Thread: Some Funnies
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Old 27-07-07, 02:05
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Pedr Pedr is offline
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Talking Working on a carrier

Three mates are working on their carrier. One Bloke says to his mate "What's your problem, you don't seem very happy today?"

"Nah!" he says, "Coming here today has cost me a paint job on the house and new landscape gardening. How am I going to afford all that?"

"That's nothing!!" pipes the second, "Today has cost me a new sports car and some diamond jewellery for the Missus. That's expense."

The third guy puts his head down and works even harder. Finally, the other two quip, "So come on smartarse.....what did it cost you?"

"Nothing" he says.

"NOTHING. How'd you pull that off??"

"Well," he said, "I woke up a 3am this morning, rolled over and said to my wife "I'm going to play on the carrier with the boys later.....or we could have sex right now?",

She rolled over, pulled up the quilt and said "Say hello to the boys for me, and make sure you put your dirty clothes in the laundry when you get home.""

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