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Old 09-07-05, 01:02
Vets Dottir
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Originally posted by Ponysoldier
Ah ha you want it nuked, No problem one medium
well coming up
Ah did you want taters and mushrooms with that???


Taters a must (and a container full of sour cream just for me ) ... mushrooms yes ...
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Old 09-07-05, 01:18
Vets Dottir
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Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball

PS: Yappy just gave me shit for being insensitive... oi...
Stop tattling on me Besides, I was referring to telling people to piss off ... but I agree with much of what you say, as you well know Master Sunray :

PS: No steak for you tonight ... tonight it will be burnt off'rings Suffer baby suffer

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Old 09-07-05, 05:33
Ponysoldier Ponysoldier is offline
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Ah domestic bliss... Since those that know me know
know I do speak my mind, so if master Geoff cant say
it I will They can piss up a rope and I know how to use
the rope when they are done.....
Ah nuked means well done....
Ah set one steak set on the side for for Dave.
The talking heads are now telling us that the bombs
were all small in nature(under 10lbs) and that they were
homemade... They seem stunned ( the news type)
Duh its not rocket science and the average 15 year
old with a quick trip to the libary can complete that,
how stupid can one possibly appear on nation wide
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Old 09-07-05, 15:07
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Originally posted by Vets Dottir
No steak for you tonight ... tonight it will be burnt off'rings Suffer baby suffer
MA , I thought burnt off'rings was your usual daily fare anyways..................

... I'll be quiet now.....................
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Old 09-07-05, 16:01
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I'm glad to see all those who feel that my rant was warranted.
I'm never one to back down on my opinions, and everyone is welcome to them!
If anyone ever wants to call me a racist for being proud to be from my WASP heritage, so be it, it happens all the time.
I believe in equality for all, just as long as it doesn't impinge on me or the rights of my fellow Canadians.
As to my American and British friends, all I can say is brothers forever. We all share a common heritage, even if you kicked the crap out of the redcoats in 1776, remember we got you back in 1812! Kidding aside, just like a big family at the BBQ, uncle Buck is drunk, so is uncle Joe, we fight, argue etc etc, but when push comes to shove, we come together and fight as one.
As for ponysoldier, all I can say is that I'd probably be the biggest, baddest gun totin' American- Canadian if I lived in a place like you do; where you actually still have some rights...
But alas, I must end today's sermon, head on down to the local Korean owned coffee shop, go get some gas (petrol) at the Esso owned by Lebanese Arabs, and stop by to pickup some goodies at the local corner store, owned by Pakistanis.
At least I drive a Ford and will enjoy my steak and beer this evening...
3RD Echelon Wksp

1968 M274A5 Mule Baifield USMC
1966 M274A2 Mule BMY USMC
1958 M274 Mule Willys US Army
1970 M38A1 CDN3 70-08715 1 CSR
1981 MANAC 3/4T CDN trailer
1943 Converto Airborne Trailer
1983 M1009 CUCV

RT-524, PRC-77s,
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Old 09-07-05, 16:11
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Oh yeah, and further to my last...
One of the fellow mluers posted about getting down and dirty with these characters.
Seems to me that I saw a documentary on the British governments secret agenda in dealing with the IRA several years ago.
While they never admitted to it, and were quite embarrased at the expose', it did indeed happen.
The illustrious SAS was tasked with identifying subjects in N Ireland who were involved with, associated with, or actively participating in terrorist activities. No big deal, right?
Well, the second part of the task was the carte blanche elimination of such identified persons through door to door assassination in the middle of the night by plainclothes operatives. Even the RUC didn't know what was going on, aside from the fact that known criminals were showing up dead on a weekly basis, and they had no suspects. Kinda works like that when you use commandos.
Maybe this world is coming to that again, where vigilate justice is the answer... Food for thought.
3RD Echelon Wksp

1968 M274A5 Mule Baifield USMC
1966 M274A2 Mule BMY USMC
1958 M274 Mule Willys US Army
1970 M38A1 CDN3 70-08715 1 CSR
1981 MANAC 3/4T CDN trailer
1943 Converto Airborne Trailer
1983 M1009 CUCV

RT-524, PRC-77s,
and trucks and stuff and more stuff and and.......

OMVA, MVPA, G503, Steel Soldiers
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Old 09-07-05, 18:13
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default Ooooh!

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Onions & mushrooms fried in olive oil, please!
GWB,you're a lad after me own tastes.Medium rib eye on the BBQ with onions/mushrooms fried in olive oil and a little garlic,washed down with a deep dark Rhone red wine.I'm salivating as I type.
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Old 09-07-05, 18:17
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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Default Re: Ooooh!

Originally posted by Garry Shipton
GWB,you're a lad after me own tastes.Medium rib eye on the BBQ with onions/mushrooms fried in olive oil and a little garlic,washed down with a deep dark Rhone red wine.I'm salivating as I type.
Hehehehe... it's not an accident my BBQ has one of these side burners on it... something useful to do with 's cast-iron frying pan when she's not wacking me over the head with it.

:remember :support
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Old 09-07-05, 18:19
Snowtractor Snowtractor is offline
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Default Criminals are criminals

and these people are making crime against humanity , in whatever form or colour that may be. That said countries like france , Germany, Luxembury, Austria, DEFINITELY the SWISS need to get off their fat asses and start fighting the problem. Along with may other countries. The more that get on board the less effect the terrorist will have and can have. I think any country doing business with the sponsoring or supporting countries is as guilty as the host country and should be cut off , period. There are very few countries that want to lose access to the US market and though it may hurt a US a bit , its time to flex that muscle if the "neutral" countries won't commit to fighting terrorism full throttle. Now this doesn't mean war but economic sanctions, holding persons of interest until they are cleared. Allow arrests under interpol or a similar agency.
As for colour versus culture, we will all be chinese in 100 years so get used to it. Seriously, it is a very sticky issue and I have a culture I would like to protect also. Maybe it means letting in a surge of immigrants and then closing borders for 10-20 years to allow the immigrants to adapt to our culture. And definitely not to support the esblishment of independant schools and training facilites that teach people how to live in the country they just came from.
I know many many landed immigrants and they came here to be Canadian , not ex-pat whatever. They get quite pissed at the radical elements of their culture that want to assimilate us instead of adapt to their new country. Also they get mad at the Canadian government for sponsoring them in so many ways aside from money, which enables these groups to thrive.
Canada and Canadians have to take a lot of responsibility for deaths around the world also. We have heavily supported the IRA and Alqaida , and other groups , monitarily. Do people think our money goes to food and not explosives? We have also been a nice safe refuge for many terrorists to hide for awhile when the heat gets too much.
I also have to wonder about pouring even more money in to Africa. The Saudis have been pouring billions in to Alqaida and other places and though it bought them time, all of a sudden it isn't enough. Funny how that happens. Maybe we sould just let them solve there own problems and quit bloody meddling.
It is one murky mess , the lot of it.
1944 Allis Chalmers M7 Snow Tractor
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Old 09-07-05, 18:33
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Default Re: Criminals are criminals

Originally posted by Snowtractor
It is one murky mess , the lot of it.
T'is indeed, sir. Methinks it's one of the reasons I submerge myself so completely in the era represented by MLU and the other sites I maintain. In many ways back then was a much simpler time, and occasionally I feel I was born a generation out of time. I feel sorry for my children and their children who will have to cope with the increasing complexities I think we all know we shall have to face. By then I'll have passed on (and probably come back as my cat : ), so it's going to be their fight. I hope they have the stamina for it that the British have demonstrated thus-far; think of it - the devastation of WW1 and subsequent social and economic upheaval; the blitz... then 30 years of terrorism related to the IRA and now this. By god, they set an example for all of us! And mark my words, they WILL settle this current crisis in their own inimitable way.

Hail Britannia!
:remember :support
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Old 09-07-05, 19:34
Pete Ashby Pete Ashby is offline
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Default A few thoughts from the UK

Firstly I’d like to start by thanking forum members who have expressed concern and sympathy with regard to the current problems we face here in the UK.

I am very much an exponent of free speech as some of you who know me are well aware, one of reasons I
restore vehicles is because to me they represent the triumph of
democracy over oppressive thought and deed.

I take comfort in the knowledge that some of you know a number of us Brits here on the forum personally and therefore know we in this country have our own way of dealing with such things.

The mood here is very much business as usual, there are not armed gangs out roaming the streets or baying for detention camps to be set up. Do not take this to mean that we as a nation do not care or that it will be forgotten it will not. Britain is a very small island and in the 21C we are multi racial this is a fact whether we like it or not so we on the whole try to get on. There are extremists groups in any society and Germany during the 1930's and 40's should be a chilling reminder for any one about what happens when minority factions use racism to pervert justice.

For us this situation is unfortunately not new, we have lived with the daily threat of terrorist bombing since the late 1960's really makes little difference what colour their skin is or who their professed God is, they still cause pain, suffering and disruption whoever they are.

We have it seems collectively gained a form of settlement to the Irish issue..... we will sort this latest problem as well. But arming ourselves and going out in vigilante groups
is not the way we do it... at least not here at the sharp end.

Please don't take this as a criticism just a statement of fact


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Old 09-07-05, 19:43
Vets Dottir
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Originally posted by Ponysoldier
Ok fried it is....I fear we will need a keg....errrr
Make that a keg of Jameson's Irish and this Little Miss Scottish-ish Lassie will definately attend said BBQ and even wash my steak down with a sip-or-two from the keg!
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Old 10-07-05, 01:21
Vets Dottir
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Originally posted by Ponysoldier
Do you have to have an attuide were I live? You better
some of these people feed on fear home invasions
drive by shootings. Most of the people in my neighborhood
are not even citizens of the US, There a two hells angels
club houses less than 2 blocks from me,two months
ago they busted a meth lab 2 doors from me.
Me bad??? ..... no not at all just very well trained,
but 10 years in the army does that to one.
One law that we still have here is from the very early
1860s each an every person has a right to carry
a firearm and I do this often as I shoot in formal
shooting matchs so it is not unusal to see me walk
the front door with a 45 acp strapped to my hip,
very much like the old west days. I dont go out to
be bad,,, but Im not going to take sh-- from anyone.
Ah errrrrr pardon me not knowing Jamesons-Irish??
have a clue on that one.
Hi Pat ... as soon as my Lima-Beans and Bacon dinner settle and after I've watched the Colditz Story ... I shall return because you must know I want to reply to some of what you've said

By the way ... my youngest daughters dad has a 4 story Victorian in San fran ... and always keeps/kept a loaded handgun on EVERY floor of it... ready

Back soon ... K.
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Old 10-07-05, 10:10
Mary King Mary King is offline
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I've not been around much recently so thought I'd just check in and let you know that I and all my family are safe and well. My cousin works very, very close to where one of the bombs went off and another cousin was not in London on that day. Luckily I don't live in London either but outside London.

I've read the previous posts and I can agree with a lot of what is being said here. I visited Canada last year, to stay with a cousin, and noticed the way that Canada had what seemed like separate districts for different types of people and how the districts differed depending on who lived there, how well looked after and clean etc. the areas seemed. I have to agree with others that I think this is not the way to go. True integration is the only way and that has to be accompanied by respect for the host country's ways be they religious, secular, or political. If you emigrate to a country then that is your adopted country and you should make an effort to integrate fully with the society in which you find yourselves.

I heard about the bombs in London from a family member and then on the radio and tv. I was about to go out that day to meet a Canadian cousin over here for a visit. We had thought of going to London to take him to the London Eye but had decided against it. Lucky for us.

Thoughts, prayers and condolences to all those who suffered during these atrocities and continue to suffer.

On another subject, today, Sunday, is being celebrated as the end of WWII. My grateful thanks to all who fought to give me and my family the freedoms that we enjoy today. Perhaps I should have put that in another thread!
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Old 10-07-05, 17:45
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Today I've been watching the commemorations for the end of WW2 (for non-Brits they rolled the European & Far Eastern commemorations into one). I'm pleased & proud to tell the world that the events of Thursday didn't stop the services, parades and stage shows from taking place - it made it plainly obvious to all that although London (and Britain) received a flesh wound on Thursday, the one that renders us Hor's De Combat is far far away.

Be proud ALL representatives of ALL the Allied nations - the free world lives.
Wear a poppy - support our Veterans and the Royal British Legion

A wasted youth is better by far than a wise and productive old age!! (Meatloaf)
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Old 10-07-05, 18:33
Vets Dottir
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Originally posted by Mary King
I've not been around much recently so thought I'd just check in and let you know that I and all my family are safe and well. My cousin works very, very close to where one of the bombs went off and another cousin was not in London on that day. Luckily I don't live in London either but outside London.
Hi Mary,

Good to hear from you and that you and your loved ones weren't hurt or worse by the London events ... I won't say I'm glad you weren't effected, because I know everyone there has been effected, not just those directly victims at the bomb sites. It's heartbreaking to know of the anxiety, pain and suffering people are going through because their own loved ones haven't been heard from, or about, yet. I've been keeping tabs on the BBC's online news and hope with all my heart that those responsible will be found and prevented from doing more of their dirtywork. No place is safe, no place. I'm deeply moved by the stoic getting on with things you Brits are doing, knowing the fear of the unpredictability as being especially heightened right now.

We ALL need to keep very objective eyes and ears open for truly suspicious activities and events and as citizens of any country, basically do that as part of our way of life now, because we're all "targets" and attacks are unpredictable.

Regards your comment about "true integration the only way to go" - because its what actually WORKS ... I agree with you 100% ... I'm Canadian before I am anything else, as something that must be my priority, over and above my bloodlines and religeous or cultural beliefs. We all need to be true to one foundation of rules to live by that everything else is built upon, and within. Differences must be celebrated within the confines of our Canadian identity, with Canadian identity as our defining structure to live by. No special treatment for fragmented groups, be they sex, race, religeon, etc ...

First and foremost, I am my country. I am CANADA. As you all are your country's citizenship (this is how my mind works about these things anyways )

My care about what's happening over there is not because I have "English Blood" in me ... my care is because I value life and humanity and there is no justification, EVER, for terrorism. I'm not against Muslims, or any races, or religeons, I'm against terrorism. Period. I'm against the behavior and acts of terrorism by bullies and don't care a damn what thinking or values are used to justify them, even though I know they fuel terrorist attitudes and acts ... All that is relevant is terrorism must be stopped in it's tracks. We can all help there by being objective and attentive, and by trying to be sure we aren't jumping at shadows when we point fingers, and must have courage to point when we see something signifigant. In a way, we must all be soldiers and do what must be done for the good of all, even if in the doing that puts us in harms way. (To target a terrorist is to become thei terrorists target)

I know I'm babbling again : ... this stuff is part of our days now though. We're all targets. All we can do is practice objectivity and vigilance and catch the bad guys and stop them as we can?

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Old 10-07-05, 18:43
Vets Dottir
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Originally posted by DaveCox
Today I've been watching the commemorations for the end of WW2 (for non-Brits they rolled the European & Far Eastern commemorations into one). I'm pleased & proud to tell the world that the events of Thursday didn't stop the services, parades and stage shows from taking place - it made it plainly obvious to all that although London (and Britain) received a flesh wound on Thursday, the one that renders us Hor's De Combat is far far away.

Be proud ALL representatives of ALL the Allied nations - the free world lives.
Long Live England ... God Save The Queen ... and thank God for Allies hey? Together we stand free

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Old 10-07-05, 20:56
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Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
I love differences in peoples, in cultures, but only under a common social umbrella. I believe the politically-correct elements which created the cult of 'multiculturalism' within traditional western societies have done us irreparable harm. Certainly, these attitudes espoused by our liberal 'betters' throughout the western world are not mirrored in the societies from which many of our immigrants come... I find all of this demeaning to my own heritage, yet I am arbitrarily labelled a racist if I object on any grounds.

Regards the war on terror, I also believe, albeit simplistically, that those who do not vocally side with us (ie the West) are giving the nutbars a quiet acquiescence to the rites of murder practiced by the latter. To use the vernacular - shit or get off the pot. Either stand with us, or go back to where you came from. If this offends some, I'm sorry... but I don't take it back. My family came here in 1786, and they built a country to suit them, not you; if you don't like it, or don't like us, you're free to leave. This ain't racism, people, this is a simple plea for the 'equal rights' the PC crowd seem to have granted to everyone but those of us who founded this country.
Hmm, come to think of it, the people who inhabited Canada before it was Canada, might be feeling the same like you do now. One could view the pending demise of the English immigrants as the result of a second large immigration wave 200 years later... so move over, huddle up with the Native Canadians and share a bottle to drink away your sorrow

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Old 11-07-05, 05:40
Norm Cromie (RIP) Norm Cromie (RIP) is offline
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Default London blasts

The grievous act on the peoples of London can only be truly felt by those that suffered physical and mental injuries also those that were close to and loved these unfortunate souls. The destruction of any human in the name of a creed or God I believe to be beyond rational reasoning. Yet to come to grips with human behavior must be truly looked at in the abstract of our universe. We must endeavor to exercise that cliché, attack the cause and not the effect. The world as we know it today is now in a colossal coalition of world religions which within their midst contain the powerful seeds of extremism. As we look at history we see from them come the powerful and deadly leaders enforced by the mesmerized majority. One has to look at these equations, millions of Hindu’s, Catholics, Muslim’s, Buddhist, Born Again Christians and others who through an unknown dimension follow willingly. I believe we are all products of an uncontrollable dimension called evolution. When one looks at the life of individuals on this universe and studies their physical structure from an individual following through the regress of their atoms, quantum physics, invisible electoral magnetic forces finally the behavior of universal gravitation. It must be obvious that we do not have the choice of our actions in this time and space. We must accept that evolution governs our behavior, which in turn is dictated by super powerful dimensions, which I feel, include religion. It leaves us with that maddening query. How is anything? And why???
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Old 11-07-05, 07:04
Vets Dottir
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Default Re: London blasts

Originally posted by Norm Cromie
[B] We must endeavor to exercise that cliché, attack the cause and not the effect.
Hi Norm,

That's the most logical approach isn't it? If we can see beneath and beyond the symptoms to change the courses at their roots, then we'll all be off in a new direction. Wouldn't THAT be something? ... I only wish ...

The world as we know it today is now in a colossal coalition of world religions which within their midst contain the powerful seeds of extremism.
Conflicting extremism at that ... so much "your way messes with my way and my way messes with your way" ... it seems that the only answer for survival and well-being for us all is to find new ways that creates that probability ... interdependency rather than dog-eat-dog and my-way-or-the-highway? : But then EVERYONE world-wide would have to learn to march to one drummer that everyone dances to the rhythms of ... highly unlikely to happen when we look at the natural progression of unchecked extremism that only builds the more that extremism feels threatened by extinction. Our instinct is to survive as we believe we must?

Are we really evolving? I often think that we're merely "continueing" on a progression that was started long ago and this progression must play itself out ... so many are too busy on auto-pilot fighting external forces and others and struggling to exist "as is" that it seems evolution can't happen. To me, to evolve means to "grow" ... to continue on their course as is, is to me, opposite of evolving.

We all need each other desperately in order to survive physically, period. This includes our Mother earth itself ... and beyond, I'm sure When I think of the world I imagine it as "one house" that we all live in and sustain ourselves from.

I see ALL OF US human beings as truly interdependent as a reality that we deny in our separative ways ... we deny reality for the sake of ... well, existential-survivalism??? trying to live life individually, within belief systems and groups, that are ... conflicting and interfering/destructive to others belief systems and groups ways. :

We will continue as is, until the beliefs that conflict and hurt change to beliefs and ways that reflect the reality of our interdependency on this planet (and beyond? )

We're like stampeding herds of cattle all running in different directions and running into and over each other because we're hell-bent on my-way-or-the-highway because our very existance depends on it (or so we believe? )

These are just some of my thoughts, and when I use the word "we" ... please know that I know I speak only for myself from my own perceptions and ideas about things ... and I know many of you have different perceptions ... I'm not speaking for "you" ... am only speaking from my left-field brain yet again

Without our aggressive self defence against terrorism we'll all be done in. This seems to be our reality that must play out.

.... Wacky Yappy
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Old 11-07-05, 09:51
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Tony had Ruby, his Weapons Carrier, at the VE event....

Gordon, in Scotland
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Old 11-07-05, 18:37
Vets Dottir
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Default Article:

I just read this little article and decided to post it in here. I figure we can only talk reason with those open to reason ... terrorists are NOT, and this is what makes them terrorize. They want to control through terror and don't care who or what they destroy, or steal from others, in order to fulfill their agendas. They won't "quit" ... they can only be stopped if possible. They need a good swift deadly hit with an effective frying pan.


Mon, July 11, 2005
Terrifyingly simple
West did nothing to deserve this attack

By Ezra Levant -- Calgary Sun

The intellectuals of the left tell us that we need to understand Muslim terrorists if we are going to stop them.

That's true. But the left's idea of understanding is an exercise in hiding from the truth, not seeking it.

We ought not to be so ethnocentric, we're told. We should try to look at things from their point of view. We should ask: Have we done something to provoke them? Have we offended or humiliated them? What did we do to cause this attack?

Why did they think we deserved this -- and what can we do to change our own behaviour so we won't deserve it next time?

Can we meet them halfway? We have heard this refrain a thousand times -- including from Jean Chretien. He told the CBC after 9/11, "you cannot exercise your powers to the point of humiliation for the others."

"We're looked upon as being arrogant, self-satisfied, greedy and with no limits," said Chretien, looking thoughtful, imagining he was getting to the root of it.

At the time, Bill Graham said: "I think the prime minister's comments were right on."

Today Graham serves as Paul Martin's foreign minister.

Many leftist pseudo-intellectuals talk that way. The post-modern liberal mind cannot make sense of terrorism -- why would anyone want to kill women and children? What would drive someone to do such things?

Surely, our political system can provide a safe outlet for their grievances. Don't we have departments of multiculturalism? Don't we give foreign aid? Don't we have racial affirmative action?

So: If they're still mad enough at us to bomb us, what did we do wrong?

But that is not getting into the terrorists' mind. That is not emerging from ethnocentrism -- that is burrowing deeper into it, hiding from the reality of things. The post-modern, post-Christian mind does not have the vocabulary to deal with Islamic terrorism.

We do not use the word "evil" anymore, even with apolitical criminals, whose crimes are called sicknesses now, or syndromes, caused by -- what is it this week? society? parents? TV? -- and who need our understanding and accommodation, not our rejection or punishment. All the more so for avowedly political murders like those in London.

Leftists who call for more understanding or dialogue or compromise, are not understanding the Muslim "other." They are projecting themselves onto the terrorists, imagining what it would take to cool themselves off if they were ever that mad about something.

Have a seminar; bring in some professional mediators; do some role playing -- bond.

Such a response does not understand the terrorists. To understand them is simple, if terrifying: Read their writing and listen to their speeches.

They want the world to be ruled by sharia law, where the only constitution is the Qu'ran. They want a theocracy, like Afghanistan was and Iran is, where infidels are killed, or kept in a state of submission, called dhimmitude.

Read Osama bin Laden's speeches, not those of his lawyers and psychologists in the media. Like Hitler's Mein Kampf, bin Laden is plain about his intentions.

There was no half way, no compromise, no win-win possible with Hitler. The Jews didn't do any one thing in particular to him -- he hated their very existence.

The West didn't do any one thing to bin Laden that caused his hate -- other than to live freely and outside his authority.

Sixty-five years ago, Britain understood Hitler was evil, and responded with Spitfires, not psychologists.

Here's hoping Britain today has the same clarity of thought
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Old 11-07-05, 19:39
Ponysoldier Ponysoldier is offline
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Outstanding simply outstanding,I believe that what
the PC are not thinking or saying is this is not about
any injustice done to anyone,rather it is about an
Empire. History shows us that this is not the first
time this has happened. In the beginning of the
1800s arabs in north africa decided that tribute
needed to be payed to them.They preyed on
underarmed merchant ships of all flags.Well that
ended quite quickly.Many arabs believe because
they have a large stock of the worlds oil supply
That they should have an empire to govern that.
There is more oil in Canada than what they have
now. As for us here in the US if we get the tree
huggers to shut up,and tell those good ole boys
down in Texas to start pumping oil we will be just
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Old 11-07-05, 19:49
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Post Re: Article:

Originally posted by Vets Dottir

Mon, July 11, 2005
Terrifyingly simple
West did nothing to deserve this attack

By Ezra Levant -- Calgary Sun

"Today Graham serves as Paul Martin's foreign minister."
Last I looked, Bill Graham was the Minister of National Defence, not the Foreign Minister, glad to see the media is up to speed on their facts :
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Old 11-07-05, 20:12
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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Default Re: Re: Article:

Originally posted by Mark W. Tonner
Last I looked, Bill Graham was the Minister of National Defence, not the Foreign Minister, glad to see the media is up to speed on their facts :
Normally Ezra's right on the money, but I could understand a brief brain-fart as Canadian government sites list him as either/both (not surprising in retrospect)... :
:remember :support
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Old 12-07-05, 04:44
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I've been re-reading this thread WRT to the common thoughts espoused therein.

It is somewhat evident that a common chord has been struck,in that we, collectively, seem to agree about the infenestration (or, more appropriately, infestation) of "other than WASPs" into our North American culture.

When we, as Canadians, are cursed with a Liberal government whose only mandate is to gain, and keep power at all costs whatever the result, and who depend on the immigrant vote in order to stay in power, then we are doomed by a systemic process which will see unrestricted third-world immigration controlling our very way of life. It's already happening in large urban centres.

Our own Prime Minister, Paul Martin, (pardon me while I gag)...actually sat down to a dinner with the Tamil Tigers and lauded their efforts.

For the record, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam are one of the world's deadliest terrorist groups. They are highly advanced in their use of political and fundraising techniques (in order to advance their civil war in Sri Lanka).

The Tigers are highly active in Canada.( See

A previous Prime Minister stated that there were no terrorist cells in Canada. Recent reports from CSIS claim that there are over 50 terrorist "sleeper" cells. Who do you believe?

It's probably about time that the ordinary Canadian become more aware of his surroundings and start to question the (lack of) leadership at the highest levels.

If anyone reading this is offended, I make no apologies whatsoever.

If you are offended, then maybe you need to give your head a shake.

Moderator can edit/censor/amend as he sees fit. Somehow, I don't think he will.

Well, good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow!

Keep your helmet and flak jacket handy, you may need them as the CN Tower comes a-crashing down!
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Old 12-07-05, 04:55
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Dave Demorrow
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i would love to know what your PMs plan is when you get hit by another country or group. in todays world the high moral ground only makes you more of a target. today you are one of three types of country, for western law and order, a country known as a giant safe house, or a enemy. people are slowly learning this.

about the indians, they have the right to bitch about the steaks.
we have the right to bitch about acid thrown on there women, and the thousands killed along there borders for no reason.
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Old 12-07-05, 05:22
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OK, Dave...I sorta agree with you about the high moral ground remark not being any kind of defense at all.

Y'all lost me with the second paragraph.

Mebbe you should come on up here and see what's really happening in our urban centres...on the other hand, mebbe I should slide on down there and see what happening with the wetbacks and MexTex types.

You've got your problems...we've got ours.
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Old 12-07-05, 17:58
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Dave Demorrow
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what i ment was that having a cook out is a small thing in this world, just like having a cold beer. we should all be able to enjoy that. but there are groups out there that are just a little bit more intolarant about such things. yes its allright to kill people in a sports field but not ok to listen to music, any music. thats what i think we are in the end fighting about. intolirance and stupity on a huge scale.
44 GPW, 43 MB, 42 trailer, 43 cckw
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and the list keeps growing, and growing.... i need help LOL
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Old 12-07-05, 19:46
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It appears from the latest news that the bombers came from Yorkshire by train, three travelling down from Leeds and meeting a fourth in Kings Cross station. They then split off and became suicide bombers. They were caught on CCTV! So, they were British it seems and not only killed christians but muslims and a Nigerian lad.

The police have used amazing forensic techniques and have found bombers' personal effects.
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