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Old 07-04-03, 07:49
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Snow storms

Originally posted by Snowtractor
Man I miss the blizzards Winnipeg used to get :-( We only get steady snow here in the 3 to 10 cm range a day sort of thing. However when its supposed to be spring it was -25 april 1st night. It just....what's that sound , like grinding, a low rumble....ah f@#k just what I figured , here come the glaciers...

Hi SEAN: Oiy. Sub-Arctic you say? Hmmm. Steady snow. Sub-sub-sub-Zero weather. Glaciers. Winter forever?

Sub-Arctic, I don't know. Never lived there or learned much about it but it sounds like a place you'd want a respite in warm sunny places every so often.

Winnipeg blizzards, I know about. I remember them.
I like the extremes in the weather there, just don't like the `forever winter' part. Here in the Kootenays, tucked into the Selkirk Mountains, we get our definate seasons changes. Snow can dump a load and keep dumping until all the trees are covered in a few inches of snow, looking like absolute magical beauty. (Your typical Winter Wonderland' Photos!!! The roads? Oiy... 'nother story.

Last month we had about 4(?) avalanches that took quite a few lives (why the ski-bums and snow-boarders would try after the first avalanch and known instability amazes me)

When Pierre Trudeau's son went missing the searchers stayed mostly in town. Takes so many people, so much money, and so much risk, to `search and rescue' too!

Watch out for those Glaciers (and big white bears

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