Thread: London Blasts
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Old 13-07-05, 01:49
Col Tigwell Col Tigwell is offline
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There was a report here, that their big break through came from the people on the bus.

Apparently one of the people on the bus was the bomber.

Another story was he was using the bus as an excape route, when for some reason he (I presume it was a he) could not make it into the underground. The story reported was he was trying to negate his bomb when it went off.

Like all stories produced by the press, who often have scant facts, these comments may not be correct. However if they are true, then they show that the training may have left much to be desired, THANK GOODNESS.

The British people have travelled and survived greater problems than this one. One thing these people should understand, is that British Intellgence is amongst the best in the world.

Whilst there are many who would not agree with me, I think we have to play this game the way they understand best. Putting them in the dock only gives their cause greater coverage.

I for one would like to see them shipped to their relatives in little boxes, with no knowledge to the public.

Good on ya Britts, hold your heads up high, once again you have shown the world the sign of dignity.

Col Tigwell
Vietnam Vet and proud of it.
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