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Old 11-04-03, 23:44
Tim Sullivan Tim Sullivan is offline
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Location: Hamilton, Ontario
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Default Re: Re: That's just about enough of that, thank you...

I might also like to point out that both Hanno and Michael D. posted that they were opposed to the war. Considering the abuse I have suffered for posting my views, I fully understand them not saying anything more on the subject, and any others for that matter.



Although there might be members of this board that have opinions AGAINST the war, as you said you seem to be the only one that openly voices your anti-war ideas. You cite it's because of bow you have been "attacked" in your anit-war postings, but I'd argue that the others don't post not because they're worried about being attacked, but they know that the majority of the board here are Pro-war and out of respect for Geoff the forum owner and the other members they keep their opinions to themselves.

Not only that but you seem to go out of your way to make sure every thread about the war has an anti-war piece of rhetoric attached to it, I'll use the thread that I made comment in before, the light-hearted and joking thread about funny quotes. You brought the light-heartedness down with a posting about Brits cleaning the dead bodies of their fallen camerades.....I don't see the relevent nature there. You found humour in their having to wear NBC suits to protect themselves from American munitions...sorry, that's not funny.

I'm not necessarily pro-war myself. I DO think the UN should have backed up the resolutions it made, but I also question why "all of a sudden" Iraq was such a concern for the U.S., so don't think this is another comment from a pro-war supporter. I agree with you that you were chided by another forum member, perhaps too harshly. But you can't attack him back, that's the whole "two wrongs..." arguement. You would have been far better to have taken the moral high ground and commented to Geoff about it rather than making your comments.

Nothing personal against you Alexander, but it just seems like you are taking the radical left against the war proven by some of the radical leftist "news" sources you cite in your postings. You KNOW most on this board are pro-war, you aren't going to change their minds any more than they'll swing you in favour of the war, so why bother trying? Why not save your postings to comment on subjects of less controversy... maybe WWII paint colours? hehehe.....

Let's keep the personal attacks out of the board mates, it's nice to have a friendly atmosphere here at MLU, let's hope to keep it that way....

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