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Old 20-08-07, 20:09
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hammond, Ontario
Posts: 5,203
Default Thank you all.....

.....sorry for posting so late.......

After everyone left on Sunday Joyce and I realized we were very tired.........

....... we did bury the only casualty.... the dum squirrel that bleww up the transformwer in front of my house.....

With power restored I had a relaxing shower..... and being totally feed up with beer had a "Margarita"........ 8:45 I crawled in bed....... satisfied and gratified of such a wonderful weekend.

A "BIG" thank you to Mike and the "Kars P&S Crew for bringing all the toys...

...and a thank you to Mike McKingley for the CD Prizes..

...and a thank you to Stew who rangled a General Dynamics T Shirt that Mike will wear aound the Museum...

... a special mention and personal thank you to the Chatsworth mechanic who made a 600 km service call and got our trucks running....Dan Caldwell.

...and on behalf of Joyce and I, Rob and Marcia and Grant, we want to extend our thanks to everyone for making this a memorable Geoff was overheard saying ..... "its the people that makes the difference"..... and I agree.... you all made a difference.

Thank you all for being part of a wonderful weekend.....

Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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