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Old 16-03-05, 21:10
Vets Dottir
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Default Service Records

Hi Lawrie,

You will have to go through the National Archives of Canada as they have all the records.

I scooped this from another thread (this info was posted by Mark Tonner though I posted something too and can't find it for you... Mark's works )

I recommend calling the toll free number and asking the folks there the exact procedure. You can also fax them too but I preferred getting a real voice as much quicker. There is a long waiting list for records once the actual application for them is received by them. It could take months to receive photocopies of them and they do charge for photocopying (about .40 cents per page ... more for any photos etc) Once they've gathered the records they will contact you with an estimate of how much it will cost you, arrange payment, THEN they will photocopy and send.

They may fast-track the search if you have a legitimate reason for fast tracking. They may want proof of your relationship to your father if he hasn't been deceased for 20 years. If he's still living then he probably has to consent to release of them to you.

Give them a call, answer their questions, and good luck with your search.... Karmen

Service Records:

National Archives of Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N3

General information:
Local calls: 995 - 5138
Toll free: 1 - 866 - 578 - 7777
Reference Services: (613) 992 - 3884
FAX: (613) 995 - 6274

At a minimum, you should provide: full name, rank, service number, date of birth and date of death.
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