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Old 18-02-17, 04:13
rob love rob love is offline
carrier mech
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Shilo MB, the armpit of Canada
Posts: 7,525

I think the FOD in this case is foreign object debris. The effects of injestion would be foreign object damage.

All of our mules ended up with long bar magnets swinging off short chains. I was always amazed at the amount of stuff they picked up. The difficulty came in that the mules would often leave the tarmac (things like refuelling or servicing) and start picking up even more debris from the roadways, then drag the stuff back to the tarmac. The magnets were soon discarded.

An interesting change on these mules was that rather than the commercial rear tires that they came with, we were to install the early Iltis michelin tires. The block tread design was virtually FOD proof. As a result, the NSN for the Iltis tires remain active in the Canadian Supply system, although the stock is pretty much exhausted.
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