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Old 06-08-05, 16:21
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Derek Heuring
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Corinth, Texas
Posts: 2,018
Default Re: New Posting

In a statement the PM said " Lately the west has been getting uppety about sending all their resources East and I feel I can decide how the WESTERN RESOURCE TERRITORY is used better than the few people that live ther can. "

I hear the PM has suggested a name change for the highest office in the land..... Ost Reichschancellor is more appropiate for his attitude towards the West. After all, don't Ontario and Quebec need more Lebensraum? That appears to be the message his National Socialist Canadian Elitist Party Gauleiters in the West have been expounding for years. "Vat ist gut fur Auschtario ist gut for Kanada!" Ja?

On the lighter side, a little joke:

Question: How does an electrician in Ontario change a light bulb?

Answer: He just stands there and holds it while the universe revolves around him.
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