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Old 04-08-05, 17:26
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default New Govenor Generaal!!

The Prime Minister just appointed a Michaelle Jean,a Haitian immigrant as our new Govenor General !!To MLU'ers,who do you think would have been aa better choice,exemplifying our heritage.I personally think this is a political appointment,and feel there are better CANADIAN candidates,for the job.Your input would be appreciated.

A frustrated Canadian,especiaally after this news.
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Old 04-08-05, 17:39
Vets Dottir
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Default Re: New Govenor Generaal!!

Originally posted by Garry Shipton
To MLU'ers,who do you think would have been aa better choice,exemplifying our heritage.I personally think this is a political appointment,and feel there are better CANADIAN candidates,for the job.Your input would be appreciated.

A frustrated Canadian,especiaally after this news.
Why, the ONLY correct choice would be MA YAPPY of course! I have the Canadian typically splendidly blended gene-pool AND the :love: nature AND the to do a bang-up job!

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Old 04-08-05, 18:06
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default Bravo Miss Yappy!!

You are the man!!OOPS!! I mean woman.I could just see the Shadster in his own bed aat thf GG's residence when visiting
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Old 04-08-05, 18:35
Vets Dottir
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Default Re: Bravo Miss Yappy!!

Originally posted by Garry Shipton
You are the man!!OOPS!! I mean woman.I could just see the Shadster in his own bed aat thf GG's residence when visiting
Ab-so-bluddy-lutely my friend! And there would always be a water-dish full of fresh water and a duvet on the floor for (ARF-ARF)SHAD, and a bowl of beer for you too, while the Canadian Red Ensign fluttered in clear view, and CMP's line the driveway to PU and DELIVER MLU-ers and VETS who needed rides any time of night or day and Spitfires to fly to farther away events ... . And everyone will have to speak ENGLISH! And Tim Tams will fill the bookshelves instead of books ... the books will have to be piled on the floor ...

Ma for GG from now and forevermore (I am immortal)
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Old 04-08-05, 18:51
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: New Govenor General!!

Originally posted by Garry Shipton
The Prime Minister just appointed a Michaelle Jean,a Haitian immigrant as our new Govenor General !! To MLU'ers,who do you think would have been a better choice, exemplifying our heritage.I personally think this is a political appointment,and feel there are better CANADIAN candidates,for the job.Your input would be appreciated.

A frustrated Canadian,especially after this news.
I understand your frustration and concur, Garry. However fine a woman this might be, she was chosen to represent this country because of her race, gender, province and heritage. Two successive choices of this ilk indicate to me that this whole concept of "PC" is far too engrained in our morally bankrupt government.

A number of names were bandied about, including Preston Manning and even Marc Garneau. Manning would have been my choice, but I would have accepted Garneau without a second thought.

PMPM has gone over to The Dark Side (and I'm NOT referring to the lady's heritage). It makes a mockery of the position of GG.

:remember :support
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Old 04-08-05, 21:36
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Re: New Govenor General!!

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
I understand your frustration and concur, Garry. However fine a woman this might be, she was chosen to represent this country because of her race, gender, province and heritage. Two successive choices of this ilk indicate to me that this whole concept of "PC" is far too engrained in our morally bankrupt government.

A number of names were bandied about, including Preston Manning and even Marc Garneau. Manning would have been my choice, but I would have accepted Garneau without a second thought.

PMPM has gone over to The Dark Side (and I'm NOT referring to the lady's heritage). It makes a mockery of the position of GG.

It's all about votes...That potlicKing running dog PM ,as a politition,is a back stabbing ignoramous(as far as Canadian History,especially Military history) and convieniently forgets everyone else when it comes to PORK....Paul is in it to stay in power..
Now he has the Quebec black vote...I wonder if he has the Quebec white vote...?
Me....I'm of immigrant stock too,with seniority back to 1787...
FRom the American colonies....
I think I am going to go to the Republic Of Newfoundland ....
I think she'll look good in her Jean tartan.....
Alex Blair
:remember :support :drunk:
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Old 05-08-05, 02:41
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If I was born in the US, I would be from Missouri. I will judge the lady on what she does and how she does it. I remember hearing "doubts" about Ms Clarkson (still do about her sidekick), but in the final analysis, I think our outgoing GG did a creditable job.

So, Ms Jean, "show me".
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Old 05-08-05, 06:23
Snowtractor Snowtractor is offline
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Default New Posting

a statement from the Liberal government today paraphrased as follows " Today in another boorish decision by the Liberal goverment King Paul proudly proclaimed ' THE WEST CAN GO F*#K ITS COWBOY HAT' and made a foriegn born government sponsored eastern JOURNALIST the Governor General of Canada. This lady was not on any of the list the government released of proposed GG's but is a buddy of the PM or one of his friends or business partners.
In another typical move Sir Paul recinded all western Provinces status of "PROVINCE" and reinstalled territorial status to that largely empty expanse. In a statement the PM said " Lately the west has been getting uppety about sending all their resources East and I feel I can decide how the WESTERN RESOURCE TERRITORY is used better than the few people that live ther can. "

I may say it out loud but there are a shockingly large number of people that think it and say it in private out west.
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Old 06-08-05, 01:03
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Default Re: New Govenor Generaal!!

Originally posted by Garry Shipton
The Prime Minister just appointed a Michaelle Jean,a Haitian immigrant as our new Govenor General !!To MLU'ers,who do you think would have been aa better choice,exemplifying our heritage.I personally think this is a political appointment,and feel there are better CANADIAN candidates,for the job.Your input would be appreciated.

A frustrated Canadian,especiaally after this news.
There's no frustrated Canadian like a frustrated WESTERN Canadian! Ever since I became politically aware back in the early '70's I've realized that Planet Ottawa has never had and never will have the slightest consideration for any issues arising out of the West! Even though B.C. and Alberta are two of the three "have" provinces whose money funds Canada so the likes of Trudeau, Mulroney, Chretien and their ilk can buy votes in Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes. Are we chumps or what! What do we get for our largesse? Cancelled Polar 8 ice breaker contract!, Trudeau flipping off B.C.ers in Salmon Arm!, the G.S.T.!, Gun control bills like C-16 and C-68!, the closure of C.F.B. Chilliwack; the home of the Engineers!, the Bloc Quebecois!!!!!So now y'all are surprised that the freakin' Liberals are making politically correct appointments like Adrienne Clarkson and Michelle Jean. Hmm, let's go through the p.c. checklist:

Female? yup!
Visible minority? yup!
Francophone? yup!
Liberal? yup!
Knows nothing about the dreams and aspirations of Western Canadians? yup!
Lesbian? probably!

Ottawa>:dh: <Western Canada
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Old 06-08-05, 16:21
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Default Re: New Posting

In a statement the PM said " Lately the west has been getting uppety about sending all their resources East and I feel I can decide how the WESTERN RESOURCE TERRITORY is used better than the few people that live ther can. "

I hear the PM has suggested a name change for the highest office in the land..... Ost Reichschancellor is more appropiate for his attitude towards the West. After all, don't Ontario and Quebec need more Lebensraum? That appears to be the message his National Socialist Canadian Elitist Party Gauleiters in the West have been expounding for years. "Vat ist gut fur Auschtario ist gut for Kanada!" Ja?

On the lighter side, a little joke:

Question: How does an electrician in Ontario change a light bulb?

Answer: He just stands there and holds it while the universe revolves around him.
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Old 06-08-05, 21:17
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Default NOW, NOW!

Change a bulb indeed! In case you did not hear, we don't have enough power to light the bulb! Our esteemed Premier, a Pinoccio wanna be, came up with the bright plan of shutting down most of our coal fired gennys and import more expensive power from the states - who, by the way, generate power by BURINING COAL! So, now we will be paying more for less, adding to the pollution sent across the border from the states, and we still will not have enough juice.

Now, be nice to us, or we will elect the Fiberals again, and exercise our manifest destiny...AKA the National Energy Policy.

All joking aside, I am sure that the pendulum will swing back to common sense and we will see more representation from the West - and more representation of average Canadians. But first, we must eat our PC diet...

Go Flames Go!
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Old 06-08-05, 23:51
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I'd like to reserve judgement on Mme. Jean until she is in office, BUT:

I had much misgivings about Clarkson, but her well-known arrogant streak aside, I thought she "got" what the role of GG is all about better than most, notably the Commander in Chief duties - and I credit her consort for that, having read a number of his books on matters weighty, poltical and constitutional.

As for Jean, *her* vice-regal consort evidently has, shall we say "sovereigntist" (Quebec nationalist/separatists/secessionist/independence) leanings, and there is some evidence Mme. Jean shares these nationalist and republican sympathies. What she might bring to the constitutional role of the Queen's representative in Canada - given what she's said so far - does not bode well.

We're back, I fear, to Trudeaupian creeping republicanism in the barely-veiled contempt for the office from the Liberals.
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Old 28-09-05, 00:39
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default New Goveror General

It was just announced on TV that 59 % of Quebecers approve of this appointment.In the rest of OUR country,only 38 % approve.

I rest MY case on prior threads.
In retrospect,the scene looked like a festival day in Haiti.


A disheartened Canaadian.

Dammit,what happened to deserving Canadians who have proved their loyalty for many years for this country??And why a TV commentator again??

I give up !!
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Old 28-09-05, 01:35
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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This appointment makes a travesty out of what is otherwise an exalted position. This woman is the defacto head of government? The commanding officer of our Armed Forces?? She hardly speaks English ferchrissakes! And what's this about busing Haitian imgrunts in from Montreal for cheerleaders, while keeping protestors outside the grounds??!!

Here's a clue, Michaelle... this isn't Haiti, THIS IS CANADA. Read my lips.

Don't be disheartened... work to get the bastard who appoints people like this, in the next election. THIS BULLSHIT HAS TO STOP.

At least you knew where Chretien stood... this current bastard knows no depths of political depravity.
:remember :support
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Old 28-09-05, 02:54
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Default Now, Now, Settle Down,

I heard from a PR rep that Her Excellency has designed her own personal vice-regal emblem. I have not yet seen it, but I am told that the emblem consists of (pardon my heraldic ignorance...) of two black mermaids blowing conch shells, on either side of a crest of some nature under scribe with the motto (in French) "Breaking down the solitudes".. Oh, yes, apparently there is a Sanddollar in the mix.

The symbols are of Hatian origin, and the motto refers to the English and French groups in Canada...I would have thought that it would have been more representative of her adopted (Fr citizenship was renounced) country.

As well, the local A-Channel reports that 71% of the QC residents surveyed thought well of the "appointment" and that it perhaps would improve relations with Canada...

...Only in Canader, you say....
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 28-09-05, 04:36
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default Ah-The powers that be !!

Just sitting here thinking about your comments.(GWB & JJ)
When I was with the 306 Wing Pipe Band,there was a meeting,before the annual general meeting,about changing the name from RCAF Association to Air Force Association of Canada.I stood up and spoke my mind but NOOOO!! The annual meeting picked AFAC.Now,these assh-les as a group,never felt the response from Americans,when,during parades in the US they announced us as RCAF.The applause was tremendous.Now,as the AFAC,they look at each other??and after parades,asked"Aren't you guys representatives of the RCAF.I rest my case again,the powers that be guessed it was good for the country,I guess the new boys on the block have too much education and know better !!

Go figure!!
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