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Old 19-02-21, 16:11
Ed Storey Ed Storey is offline
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Default Everyone is Under the Microscope

Originally Posted by chris vickery View Post
This is the time that I always preached
to those “less supportive” fellow firearms owners. In the hobby there has always been fractures between enthusiasts. The guy shooting his $5000 trap shotgun shooting clays looking down his nose at the guys who wear green to the range shooting those “military things”. I heard it more than once, asking why I need this or want that. I have always been of the mindset that no matter a persons flavour in pursuit of shooting sports, we all look the same to John Q. public. The shooting sports family has to accept much of the responsibility by not supporting each other’s disciplines and having a stronger voice. Matter of fact, I know of at least one younger guy who didn’t really understand my “need” to own military guns yet has a huge collection of Airsoft himself. Guess him and his kiddo friends aren’t so smug now.
A certain part of me laughs at the hunter types who think they are “safe”... For now.
I totally agree with everything you said and could go further to say that the MV community needs to ensure that they too have a united front as it is very easy to ask why anyone would want to own an ex-military vehicle. We saw it with the medals collectors a decade ago where the public was lead to believe that the collectors were profiting from valour and that only Legions and Museums should be allowed to own them.

Remember John Q. Public votes and they are not well in formed on what collectors or sport shooters/hunters do and why they do it.
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