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Old 22-02-05, 21:43
klambie klambie is offline
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Default Regina Rifles - Roll of Honour


I'd also be curious about your source for the Roll of Honour. I presume that all of those published are from the same source, but would be interested in checking. One of my projects is to do what I can to check the accuracy of those lists. In my research, I initially pulled personnel files for 9 men listed as killed with the Reginas on 4 July. I was a bit surprised to find three of them were almost certainly Winnipegs at the time of their deaths. Could just be a fluke, but combined with conflicting information seen in other files (a fair number of mismatched dates), I wonder a bit about the accuracy of the official Regina list.

I have also obtained a copy of what appears to be the original book in which Regina Killed/Missing/PrisonersofWar were recorded. I have just completed entering that list and it appears that there are a significant number of men on the Roll of Honour that do not appear in this document. While it will be difficult to check every name without accessing each personnel file, I hope to check the most obvious discrepancies in time.

Note that the three incorrectly listed Regina casualties mentioned above also appear on the Winnipegs Roll of Honour, so they have not been completely misidentified. Also note that based on my research and the personnel file analyzed here, there is no reason to believe that Lee Frank Long was not a Regina when he was killed.
Kevin Lambie
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