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Old 02-01-07, 03:41
Vets Dottir
Posts: n/a

Hey Bill,

Welcome back! I was beginning to wonder if you had got stuck in the snow somewhere I'm assuming you had a great Christmas with your dad and family.

As you can see, I managed to get those photos done and in here (grin) I still wish I had been more awake and less frazzled and scattered. I think I needed about an hour lay down/rest once off the bus and when I was finally able to find my suitcase and drag it round everything/everyone and finally found you. My bag just had to be around the otherside and buried under everyone elses things ... the whiz through the passport office really made up for that, because you saw me dropping everything by then and about ready to sit and not get up again As you say, the PP visit was a "Christmas Miracle" that I still don't know why the special treatment. I do know I still feel a bit guilty for all those others I know I was jumped ahead of, but I'm really glad I was.

By the way, I WAS worried about you coming back and finding me gone, thinking I'd be gone forever in the other room, so I was really glad I was able to get right back and set your fears at rest!

When I got in my daughters apartment, after several more great hugs with her, I collapsed and sat for a while. PHEW! If I remember correctly, I even had a beer with my kid! (It's all a blur still)

Another by the way, my daughter really was happy and grateful for what you did for her dear old Mom. She's very impressed!

I regret not having more time with you to sit and talk (me - cherantly) about everything. I wanted to hear a lot more about your research, writing, and your Dad, and and and ... another time though, I'm sure. I'd be honoured to have a good visit smetime in future and hear all about everything. Between you and Geoff, I can only imagine a most wonderful book as a tribute to your Dad and those wonderful Kangaoos. I'll definately buy a copy, so set one aside for me when it's accomplished! And if you are ever this way, don't forget to call and we can all enjoy a visit.

Well, for me it's business as usual again tomorrow, as I'm sure it is for most MLU-ers. All of the hoopla has passed. Back to docs appointments, physio and OT sessions, and planning my visit to Oz in March (so not sALL so business as usual after all!) It never occurred to me how much there is to think about and arrange for an off-the-continent long visit!

All the best to you and your Lady Love, Bill, for 2007.

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