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Old 01-02-20, 08:57
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Hanno Spoelstra Hanno Spoelstra is offline
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Originally Posted by David Dunlop View Post
The fact that Ford Canada deemed it useful postwar to publish a series of manuals targeting the civil population, suggests these vehicles were far more common than we think in civilian use. Publication probably targeted the commercial dealership network that would not have seen anything new coming through their doors for six years and with enough changes visible to leave them scratching their heads.

Smart idea on Ford’s part really. And now that I think of it, were any commercial manuals every published in Holland after the war covering any of the ex military vehicles that were in commercial use?
Indeed I think it was a smart move, Ford Canada was catering for the needs of the people buying the surplus military and government vehicles which were acquired for domestic use and not shipped overseas. Selling the manuals and parts to owners and repair shops must have been a welcome revenue.

We all know that the US automotive industry lobbied for regulations keeping the vast numbers of surplus vehicles out of their home market. The regulations which prevent importing of ex-MDAP equipment into the USA are still in effect today. I don’t think the Canadian government was that protective?

This very manual translated into Dutch would have been very valuable for Dutch speaking owners in Holland and Belgium. I have never seen one, certainly worth investigating. Apparently a French one was published, possibly this was aimed at the French speaking military during WW2?

Bart Vanderveen told me that while drafted in the Army, he served on the huge vehicle dumps. His Sergeant kept one each of every Canadian Army manual he could lay his hands on. He had a huge private collection. Many years later, Bart heard his former Sergeant had passed away. Upon contacting his widow re. the collection of manuals, he learned to his dismay the widow had thrown the trunk with manuals in the trash...
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