Thread: Smokin'
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Old 02-05-04, 10:23
Richard Notton
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by V_D

On a serious note, i also beleive non-smokers have as much right to NOT be around smoke and smokers have a right to smoke ... all we can do is work it out without killing each other by smoke or by fist. Frustrating all round...

Hear, hear. Our Venerable Dame of Manitoba encapsulates it precisely.

I can't be bothered to extract the recorded scientific word but here's a compendium of the passive smoking mistakes:
The case is not proven or even existant.

England and the western world is being FRIGHTENED to death with health scares, such serious public warnings of imminent health risk by so-called "professionals" include but are not limited to:
wine, musical instruments, obesity, breast milk, HRT, mobile phone masts, soft drinks, television, junk food, slimming pills, budget airlines, farmed salmon, & public transport to name a few.

When you have finished with the innocuous smokers lets consider the drunken mobs at UK football matches directly harming others, the public, the police and causing millions in property damage on these common Saturday rampages.

Hey, lets ban booze and football.

What about the people who willingly force themselves into small holes in the ground and risk many others in saving them, best ban potholing perhaps.

Fell walking? Ban it. Rock climbing? Ban it. People in private aircraft/microlites/gliders (see the AAIB reports), ban that.

What about all the people being hurt and killed falling off their horses, getting kicked and trodden on; the dust being made by the use of hay and straw, the nitrate pollution of waste heaps, the dangerous piles of ordure left on the public highway currently an offence for any other vehicle and especially to two wheeled transport.

Let me see now; horses have mandatory road insurance? Nope.
Horses have roadworthiness check? Nope.
Horses have pollution check? Nope.
Horses have two separate braking systems? Nope.
Horses have engine stop facility? Nope.
Horses have road tax disc. Nope.
Horse drivers have horse driving licence? Nope.
Horses comply with accepted traffic flow and speed? Nope.

Best ban these too then.

Try listening to CH67 (Solent Coastguard) here, we have to have two helicopters and a heap of lifeboats to save those on jet-skis, dinghys, yachts, inflatables, plus sport divers, swimmers, sail boarders.

We can ban all those. Think of the savings in lives and money.

Just wait until the Eurocrats tire of the anti-smoking attacks, probably when the revenue reduction becomes apparent. This is how it works, some minion has a bright idea, oh people have old army trucks, let's have a look at that.

Appoint a commissioner (un-elected), commissioner appoints a body of _his_ chosen people (un-elected); after huge expenditure of EU cash mountain a fork lift truck of paper is presented and they find:
Vehicles do not conform to EU standards.
Do not pay taxes generally.
Currently exempt annual inspection.
Grossly inefficient.
Highly polluting.
No E marked parts.
Involve commercially controlled procedures done privately.
May be armoured and so un-stoppable by police.

It is required that commission findings are then encapsulated in law. Result, ban them.

DouggieB, why have the French banned private, ex-mil, armoured vehicles? Has one ever been used in a crime? Has one ever been involved in any illegal incident or even a road accident? What is the threat, percieved or real?
Honestly, I really don't know and have failed to find out.

Perhaps best to leave the focus on the minority smokers before other easy to eliminate minorities fall into the spotlight.

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