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Old 30-08-04, 23:57
Bob Potter Bob Potter is offline
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Default Americans having it right?

You in the Great Snowy North must not take all you see in our media seriously. I am sorry to read that our problems are becoming your problems. This thread is a mirror image of our problems here, except you might substitute other ethnicities. Some of us (altough not nearly ENOUGH of us) have roots that go deep here and we are weary of seeing the work that "our people" did eroded by people who did not make the sacrifices and do the sweating that "our people" did.

The solutions to these difficulties are both painfully simple and painfully complex. I have long maintained that here at least a painfully easy one would be to enact legislation making English the national language.

While we are at it, could you Great Snowy North denizens puh-leeze take back Michael Moore and drop him somewhere in whatever you are now calling the Northwest Territory? Or would that violate some environmental laws . . . ?

I need a beer . . . .

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Old 31-08-04, 00:13
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Americans having it right?

Originally posted by Bob Potter
....While we are at it, could you Great Snowy North denizens puh-leeze take back Michael Moore and drop him somewhere in whatever you are now calling the Northwest Territory? Or would that violate some environmental laws . . . ?

I need a beer . . . .


We're just happy that many of our loonies end up in your Republik of Kalifornia. You're welcome to them... all ya have to do is razor-wire the state off from from the rest of you and you'll be fine...

Here's to your beer... (I'll see that and raise you one)

:remember :support
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Old 31-08-04, 00:19
Richard Notton
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Originally posted by Vets Dottir
If the charge/complaint is filed WHILE a law/rule is still in effect, then even if the law/rule is done away with AFTER the charge/complaint is put forward, in my "logic" those charges/complaints are still valid and exist validly, and should be dealt with under the original understanding. Argh... but thats the beauty of changing the rules mid-stream isn't it? People walk away going "whew' THAT was close, laugh, and walk on undisturbed.
I agree entirely.
What is patently wrong to my mind is that laws either exist by being on the statute book or don't by not being there. You can't pick and choose as the mood suits, although this is what our govt seems to have done.

If they don't like it, then have it repealed by due process, to repeal Magna Carta though would cause a furore of unbelievable proportions owing to its historical significance and its place as the cornerstone of a just and civilised England.

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Old 31-08-04, 00:41
Snowtractor Snowtractor is offline
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Default Re: Americans having it right?

Originally posted by Bob Potter
While we are at it, could you Great Snowy North denizens puh-leeze take back Michael Moore and drop him somewhere in whatever you are now calling the Northwest Territory? Or would that violate some environmental laws . . . ?

I need a beer . . . .

Now just a Gawd@#$%ed minute. Why the hell do we get all the freaks! Send him to Toronto they appreciate self-agrandising mouth peices like him. Mind you, there is that "freezing to death on an ice floe" option...but that is further east in Nunavut
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Old 31-08-04, 00:59
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Re: Americans having it right?

Originally posted by Snowtractor
Now just a Gawd@#$%ed minute. Why the hell do we get all the freaks! [color=red]Send him to Toronto[/cplor] they appreciate self-agrandising mouth peices like him. Mind you, there is that "freezing to death on an ice floe" option...but that is further east in Nunavut
Now just a Gawd@#$%ed minute yerself, laddie... that's in Ontario, where I gotta live at least until Alberta declares independence. Feed him to yer polar bears if you wish, but don't foist the sucker on US...

R: Would you kindly ask HM Queen to repeal the Canadian Constitution and reinstate the BNA? An additional para or two regarding the Magna Carta would be much appreciated as well. We'd also appreciate a properly appointed Governor-General as well, one capable of representing Her Majesty suitably. Thank you so much, old chap. We'll take it from there. Carry on.
:remember :support
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Old 31-08-04, 01:03
Vets Dottir
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Default Hey ... NUNAVIT

Hey ... I'll have nuvavit at'all dammit and I have a cast iron skillet to enforce that!(sorry Sean)

It really IS frustrating and disheartening.
So much of what this site is all about, and this thread, is why my Uncle and others laid down their lives, whether the individual soldiers understood the REAL VALUE of why they were really there or not, they sacrificed for some of the things we have lost and are about to lose now ... their sacrifices, and ours in losses, are still sacrifices worth doing in order to keep our integrity as a country ... as a realistic thing

I feel for you vets and what you must be feeling and thinking when you're aware of the many ways of why you sacrificed, are sometimes being squandered. I, for one, "get" a lot more of these things than I did when I joined, and I have ALL of you to thank for that (even tho sometimes I want my bliss born of ignorance again)

Don't give up til we're truly done in tho.
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Old 31-08-04, 01:26
Snowtractor Snowtractor is offline
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Default Re: Re: Re: Americans having it right?

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Now just a Gawd@#$%ed minute yerself, laddie... that's in Ontario, where I gotta live at least until Alberta declares independence. Feed him to yer polar bears if you wish, but don't foist the sucker on US...
Okay it would seem the NIMBY rule applies where MR Mandy/Micheal Moore is concerned. Polar bears are protected so we don't want to make them sick TOO. What about one of the Old Countries...


ps: who the hell let the Alberta thing slip! come on tell!
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Old 31-08-04, 09:15
Richard Notton
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Default Re: Re: Re: Americans having it right?

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Now just a Gawd@#$%ed minute yerself, laddie... that's in Ontario, where I gotta live at least until Alberta declares independence. Feed him to yer polar bears if you wish, but don't foist the sucker on US...
Oh, we've had the chap here y'know, complete with the bodyguard bruisers that are apparently his "personal trainers".
R: Would you kindly ask HM Queen to repeal the Canadian Constitution and reinstate the BNA? An additional para or two regarding the Magna Carta would be much appreciated as well. We'd also appreciate a properly appointed Governor-General as well, one capable of representing Her Majesty suitably. Thank you so much, old chap. We'll take it from there. Carry on.
Now there's a thought, could be quite beneficial for you too, to say nothing of the sudden huge demand for MLU Red Ensigns.

You need another Harold Alexander you do but we have none any more. One of my historical heroes, hugely competent, all round nice chap and only flawed perhaps by being too equable with some junior commanders who didn't do as they were told once landed in Italy.

It would be nice to think HMQ could send the apparently excessively PC and limp-wristed admin people you seem to have, a Final Note, stating that if she hasn't heard from them by next Tuesday at 11 o'clock, then. . . . . . . . . . . . .but I believe your previous actions of self-determination preclude all this.

However, we are more interested that before all this, she sorts out all this Blair-Borg EU Collective nonsense. Perhaps here's another shower that needs a "Final Note".

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Old 31-08-04, 22:21
Keith Webb's Avatar
Keith Webb Keith Webb is offline
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Default Speaking of that "sucker"

We don't want his sort of propoganda documentaries here either... he seems to have legitimised lying political documentaries which rely on false emotionalism to sway the ignorant.

Down with all that c%@p I say!
I try to make documentaries which are about truth and at least have some sort of redemptive theme, to somehow redress the tidal wave of rubbishy programming foisted onto us through our televisions and cinema screens. It seems people are more interested in being shocked, horrified and roused to anger than learning about what's real in life.

Here's an example of the sort of program I like to make.

I really feel for you Canadians with the sort of PC nonsense which seems to be overtaking you.

Here's to solid, good old fashioned values!
Film maker

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Old 09-09-04, 19:16
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Unhappy Hmmmm...

Interestingly, the news about this seems to have filtered down to the States, to the attention of some I know in the U.S. military community. You can imagine their reactions...
:remember :support
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Old 09-09-04, 23:58
Richard Notton
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Hmmmm...

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Interestingly, the news about this seems to have filtered down to the States, to the attention of some I know in the U.S. military community. You can imagine their reactions...
I can imagine that such was the simultaneous sharp intake of breath that parts of Washington DC were at serious risk of implosion.

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Old 15-09-04, 14:12
Richard Notton
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
For three-quarters of the twentieth century, immigrants came to Canada to take advantage of the freedom and values offered by our essentially British heritage. With Trudeau's rise to power, this was diminished (actually before, if you acknowledge the demise of the Red Ensign). We were SUPPOSED to be a country under one flag, under one set of [British] values, but this continues to erode under the auspices of political correctness and intellectual pandering to the masses.
Begging your collective indulgence for a moment, I find this speech given by Mr. Churchill at a luncheon in honour of Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada, Mansion House, London, September 4, 1941, to be somewhat pertinent.

"Canada is the linchpin of the English-speaking world. Canada, with those relations of friendly, affectionate intimacy with the United States on the one hand and with her unswerving fidelity to the British Commonwealth and the Motherland on the other, is the link which joins together these great branches of the human family, a link which, spanning the oceans, brings the continents into their true relation and will prevent in future generations any growth of division between the proud and the happy nations of Europe and the great countries which have come into existence in the New World."

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