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Old 06-08-07, 13:58
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John McGillivray John McGillivray is offline
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Default Re: Welcome Home ROTO107

Originally posted by Wayne McGee
Well, the last of the 2 RCR ROTO will be back home any day now and I wish the best of luck to the VanDoo BG in their misson.
Putting all of the political/media trash aside, over concerns of a French Canadian BN deploying, I'm sure that they see themselves as contributing to a worthwhile Op. Unfortunately, the odds of the BN coming out of this ROTO unscathed are slim. We, back here in Canada (Franco and Anglo) had best steele ourselves for the inevitable "talking head" annoucement of a Quebec (not Canadian) soldier casualty. This will, no doubt, inspire a political feeding frenzy. While Layton goes on a rant, the Bloc will secretly rub their hands in glee. Hopefully the PM can muster up some poise (something he's not really famous for) and remind the Country, that being the envy of the Global Community comes with Global Responsibility, now let's quietly grieve with the mother who's world has come crashing down.
My most heartfelt condolences to those families who have lost loved ones.
My concern is that with all this media hype the R22R battle group is being set up for special attention from Timmy. The Canadian media and politicians make it sound that inflicting casualties during this rotation will have a greater political impact than on other rotations, i.e. making them into higher value targets.

Also I am sure that some in English Canada are waiting for the first perceived screw-up by the Van-Doos, so they can engage in their favourite sport of Quebec bashing.

One should remember that the troops being sent to Afghanistan are Canadians! Quebec, in spite of the best efforts of the PQ, BQ and their allies in the rest of Canada, is still a part of Canada. The Van-Doos includes French speaking troops from all parts of Canada, and not just Quebec.
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