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Old 22-11-19, 05:22
Aide Memoire Aide Memoire is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Aldergrove, B.C.
Posts: 47

Originally Posted by jdmcm View Post
Our military vehicle community in BC is a bit splintered to say the least, most of the groups seem to harbor more than a little animosity for the others, and some of our more colorful characters are known Canada wide. Andy has a good point that when Newby is involved people always assume the worst, but I think everyone would have to admit, even Ian's camp that he has brought a great deal of this on himself over the years, so the reputation he has garnered is not totally undeserved.

Very glad to see the Centurion here...much like tanks in general, you can never have enough Centurions

Hmm. Ian supplied all the permits, fuel and HEMTT, Ferret etc. we took out to your show, John Though we were there as part of Western Command of course. Hope to next year as well. That was a really good event.

With the rest of stuff...personality clashes, ambitions, competition, one-upmanship, status hounds, people wanting to be biggest/ best/ first or whatever -- not my thing at all. I'm in it for the exact same reasons I was as a 9 yr. old. It's just now the toys are bigger, the sandbox is bigger, and there are more kids to share with. Anything off-mission from that I have zero interest in and when I get my way - zero part in.
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