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Old 04-12-16, 01:36
MicS MicS is offline
(Michel Sabarly)
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Originally Posted by Eugene_Watts View Post
Hello All newcomer to the forum.

I was wondering especially after seeing this thread as to the tactical Numbering of the tanks. I see here exp C41 and A21 what does that mean and is it the same as how I have seen a picture of the 27CAR IE 14 and 21.

So example as below would be A squadron 1st Troop and would A13 be a Firefly??

Sher V, T 147921, A1, 1,
Sher V, T 150691, A11, 1,
Sher V, T 148706, A12, 1,
Sher V, T 228753, A13, 1,
I think the answers are "No" and "No".

A1 has to be the tac number for the first of 'A' Sqn HQ tanks, and the numbering for 'A' Sqn must be:
SHQ - A1, A2, A3
1 Tp - A11, A12, A13, A14 (not listed)
2 Tp - A21, A22, A23, A24 (not listed)

As noted by John above, there is only one Firefly in the list (labelled "Sher Vc, T 228681, C44, 3, -").

Obviously the regiment does not have its full complement of tanks yet: 'A' and 'B' Sqns only have 15 tanks each, whereas 1 & 4 Tps of 'C' Sqn have 4 tanks each, making up a total of 17 tanks, when full estalishment should be 19 tanks per squadron (3 in SHQ plus 4 in each of the 4 Tps).


Last edited by MicS; 11-12-16 at 00:42.
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