Thread: Nazi Racoons
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Old 30-11-06, 05:38
Vets Dottir
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Just figuring

Originally posted by Ponysoldier
Ahhhhhhhhh just from the subject at hand, I figure
that nipper is a racoon. You do know that those
cute little things can kill a dog,and will take a cat
for a light snack They can be down right nasty.
Down here they carry rabies nine times out of ten.
Then here's one for you too, Pat ... ...

Yes, Nipper is a Toronto racoon that used to visit our deck daily, we/I would provide dinner and/or snacks (they love cornchips!) with his relatives. Nipper named Nipper because he nipped Geoff one day and liked to try nipping me now and then, but I'd yell at him or swat his nose and would take my hand that fed him, away

By the way all you MLU-ers I'm NOT going to let Geoff get away with this tuff he-man stuff ... HE LOVED TO FEED THEM TOO and missed them when they didn't visit, most times!!!

May Yappy strikes again
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