Thread: Snow
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Old 03-03-05, 01:32
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Jon Skagfeld Jon Skagfeld is offline
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Default Re: Snow

Originally posted by Hanno Spoelstra
"Snow? So what?", the Canucks might think.
"Snow? What's that?", our Ausie friends will ask.
Well, it snowed in Holland.
Of course we've had snow before, but it's been 20 to 25 years since it snowed as much as it did today.
The North of Holland has as much as 50 cm snow.
Tonight temperatures will drop to -10 to -15 Centigrade, the coldest night since 1971.

Gordon, I need Puff!!
"Snow? So what?", indeed, says a Canuck.

We've gotten over 60cm over the last 3 days on top of what we've accumulated before that. Where I live, it's not called "Snowen Sound" for nothing.

It's at the stage now where I am more familiar with the controls of my snowblower than I am with the controls in my own vehicle.

But, this too shall come to pass...Daylight Savings Time is only 3 weeks away. Warm up your CMPs!

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