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Old 10-12-06, 18:06
Vets Dottir
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Pedr, Cliff et al...

I thank you for your comments and support. After several conversations last night on the phone and internet, it has been decided that if I can arrange it, I shall escort Karmen on her Antipodean Adventure.
I can think of nothing better than to have the Grand Master of MLU his-self along on this journey, escorting me along and enjoying meeting you Great MLU and other Aussies in the land of OZ and CMP's and SHEEP and SPIDERS (you'd best bring your own frying pan!) and other adventures. I hope you can make this happen Geoff.

You Aussies have been a HUGE and wonderful DAILY presence and supporters of MLU. It's only fitting that MLU-ers should come visiting you all

Today I'm still rather stunned here. I'm amazed at what you people are thinking and doing and although I've babbled on about it all, I may have babbled, but I'm still feeling, "Holy crap. Eh? Wow! I don't know what to say!"

Maybe some more Tim Hortons now ... will set my brain right?

Back soon ...

Ma Yappy
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