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Old 20-07-04, 00:20
Vets Dottir
Posts: n/a
Talking Frank ....

... Hmmm ... Not if you burn the dried ones.
Guess those wet ones could be OH GROSSSSSSSS as my kid would say... unlike me, she didn't spend her early (or any) years on a farm. That makes me sad because I think my kids really missed out on very important experiences, being city/town raised.

I shall just have to send my daughters some cow and B/B pies I guess

I think Mark is buried under books, papers, and whatever else is burying him at the moment ... he'll be back. Trust me on this That man AMAZES me with his immediate help and free flow of information to members. This history stuff andhelp is his labour of love me thinks. We all owe the man much ... (this does NOT get you off the frying pan hook my friend Hairy-Beast! Especially after calling me Monkey Butt!)

I am interested in hearing more of the scoop on this poop though Interesting stuff.
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