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Old 08-09-07, 10:42
Paul Ramsden Paul Ramsden is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Nottingham UK
Posts: 32
Default Bulldozer Question

I know its not really a CMP question but you blokes seem pretty knowledgable about these things.
In have been reading accounts of the British using D4 and D7 Bulldozers. What do these designations actually mean? I presume it is weight or something. Picture comparisons or dimensions would be useful.
The reason I ask is I read an account of the British parachuting D4s into the Borneo Jungle and as a model maker thought it might make an interesting diorama. However in 1/35 scale I can only find the resicst D7. Would it be feasable to parachute a D7 or are they way too big?
I also found a Clarke Airborne Bulldozer, how does this relate in terms of D rating?
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