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Old 25-09-06, 19:18
klambie klambie is offline
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Posts: 75
Default Linking serials to LCT #'s

As alluded to here and well described on the previous MLU thread, most of the documents that people have uncovered refer to the generic serials of various landing craft, but not to their actual penant numbers (if that is the correct term). Has anyone ever come across any documentation that comprehensively connects the serials shown in the various landing tables to an actual LCT number (or LSI number or any other type of craft)?

I've looked at a variety of primary and secondary sources (mostly dealing with Neptune specifically) for such information without success. I've come across occasional connections (like LCT 610 in the previous thread), but suspect these are usually accidental connections, based on a lucky mention in another account. I assume that someone must have assigned six 'named' LCT/LST's to carry the NNSH transport, but where would that have been recorded? If that level of detail was not maintained, even connections between a particular flotilla (for which penant numbers seem to be locatable) and a set of serials would be useful. I look forward to any education/advice anyone can provide on these assumptions.

I'm specifically looking for the craft associated with the Regina Rifles, but these kinds of requests seem to pop up for a variety of units.
Kevin Lambie
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