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Old 14-04-03, 07:23
Posts: n/a
Default Re: offended? not me


? Why is it traditional for women to get married in white - so they're camouflaged against the kitchen appliances !!!!!

( tongue in cheek - foot in mouth!)

Hmmm...interesting. T R A D I T I O N also has women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen cleaning the stove and the fridge while daddy brings home the bacon. Or Rabbit. Or cat. Whatever.

Traditional roles have been too hard (BURDENS) on both sexes. Some men would have been happier and better at home with the kids while some women would have been better out winning or chasing down the bacon. To me its...who wants to do what, who's good at what, who's happy at what? etc Too bad life isn't structured for human beings hey? If you like traditional roles, far out. If not, then do it different.

I personally think it's tougher to be a man in some ways, because the financial and survival level was generally his burden alone...a wife and 6 kids is a lot to support and society said that it was shameful for a woman to work and shame on the man who couldn't provide and let "his little woman" work, etc.

Its nice that the roles are becoming more "humanized".

Now if only the eople could get more humanized (GRIN)

Hey Dave... when you get burnt offerings (burnt dinner) could that be happening on purpose???? huh?
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