't know these were illegal.

Looks like NWEST is working on increasing their budget for next year. This is their typical grandstanding anytime firearms are involved. 6 months down the road, when they find the guns are in fact deactivated, we'll never hear about it.

And while I agree that impaired driving is a crime in this country, how does one get a weapons ban out of that? Judges seem to quick to throw that in these days.

I take all the Winnipeg busts with a big grain of salt. The police tend to present very ambigueous presentations in these kind of events (with terms designed to strike terror into the general public) and the sun seems to extract the best out of it.

T.G., a well known collector in Winnipeg, had his collection of 300+ guns taken a few years ago, and still has not had his day in court. In that one, they have charged him on 12 counts of unregistered prohibited for a dozen dewat bren guns that were in the collection. After the RCMP forensics lab in Ottawa said they weren't guns, they sent them to Regina lab where they got the same result. Yet the charges remain. Of course, they have all the money in the world (yours) to play him like a fish while he has to finance his own battle.

Funny how with all these machine guns floating around winnipeg, we don't have any major squirmishes up and down the ruins of main street, or gangs shooting these 50 cal cannons at each other over the red river..

For a more balanced view of this story , check out the Winnipeg Free Press.

Much more realistic.

Edited to add:
Just checked with a friend, and I know the guy who's collection was taken. In fact, I sold him the Mosin Nagant "russian bolt action" rifle which they found. It was welded up. And I know the guy who just sold him the Bren a month back. Also deactivated. Pretty sure the sten and FN were as well. This guy regularily buys and sells at the Winnipeg gun and militaria shows, and seems like a pretty decent fellow.

Now why would the police want to spread fear amongst the general population? Could budget time be just around the corner??

Last edited by rob love; 15-12-05 at 17:41.
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Old 15-12-05, 15:50
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Re: Two disturbing trends

Originally posted by sapper740
Well said Bruce! I read the new Canadian constitution soon after Trudeau "repatriated" it home to Canada. My impression then and still is today what a weak document it is; full of warm and fuzzy thoughts but utterly lacking in protection (rights) for Canadians in regards to property. Since then, it has been all to easy for successive governments to abuse their power by using Orders-in-Council, thereby passing debate in the House of Commons to confiscate without compensation firearms legally purchased by law-abiding citizens. Canada needs a Bill of Rights similar to the American example in order to provide at least some measure of protection. Case in point: during the unrest post Katrina in New Orleans the Governor of Loiusiana banned all firearms and anybody caught with one would have it confiscated. For many people, the only protection against hordes of looters, rapists, and other ne'er-do-wells was their personal firearm, because as we all saw, the New Orleans Police were utterly ineffective in halting crime and in many cases were the perpetrators! The N.R.A. promptly took the State of Louisiana to Federal court, citing 2nd Amendment rights and the state was not only ordered to cease this activity but were also ordered to return any confiscated firearms! This could never happen in Canada as we have no property rights.

What kind of Country do we live in..??
We need protection from our own government..and our so call democratic legal system...
With no guns eventually we will all be "Peasants with pitchforks"......
If I was a politition I would be wary..I don't know of one military guy that would side with the government if the poop hit the propellor......
And very few of the cops...
THese people are no different in their situation than we are..
Being screwed with out the kissing will only last so long and then there will be change//...
Alex Blair
:remember :support :drunk:
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Old 18-12-05, 00:32
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Default Crime Control not Gun Control

Originally posted by Vets Dottir
I love your words (above) best ... because I've always been a big one for seeing that "the solution is in the problem" ... in this case, the problem is CRIME NOT guns. knives, scissors, poison, bombs, etc ...

Hell, why not ban ALL human beings because they can kill with their thumbs or other body parts, and can even kill with their minds through psychological manipulation and coercement, neglect etc ... hell yes ... ban human beings because THEY CAN KILL!!! Ban 'em or even kill 'em all, "JUST IN CASE don't ya bluddy well know???

To ban the tools (weapons of choice) of the trade rather than the ones who use them against humanity is the height of insanity and just plain unrealistic (or manipulative for perks or votes???)


See? Even Ma is not so effected by life's events that I can't see the stupidity and outright unjustness of any laws that would attack neutral "things" rather than the problem of those who use neutral "things" to harm other humans.


When will those powers that be get their crap together and just get real and focus on stamping out the roots of the problem and not the "tools they use to do their dirty work"???

And how much more will we all lose and pay whilst our dysfunctional parent-government scapegoats us and our "things" while avoiding taking responsibility and actions against what actually is the problem = crime/criminal behaviors ???

That was our rallying slogan during the first demonstration on Parliament Hill, when Alan Rock, then Justice(?) Minister, said "Registration does not mean confiscation". Lying Liberal bastard.
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Old 18-12-05, 00:49
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Default Re: Two disturbing trends

Originally posted by Bruce Parker
Laws used to be made to solve problems. There was a connection between what the problem was and what the law did to solve it. The new trend is to pass laws that don't, can't and are not designed to solve the problem. They merely send "the right message that we take this problem seriously". Two recent examples are banning handguns to solve gang violence and, more recently in Ontario, a proposal to not issue driver's licences to students who drop out of school. In both cases the problem is real, but as the politicians have no idea how to solve them (or acknowledge that their policies contributed to them), they make laws that target the wrong things, are not enforceable, are down right silly, but dam, they get tough and "send the right message".

The second trend is to describe almost everything the government lets you do as a 'privilege'. No longer are they rights, or just things that are a good idea to regulate and have some limits on. Driving, gun ownership is not a right, but a priviledge. This makes it so much easier to manipulate them, charge for them or take them away.

Even if linking driver's licences to staying in school was a great idea (school for kids is good. I like school for kids), what else, what other priviledges will be manipulated, linked or denied if you don't act according to the way they think you aught to? al...

There has been a huge shift in what we perceive as our Constitutional rights.

Ever since Trudeau (may his name rot in Hell!) brought in our written "Constitution" and our Charter of Rights, we in Canada have slewed from a Parliamentary to a Constitutional democracy. There is a huge difference 'twixt the two. (Look it up.)

Whereas citizens could, prior to the "repatriated" Constitution, do whatever they wished as long as it was not proscribed by law, now citizens cannot do anything unless it IS proscribed by law.

Social engineering...the Liberal way. Get rid of these bastards as soon as we can. Do what you feel is right on 23 Jan 06.
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Old 18-12-05, 01:32
Ponysoldier Ponysoldier is offline
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Default Gun control

We have a very simple statement we use down here
when it comes to gun control,it was not voted on nor
is it a law.It's really a statement that many follow.

You Can Have My Gun,,,When You Pry It From My Cold
Dead fingers....
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Old 18-12-05, 01:44
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Default Re: Gun control

Originally posted by Ponysoldier
We have a very simple statement we use down here
when it comes to gun control,it was not voted on nor
is it a law.It's really a statement that many follow.

You Can Have My Gun,,,When You Pry It From My Cold
Dead fingers....
Gun control is a tight group on the range of your choice, with the weapon of your choice, on the day of your choice. All else is social engineering bullshit!

Wasn't your ..."cold dead fingers" quotation originally from Charlton Heston when he was President of the NRA?
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Old 18-12-05, 02:33
Ponysoldier Ponysoldier is offline
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Default Pronto

You might be right,truly I'm not sure. Our State has
inacted saying that you can carry a conceled handgun.
Mind you there is a back ground check and a $60.00
class on safety and proper use,Since the time that was
passed Robbery rates are down 36%.
Ya just cant tell you has that 0.45 colt tucked under their

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Old 18-12-05, 03:25
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Default Re: Pronto

Originally posted by Ponysoldier

Ya just cant tell you has that 0.45 colt tucked under their

Which makes for a very polite society! When driving in Vancouver I saw or was flipped off about 1/2 dozen times a day, here in Texas I've seen the middle finger salute maybe 3 times in 4 years! Keep honking, I'm reloading isn't just a cute slogan! I eagerly anticipate each new American Rifleman magazine for the "Armed Citizen" column about how Ma and Pa blow away some a##hole breaking into their house! Of course, no charges are filed against them. I take a certain pride in Texas' record of being #1 in the nation for executing criminals, something no Canadian politician could possibly understand.
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Old 18-12-05, 08:07
Ponysoldier Ponysoldier is offline
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Default Polite society

Polite is the right word. We had an 18 year old little gang banger
girl try to rob a store, bad move one patron was armed
shot 5 times hit her twice no one else was hurt.
Bad guy in jail no one else hurt and alot of others re thinking some things A win win situation
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Old 18-12-05, 16:18
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Default Re: Polite society

Originally posted by Ponysoldier
Polite is the right word. We had an 18 year old little gang banger
girl try to rob a store, bad move one patron was armed
shot 5 times hit her twice no one else was hurt.
Bad guy in jail no one else hurt and alot of others re thinking some things A win win situation

We need to broadly publish such stories across the nation so other little Droogs will think twice before they burst into someone's home or business demanding money.
Y'know, Canada used to be a nation of manly men, carving a nation out of the wilderness; exploring, fighting Indians and having to survive on their wits, endurance, and ability with firearms. Very much a parallel of what happened in the U.S. during it's growth to nationhood. For centuries, our two nation's experiences were very similar.
Then along came politicians!
Canadian men haven't changed. We still rise to a challenge. Our military is small, even tiny, but I'd put our soldiers up against any other nation's, comparably equipped! Canada is still a nation of hunters, miners,farmers, fishermen, and loggers. Men who don't shrink from adversity or hard work. If it weren't for the aberrations that are Toronto and the other large cities of Ontario and the province of Quebec, politicians would have to listen to the sons and daughters of the real Canadians and craft common -sense laws instead of the tripe they force onto Canadians daily! It's time to take our country back, let's march on Ottawa, hang a few Liberals, burn down the Parliament buildings and shake this country up!

Then we can elect Don Cherry for P.M.!

Ya with me or what?!
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Old 18-12-05, 16:47
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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Default Re: Re: Polite society

Originally posted by sapper740
Then we can elect Don Cherry for P.M.!
:remember :support
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Old 18-12-05, 17:27
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Default Re: Re: Re: Polite society

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball

With Don Cherry as P.M. that'd be the last time Canadians were accused of being bland, eh Geoff!

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Old 18-12-05, 20:15
Ponysoldier Ponysoldier is offline
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Default Parallel Growth

You are so correct on all fronts. Y'all have got to have
a common voice in your vote,this is something that we
down here forget all too often.

Too all of you here A merry Christmas to you and yours.
And my best wishes for you all for a good new year.
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Old 18-12-05, 23:46
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Default Easy on the Parliament Burnings..


We already had the main block go up in smoke in the early 1900s- the Library was spared because of metal doors. Replacement costs were thru the roof back in the day. The Library exterior was just refurbished this December at about 1000 percent over the initial bid...

Wouldn't it be easier just to turf the bastards out???? If you want to make a difference, get out and vote!

As an aside, I can't wait until January - it will be so cold that the Liberals will have to keep their hands in their own pockets...
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 19-12-05, 05:52
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Default Since I work at the Wpg Sun ...

I wasn't working the day of the gun seizure story, or I would have intervened and asked a few questions, and even called bullshit on some of it. Of course, I would have been met with the usual blank stares and don't-wanna-know from the usual suspects (We have some issues here.)

I did have a word with the reporter the day after, and pointed out a couple of things to her. She's actually a pretty good character, but like most reporters and editors in this biz, absolutely frigging clueless about matters military and guns. (Actually you'd be shocked, shocked, to discover what know-nothings far too many people in the media are.)

Like most general assignment reporters here, she's run ragged from story to story, so she can only follow the pack, take what the cops feed her and write it up with the appropriate news hook - machine-guns! - and run to the next story about someone's lost dog or whatever.

There's only one registered gun owner in our newsroom (it's not me), but he is strictly into deer hunting, works in sports, not news, and keeps his opinions to himself. I tend to express my opinions, and as they generally tend to run contrary to received liberalism, nobody wants to hear them.

Rob's probably right about the cops looking ahead to budget time, but unsafe storage is unsafe storage. Doesn't help.

With Mr. Dithers waving his arms and blathering about his total "ban" on handguns, things don't look good. Unless, of course the Libranos are voted out.
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Old 19-12-05, 06:51
Ponysoldier Ponysoldier is offline
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Default Ah Ha

Ok so I figure not one of these fools knows what an AK47
looks like or is?!
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Old 19-12-05, 08:30
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Patrick - more or less correct. My real point is, they don't care.
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Old 19-12-05, 15:43
rob love rob love is offline
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Default Re: Since I work at the Wpg Sun ...

Originally posted by cmperry4
Rob's probably right about the cops looking ahead to budget time, but unsafe storage is unsafe storage. Doesn't help.

With Mr. Dithers waving his arms and blathering about his total "ban" on handguns, things don't look good. Unless, of course the Libranos are voted out.
Deactivated firearms are not subject to safe storage, transportation, or liscencing regulations. This whole event is hype.

What I noticed missing in the story about the collection being siezed is that there is no mention as to the quantity of ammunition. One thing neccessary when you own full autos, and even semi-autos for that matter, is the food for them. They eat a lot. And the quantity of food makes good press as well, with quantities ranging from hundreds to thousands being the typical quantities being siezed from any firearms owner. Heck, .22 cal comes in packs of 500, and the police never differentiate during these events.
I buy my rounds by the 1000, it just makes economic sense. This missing piece of information makes me certain that there were no live guns there. They mention various rounds of ammunition. Sounds more like a collection of individual rounds to me, to which safe storeage regulations of the firearms act do not apply.

On any typical wed night at the gun club, I will shoot 2 boxes of 64 rounds of 9mm. Thats 128 rounds a week. Tell me how you are supposed to get by with any less than 1000s on hand. Especially when buying boxes of 50 rounds cost over 50% more than buying by the case of 1000.

Perry; what news source do you work for? If it's the Sun, I doubt we'll hear any follow up to this. Perhaps you could suggest a story questioning why the Winnipeg police department intentionally spreads fear to it's citizenry. This has been repeated several times in the past year or two, including when they siezed a SKS rifle, which is "only used for killing", or "discovered" T.G's collection, and were astounded by how many guns he had, when in fact he had everything registered, and even acted as an expert witness for the crown on occasion in relation to firearms.

As to Paul Martin's arm waving, same deal. During the debate, he talks about a 32 guns collection in TO being stolen, 12 of them later showing up in crimes, and 1 in a murder. I hear about way more stolen cars being used in crimes, and even resulting in deaths. There are half a million handguns in private hands in Canada.
And if they caught the guy who stole the guns in the break in, he would likely be out before the end of the day. If it's a juvenile, they would drop all charges if the youth would testify against the collector for unsafe storeage.
Why not make the penalty for stealing a gun the same as committing a serious crime. 5 years for stealing from someones house doesn't sound too harsh to me, considering the potential. Heck, I could even live with seeing the perp get 10.

We need crime control, not gun control. And spreading fear and panic amongst the general population can only be self serving for the police.
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Old 19-12-05, 17:08
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Rob, that's one of the things I asked Tamara about. I asked if she knew or has asked if any or all of the guns were active or not - I explained what DEWAT was. She had no idea, and apparently assumed or was given to believe by the cops that guns were all fully active (and it seems from the police point of view, the difference doesn't much matter). As for ammo - who knows?

At least Tamara talked to Jaime Cline (probably because she was steered to her by the assignment editor, whom I first steered to Marway on another story in an attempt to stave off some ignorant reporting), and got a good quote from her, but it was buried at the end of the story.

I also pointed out to Tamara that, strictly speaking, a Bren is not a "heavy-duty" machine-gun, and explained to her exactly what an "automatic" Sten gun is. All she could do was plead ignorance and say she could only report what the cops told her. To her credit, she seemed to appreciate the information.

As for follow ups by the Sun - you're right on that. And it's not just gun stories. When a story is updated, the reporter will just bring up the original story, cut and paste in the background, so the same stuff will be repeated, unless an editor is thinking and catches it the second time around.

But, like the rest of the media, she just had to lap up with the cops put on the table and put in their press release. The media runs in its comfortable grooves like a lot of things, and on the gun issue, most of its denizens have bought into the received Liberal view of the gun issue, and don't bother to ask awkward questions. And the Liberals are counting on that.
Member: Prairie Command, Ex-Military Land Rover Association 2110, MVPA 29055
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Old 19-12-05, 18:01
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Originally posted by cmperry4

But, like the rest of the media, she just had to lap up with the cops put on the table and put in their press release. The media runs in its comfortable grooves like a lot of things, and on the gun issue, most of its denizens have bought into the received Liberal view of the gun issue, and don't bother to ask awkward questions. And the Liberals are counting on that.

The Canadian media has for decades been at the cutting edge of political correctness in expunging gender specific titles and nouns from the Canadian lexicon. Chair has replaced chairman, Fisher has replaced fisherman....the examples are numerous, except for one glaring omission: GUNMAN. Canadian media, both print and electronic are addicted to this word and refuse to end it's use inspite of the fact it is very gender specific. I have taken several reporters in Vancouver to task for continuing to use this word. Initially they are slightly taken aback when the realization sinks in that horror of horrors, they are using a non-P.C. word! Why, it's enough to give an Edwardian damsel the vapours! But they quickly recover realizing the need to equate men with guns with violence! One even had the temerity to ask me what other term could he possibly use? After questioning his academic credentials I suggested criminal, perpetrator or a host of other terms! Of course, nothing has changed and the term GUNMAN continues to be the catchphrase of a very anti-gun media in Canada.
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Old 19-12-05, 19:05
Bruce Parker (RIP) Bruce Parker (RIP) is offline
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Default Tell me again????

This gunplay is from today's Toronto Sun. The version in the Toronto Star has much less detail on the shooter and his previous encounters with the law. No media bias I'm sure...

Tell me again banning handguns is the solution to this sort of this?????

I'm not sure if I'm madder about dope dealers killing themselves or the courts. Result is the same, collectors MUST be the problem!!!.

Officers chasing ATM bandits narrowly escape harm as 'Weedman' allegedly fires point-blank
Two officers were shot at by one of two men who robbed a customer using this bank machine on King St., west of Yonge. (Mark O'Neill, Sun)
A year and two days after pleading guilty to weapons offences in a deal that saw a first-degree murder charge dropped, Sirvon Edwards is back in jail, accused of shooting at a Toronto cop during a downtown foot chase.
"The officer is very lucky he wasn't hit with this bullet. It turned out well for everybody but it just as easily could have turned ugly."
MacDonald said the cop and the shooter were a mere three metres apart and closing in when the shot was fired around 11:30 p.m. Saturday near King and Jordan Sts., just west of Yonge St.
A man had been getting cash from an ATM on King when he was robbed by two men, one of whom pushed a revolver in his face.
As the two robbers headed east on King, MacDonald said the victim spotted a cruising patrol car and flagged it down.
"They get out of the car and start chasing them right away," MacDonald said.
"The chase started, the shot went off and he was caught, within seconds."
After firing at the officer, the gunman dropped his weapon and was tackled. The second officer abandoned his pursuit of the other bandit -- who remains at large -- and helped to arrest the alleged gunman.
On Dec. 15, 2004, Edwards, 23, pleaded guilty in Newmarket court to four weapons offences after prosecutors agreed to drop a first-degree charge in the murder of Jesse Lamonday, 21.
He was sentenced to 50 months in jail but was given 38 months credit for time served, leaving a sentence of 12 months. It's not known if he was released earlier on parole or statutory release.
Lamonday was shot dead over $10 worth of dope, court was told last year.
Edwards, known as "the Weedman," had sold him the drugs on credit.
On May 11, 2003, Edwards and Berry both carried loaded handguns to Canada's Wonderland in Vaughan and confronted Lamonday. Berry shot him dead in front of his girlfriend.
In handing down the one-year sentence, Justice Ted Minden said Edwards had lived a life premised and dependent on crime.
"Sadly, it would appear the prospects of rehabilitation seem remote," Minden said.
Edwards is charged with armed robbery, pointing a firearm, two counts of using a firearm in an offence, two counts of possessing a dangerous weapon, two counts of assault with a weapon, attempted murder, aggravated assault, discharging a firearm, assault with intent to resist arrest, failing to comply with probation, possession of marijuana and four other weapons offences.
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Old 20-12-05, 19:29
Ponysoldier Ponysoldier is offline
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Default Wayne's Feb Post

Just caught your Feb post, pleeeeeaaaaaaassssseee
dont ship them south,we have enough yankee carpet
baggers here already
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