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Old 07-04-08, 08:37
Vets Dottir 2nd
Posts: n/a

Call to families of the Executed POWS ...


This lady, Celine Garbay, has got in touch with me through Geoff, and I have just contacted her back telling her I will help in whatever way I can, including getting in touch with other Executed Soldiers relatives who have contacted me in past and put them in touch with her. I decided to post her letter as she and the Museum would like contact from other family/relatives of other Executed POWS, so if you could please pass on this information and the contact details for Celine, I would really appreciate it. I would love to see this exhibit a reality!!! Who wouldn't?

I have emailed Celine that I've posted this

Thanks a lot folks,



I have been reading your on-line forum with great interest this afternoon and would like to get in touch with one of your members, Vets Dottir (Karman).

I work with the Canadian Battlefields Foundation and live in Normandy, in Le Mesnil Patry. I was contacted this morning by the curator of the museum at Tilly-sur-Seulles who would like to create a permanent exhibit in honour of the Canadian POWS executed by the 12th SS. He has specifically asked for help in finding documents and witness accounts relating to the murders, but also asked about finding the families of some of the victims. In his request he mentioned the victims of the Chateau d'Audrieu, but I cannot imagine that he would limit himself entirely to that one location.

Karman herself would have much to contribute thanks to your forum, and in one post she said that she had been contacted by other relatives of soldiers who had been murdered in June 1944. I'm sure the museum would appreciate information from as many of them as possible.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Very best regards

Céline GARBAY ( cngarbay @ hotmail . com) (remove spaces to email her)

Canadian Battlefields Foundation
vice-president (France)
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