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Old 02-12-05, 20:46
Richard Notton
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Default Stealth Communism. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Talk of a Canadian election set me thinking. . .

A Conservative MEP reacted with dismay today to the news that the European Commission is to revive a plan to scrap the famous Red Ensign - despite Conservative MEPs leading a successful campaign in the European Parliament against the idea two years ago.

Geoffrey Van Orden MEP, whose East of England constituency covers a number of significant UK ports, said the latest Commission maritime safety recommendations make clear that the development of 'a European flag' on all EU merchant shipping flags would, in the Commission's view, help recognition at sea of vessels meeting the strictest European and international safety standards.

The Commission stated that its objective was "to require member states to thoroughly check that ships flying their flags comply with international standards, and therefore to have a maritime administration which strictly applies the quality criteria. Stepping up responsibility in this way is the precursor to the future development of a European flag."

Mr Van Orden accused the Commission of trying to sneak the proposal in 'by the back door'.

He said:

"Conservative MEPs led the campaign against this barmy idea the last time it was put forward two years ago. We succeeded then but I suppose we should not be surprised that the Commission is resurrecting its plans under a new guise, given past form.

"We want our ships to fly our national flag. Nothing is more recognisable at sea than the Red Ensign. The idea of flying an EU flag is offensive and defies common sense and centuries of tradition.

"The Red Ensign has always symbolised the highest safety standards. Our merchant fleet is the envy of the EU."
And, it gets "better". . . . . . . . . . . .

More serious was the Commission’s power grab which removes our right as a Nation to decide what constitutes a crime. They are creating a body of EU law and will force Member States to punish offenders. If Member States do not comply they will be hauled before the ECJ.

The result of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) judgement (C-176/03) of 13th September over the question of the EU´s authority in cases of breaches of EU environmental law has initially been extended into seven new areas but, chillingly, the Commission has said that it can create criminal penalties to enforce the entire body of EU law with the support of the Council and Parliament. What is new in this development is not so much the taking of power, they have done that for years, but now with this decision the power grab is being formalised and clarified.

A Judicial coup d’état: Gerard Batten on Tuesday Evening in the Parliament:

"Not since the time of Henry VIII," he told the Assembly, "has any power, other than the British Crown, possessed the right to create criminal offences in Britain, and set penalties for breaking them." He went on:

"The Commission has ruthlessly exploited the decision of the court in order to publish a list of nine new areas of competence, which gives it the right to create new laws and impose criminal penalties. It has also stated its intention to extend its power to create further criminal offences. When this case first went to the court, 11 of the then 15 Member States opposed it; the court ignored them. A Commission lawyer has stated that it could compel the British Government – and the British Parliament – to punish its citizens for something that was not a criminal offence in Britain. If a British government were to refuse to implement these criminal offences, then it could be taken to the European Court of Justice, which would compel it to do so. The court would then act as judge and jury in its own case. So much for the separation of powers of the executive, legislative and judiciary that has protected English freedoms for centuries!

The decision by the so-called European Court of Justice is nothing less than a judicial coup d’état. The Court has seized power from the Member States and handed it to the Commission"
(English citizen and subject of HM QEII)
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Old 02-12-05, 21:16
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Without being rude I feel the UK needs to tell these folk where to get off and then break away from the EU. Form a new Commonwealth outside of the EU because it sounds to me as if Hitler and the Nazi's are slowly coming back after so many years to haunt Europe.

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Old 03-12-05, 09:35
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Originally posted by cliff
Without being rude I feel the UK needs to tell these folk where to get off and then break away from the EU. Form a new Commonwealth outside of the EU because it sounds to me as if Hitler and the Nazi's are slowly coming back after so many years to haunt Europe.

Cliff - most of the people I know would rather remain "Commonwealth" than EU. I regard our Prime Minister as a nothing more than a self-serving Traitor, especially with the current possibility of abject surrender over the budgetary rebates that The Great Thatcher won for us. There is a perfectly good axe & block waiting for him on Tower Green!
Too many of our ancestors have fought together, drank together and died together for us to ever seperate from the other members of the Commonwealth, and our politicians would do well to ask the populace before taking us further into Europe - they'd lose for sure and that's why a referendum won't happen.

We've kicked the crap out of Germany twice in the last 100 years, and the French have hated us ever since Agincourt, Crecy, Trafalgar & Waterloo - doesn't help that united Commonwealth forces had to get their arses out the fire twice in the same 100 years when the Germans went through the French army like Syphillis & diarrhoea!!
The above means that Britain will always get the rough end of the shaft from Euro-commies. Put up the baricades, there will always be some Englishmen that will never surrender our Sovereignty and independence.
Wear a poppy - support our Veterans and the Royal British Legion

A wasted youth is better by far than a wise and productive old age!! (Meatloaf)
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Old 03-12-05, 13:13
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Originally posted by DaveCox
The above means that Britain will always get the rough end of the shaft from Euro-commies. Put up the baricades, there will always be some Englishmen that will never surrender our Sovereignty and independence.
...and rest assured there will always be a legion of Loyal Subjects of Her Majesty, from Commonwealth nations around the world, willing to stand by you.

Sacrifice neither your flag, nor your currency; neither the independence of your judicial system nor the near thousand-year legacy of the Magna Carta. Let not the Oswald Moseley's of this generation hand to your enemies that which a hundred generations of Britons, and their descendents, have paid for in blood!

What continental Europe could not win on the battlefield since 1066, they hope to take now through edict and bureaucracy. Stand, say I... STAND!

You shall not stand alone.
:remember :support
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Old 03-12-05, 18:40
Richard Notton
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Originally posted by DaveCox
Cliff - most of the people I know would rather remain "Commonwealth" than EU. I regard our Prime Minister as a nothing more than a self-serving Traitor, especially with the current possibility of abject surrender over the budgetary rebates that The Great Thatcher won for us. There is a perfectly good axe & block waiting for him on Tower Green!
I knew I could rely on Dave and Geoff to make an appropriate reply.

Truth is we haven't been consulted, in a cynical move the EU started it constitutional vote with those who had received trillions in EU cash, knowing this would lead a "yes" vote. Then it went wrong with two "no" votes and with a monumental gasp of relief the British Govt then, they said, didn't need to hold a referendum here.

In fact this should have lead to the dissolution of the EU according to their rules, however, they simply changed the rules and have said the constitution is going to be adopted anyway.

One wonders why we have been surreptitiously dis-armed, now almost to the extent of replicas and de-acts; no chance here of raising "A well-ordered militia" in the event of desperate Govt action.

We have a very effective anti-party whose policy for the EU is hugely supported but voters will shy away from them at a general election as they probably do not have the experience and capability of running the country, real or perceived.

One can only hope the retired law lords, et al, with the necessary experience, standing and wherewithal can finally mount a successful challenge under Magna Carta and our Bill of Rights, both standing pieces of irrevokeable legislation that successive Govts have seen fit to ignore and get away with.

Desperate it is, lets hope for an outbreak of common sense and national civil disobedience.

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Old 04-12-05, 00:15
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Speaking of national civil disobedience...

Were you aware that Ghandi, pre 1947, tramped barefoot throughout India preaching this mysterious doctrine.

Such was his zeal and fervour about this, that he failed to keep his health in order and became quite frail, to the extent that his teeth fell out from lack of oral hygiene.

He thus became known to us as a "Super calloused fragile mystic plagued with halitosis". (Say it fast...apologies to Mary Poppins).
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Old 04-12-05, 01:12
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Derek Heuring
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Originally posted by DaveCox
Cliff - most of the people I know would rather remain "Commonwealth" than EU.

We've kicked the crap out of Germany twice in the last 100 years, and the French have hated us ever since Agincourt, Crecy, Trafalgar & Waterloo - doesn't help that united Commonwealth forces had to get their arses out the fire twice in the same 100 years when the Germans went through the French army like Syphillis & diarrhoea!!
The above means that Britain will always get the rough end of the shaft from Euro-commies. Put up the baricades, there will always be some Englishmen that will never surrender our Sovereignty and independence.
Hear! Hear! My family was chased out of the 13 Colonies in 1782 because they were and we are United Empire Loyalists. Membership in the Commonwealth costs Canada very little and brings so much, not the least of which is a great camaraderie with fellows from the great nations of England, Scotland, Australia and New Zealand. The Commonwealth nations have a common ancestry, a similar history, joint effort and sacrifice in two Great Causes. Good natured ribbing aside, I always feel a kinship when meeting nationals from other Commonwealth nations, like we're somehow related.
As for the EU. der deutches volk are still in denial over what the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei wrought in WW II and as for the French, allow me to quote generals Patton and Schwarkopf:

Patton: (I'd rather have a German division in front of me than a French division behind me!)

Schwarzkopf: (Going to war without the French is like going deer hunting without your accordion!)

'nuff said!
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Old 04-12-05, 20:47
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Red face ERGH

Re: Jon -- Now that REALLY hurt, ok? Chuffing Mary Poppins for having halitosis. SHAME!

Speakng of non-sequiturs, if you pull the wings off a fly, does it become Infantry rather than Airborne, or is it simply a Base Wallah of the Royal Flying Corps? For some strange reason that question occurred to me in my sleep last night (no editorial comments necessary, thank you, carry on, SAH!).

Re: Derek -- Well-spoken, even if from an adopted Yank! ( )... my father's side of the family came up here in 1786 under the same auspices, and of course, as I never tire of telling you (as I'm sure you are constantly tired of hearing) that my mum was born in Scotland. One way or another, we shall prevail over the lunacy of the EU!

Re: Dave -- Little more needs be said. You're a charming nationalist whose viewpoint is welcome. The axe-and-block perspective is particularly interesting!

Re: Cliff -- I've often thought that a new Commonwealth is not only viable but necessary. Call it the Coalition of English-speaking Peoples? Whatever, it would be a coalition of those who share the same values, in opposition to those who would have our resources and the power to expropriate them. We could debate this endlessly, I'm sure.

Re: Richard -- You expected nothing less than this from some of us, did you not?

:remember :support
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Old 04-12-05, 22:22
Richard Notton
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Default Re: ERGH

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Re: Richard -- You expected nothing less than this from some of us, did you not?
Indeed I didn't, a display of most welcome common sense and fair play together with huge support was expected.

We were not disappointed.

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