Thread: Lincoln welder
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Old 22-05-10, 02:03
Phill Phill is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Belleville
Posts: 75

The Lincoln SAE S.A.E. 200 amp portable welder, along with it's bigger cousin, the 300 amp were popular for pipeline work and repair welding. Up here most have the Continental 4 or 6 cylinder flat-head gas engine. Some were made with a diesel engine but they are not common. 7018 is a very popular DC rod and in all the years I used a 200 for heavy equipment repair, that's all I used. The 'Shop Floor Talk' forum could help you out with any questions also.

I've never heard of that engine you refer to, but I believe the Hercules was used on the very early models. The vacuum idler is very temperamental and in 1972 the unit was updated with an electronic idler. There is a company in the U.S. that sells conversions for both the idler and the magneto, and supports restoration of these. They had a very stable arc and were very popular. Phil
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