Thread: Laundry
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Old 10-03-06, 08:18
Vets Dottir
Posts: n/a

Hi again ...

From everything I've heard and read so far about the happenings over there, I suspect the Canadian's and other Allied forces breaking the rules of war were a reaction TO what they saw and learned of how coldly and cruelly the SS and divisions did to the local citizens and Allied soldiers ...

Human nature, seems once one side crosses a line, the other side is outraged and reacts in like for like revenge actions. I think there is nothing so capabale of making people lose control and give into outrage as war can ... two wrongs don't make a right though ... or do they?

I dunno ... what would I do? I think if outraged enough by anothers destructiveness or cruelty I suspect that the force of rage in me would bypass every human standard or rule ... when push came to shove.

If I'd witnessed my Uncle and those men coldbloodedly machine gunned ... and had a machine gun at hand, or anything, I'd use it against the murderers to kill them, I'm sure ... while at heart, as a woman/mother, I'd be in a lot of inner turmoil about what I'd just done. If I'd walked along and come upon the atrocities of the concentration camps ... same ... I'd kill the murderers in their tracks? Outrage and rage and a need to stop them would pull the trigger ... I can't imagine any life experiences more intense than prolonged conflict or war, nor anything so deeply primal as far as the responsive psychology and emotions go ... pure survival mode.

Yes ... I hope the scale of atrocities never happens in our world again ... whether as a first blood, or a reaction to those who did first blood.

Ma is IN-TENSE eh?
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