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Old 11-05-21, 16:36
Chris Suslowicz Chris Suslowicz is offline
Junior Password Gnome
Join Date: May 2007
Location: England
Posts: 814

I use a Peak LCR meter for checking values, and the companion ESR unit for series resistance. For electrolytics there's a 1950s-vintage "Reforming Unit, Electrolytic Capacitor, No.1" which will handle up to 350 volts or so, after which it's a matter of "drag the bench supply out" if I need to re-form higher voltage electrolytics (take them up to 350 on the reforming unit, then finish with the bench supply).

For non-electrolytics (waxed paper, paper in oil, mica, etc.) I have an Ionization and Breakdown Tester that will go up to 12kV (or 6kV AC). That's just used for Pass/Fail testing though - you can't fix those types of capacitors.

(The Peak units are semiconductor, so care is needed when using those - making sure there's no charge in the unit under test before connecting up is very important!)

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