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Old 18-04-10, 17:33
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Winnipeg, MB
Posts: 3,396

Jesse, you are doing an absolutely outstanding job with your Sexton restoration! It's so nice to see when our military heritage gets that kind of care.

One small observation, I thought I would ask about, just to be on the safe side. I noticed in the photo of the rear of the vehicle, that with the engine compartment hatches open, the insides of the hatch doors and the hull edging were white. It might be that those surfaces should actually match the exterior colour of the vehicle. The reason being, if the situation requires these hatches to be opened for any reason, in theatre, the crew would not run the risk of giving away the location of the vehicle with a large flash of white paint. Typically, the inside of crew hatches on a tank, or doors on any soft skin vehicle like a wireless, office, machine shop lorry, would also be painted as per the exterior of the vehicle for the same safety reasons.

I know that in subsequent postwar repaints of many of these vehicles, this point was sometimes lost to shop workers in various RCEME sites and it is not unusual to run across a white interior door finish, but in the original wartime painting, I am pretty certain white could prove a fatal error.

It's a small point, I know, but you are doing such incredible, detailed work, I wouldn't want you to miss a chance to review anything, if it's an easy fix.

By the way, I loved the clips of the engine run ups. Bet it smelled just as lovely as it sounded!!!

Very best regards,

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