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Old 23-12-06, 07:46
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Keith Webb Keith Webb is offline
Film maker, CMP addict
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Default Corowa details

Here's a notice from Jan Thompson, secretary of Khaki Vehicles Inc, the body coordinating the event:

Monday12th March to Sunday 18th of March 2007.
2007 will be the year of the STAFF CAR and CYCLE.

Here is an incentive to get your Staff Car, Motorcycle or bicycle finished in time to participate in the parade through Corowa on Saturday 17th March 2007.

Until we can obtain more sponsorship we hope you will help us to continue to run this event by making a small donation of $5.00 per vehicle, which will assist in covering the costs involved in running this great event.

We ask you to pre-register for the event as it will save considerable time when you arrive and will give the organisers a better idea of numbers attending so that the event can be organised earlier than has been previously possible. For people pre-registering prior to the 28th February 2007 they will receive a memento upon arrival at Corowa. The Corowa RSL who owns the Corowa Sports & Citizen’s Club [alongside Ball Park Caravan Park] is our major sponsor and will probably offer meal vouchers for participants again. By filling out your interest in attending the Friday evening function we can put meal vouchers aside for you.

A registration form has been circulated, please fill this in and return it as soon as possible. This registration does not positively commit you to attending but allows us to get under way. If you give us your Email details we can quickly inform you of any changes to the program.

The registration tent will be open for business on Monday 12th at Ball Park Caravan Park, Bridge Road, Corowa. We will be allocating times for registering and will advise these times on a board outside the tent.

The Swim In is not organised by any specific vehicle club or clubs.
KVE Inc. is not a vehicle club. KVE Inc. does not intend to try to set any rules or regulations relevant to this gathering, but would like to bring to your attention the following points. This is, in part, relevant to our insurance cover.

(1) Vehicles attending must;
(a) be on full road registration,
or (b) be on conditional or club registration,
or (c) have a permit to move for the term of the event, valid in NSW,
and (d) have a minimum of third party property insurance cover.

(2) Weapons or replicas thereof come under the jurisdiction of the NSW Police and may only be displayed if the vehicle owner has a relevant Firearms Licence or a Commissioners Permit to do so.
The onus is totally on you the individual to comply with NSW laws.

(3) If an Amphibious Vehicle enters the river it then comes under the jurisdiction of the NSW Maritime Authority.
Once again the onus is totally on you to comply with their regulations.

Secretary. Jan Thompson
Film maker

42 FGT No8 (Aust) remains
42 FGT No9 (Aust)
42 F15
Keith Webb
Macleod, Victoria Australia
Also Canadian Military Pattern Vehicles group on Facebook
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